Vision and Mission of physics department

Category: About Physics Published on Saturday, 01 January 2011 Written by Joomla!


Exposing the students to various technologies and motivating for deep learning and practicing in the respective subjects. Train them to develop innovative ideas to produce new start ups programs for developments of the country.


To produce competent and innovative professionals in various disciplines through practical, lifelong learning; engaging in research, technology transfer and community services and promote good governance to the development endeavors.

Establishing an innovative Science centre in the department which is a resource centre for supporting and motivating student skills in the various technologies involved physics principles.

Success in the vision and mission of the Department is believed to add several values to the Department. Innovation and Creativity, which is accompanied by quality, will make the Department a centre of excellence. Workers’ academic freedom, stewardship, commitment and Empowering will provide the Department with high institutional respect. Democratization, diversity, and team spirit will be other values added to the university.

The goal to be achieved by Physics department of Wollega University is multifarious. It works to increase the satisfaction level of concerned stakeholders by providing accessibility and equity of education, research outputs, and community services. It also works towards improved optimum diversification, generation and utilization of financial resources. It is to improve quality of students’ academic and Social Services. The department works to improve participation and transparency in service processes by promoting communication and networking with partners and community. Furthermore, it enhances reform implementation, grievance handling, legal and anticorruption activities. The department also deserves to improve infrastructure, facilities and enhance staff and leadership capacity development and retention, and improve working environment and culture.

Program of Physics Department

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