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Two PhD Students defeneded their dissertations successfully

Category: Two PhD Students defeneded their dissertations successfully
Published on Monday, 20 February 2023 06:06
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Two PhD Students defeneded their dissertations successfully

331057044 887335032577114 6576280858573734771 nIt is with a great pleasure that Institute of Language Studies and Journalism (ILSJ) announced two PhD students of Afan Oromo Language and Literature department successfully defended their Dissertations, today (16 Feb, 2023). The two candidates (as of today are Doctors in Afan Oromo and Literature are namely: Dr. Abebe Bekele Kasa (PhD) and Dr. Dame Abera Bacha (PhD).

ILSJ is one of the institutions commenced with the inception of Wallaga University, in 2006 G.C. To realize the mission of higher learning institutions in general and Wallaga University in particular, contributing its part in the three pillars (Teaching-learning, community service and research activities). The institute started teaching various programs in different modalities and levels, pioneering in post graduate studies, MA in TFL, PhD in TFL and MA in Afan Oromo and Folklore, MA in Afan Oromo and Literature, PhD in Afan Oromo and Literature. As a result, several academic professionals have been produced and are contributing their parts in the nation-wide academic sector capacity building.

331057044 887335032577114 6576280858573734771 nPertaining to Post-Graduate studies of ILSJ, two departments are actively running both Masters and PhD programs in different modalities and one of the department is running MA program only. For instance, in the department of English Language and Literature, there are about 47 MA in TEFL active students/lists and 32 PhD in TEFL students enrolled in summer and regular modalities respectively.

The other sister department running PG programs from ILSJ of WU is Afan Oromo and Literature Department. It has to be noted that Afan Oromo and Literature Department is a pioneer department in opening PhD program in Afan Oromo among Higher Learning Institutions of the country. Currently, 25 active PhD students are pursuing their PhD program in in teaching Afan Oromo and Doctor of Philosophy in Education in Mother Tongue. Besides, a number of students are enrolled and pursuing their MA program in different modalities (regular, week-end, summer). Department of Afan Oromo and Lityerature is excelling in producing competent professionals in relation to PhD degree in the history of higher learning institutions in the country. Similarly, Amharic Language and Literature department currently has 35 MA students enrolled in summer modality.

Concerning staff profile, the institute has high academic profile in the university. There are about 25 assistant professors and 1 Associate professor to run the PG programs.