Gender Affairs Office


Category: HOME
Published on Thursday, 25 November 2021 11:16
Written by Super User
Hits: 3799

news blink Cisco Academy trainees certified

Cisco Academy trainees certified2Wallagga University ICT development office has certified the second batch of 2022 Cisco Networking Academy 39 trainees. The trainees were drawn from students, internal technical, admin and academic staff, and workers of various organizations including Bank and ethio telecom. The ICT directorate office has presented them Certificate for the successful completion of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA EI) course which has been provided for five months. The Cisco Networking Academy CCNAv7 curriculum is designed for participants who are seeking entry-level and senior job positions in the ICT industry or hope to fulfill prerequisites to pursue more specialized ICT skills. The CCNA EI curriculum is presented in three courses:

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news blinkAnhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.)

The contractor, Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.), handed over the Project, Collaborative Smart Classroom Solution, an advanced technology implementation, which includes Smart Hardware, Software and Multimedia Content designed to assist teachers, students and management of the university in meeting day to day challenges and enhancing its academic performance. During the handover ceremony, His Excellency, Dr. Hasan Yusuf, said the project is few of the most successful and exemplary projects the University managed to have completed within the time framework and bid won capital allocated to, as per contractual agreement.

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 news blinkScholar’s discussion has started in our university with the title "Role of intellectuals in nation building

Scholar’s discussion stage has ended in our university3

Mr. Million Mateos, who started the discussion stage, is the chairman of our university board and the one who presented the ideas of the discussion and directions of the government focused on national issues, is Dr. Eyob Tekalign, the minister of finance and economy.

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news blink STRI held research review

STRI held research review1

Wallaga University Science and Technology Research Institute held a one day research review program at the University's Incubation center.

Wallaga University Science and Technology research institute is one of the research institutes established under Wallaga University Research, Community Engagement and University Industry Linkage Office.

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