
Category: Words_of_gratitude
Published on Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:32
Written by Super User
Hits: 954


Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 6Wollega University annual research conference has successfully completed.

"This was a great research conferenceā€ many of the participants have sent to me. Thank you for being so positive!

All those who contributed to the research conference: I would like to thank you for all your excellent work!

It is fair to conclude that the conference was a great success! So many people have contributed in so many ways to turn this event into a smoothly running research conference with many very interesting presentations and a very good atmosphere for discussion and networking.

I have heard the staffs of Wollega University have taken care of professional excellence and high-quality catering for all of our guests.

Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 3The Research and community service vice president and corporate Communication offices of Wollega University worked very professionally in registering all participants, interacting with them on many details, organizing many aspects of the conference such as catering, time coordination, logistics and accommodation. Dr Diriba, Dr Girmaye, Dr Ebisa, Mr Belachew and their staffs are gratefully acknowledged. Mr Wakgari were very helpful as usual with a financial management. Dr Ebisa and Mr Michael assisted in the contacts with the media and as Cameraman.

East Wollega zone and Nekemte town administrators, aba gadas, religious leaders, elders, etc. are thanked and complimented for their enormous effort and effective contribution to welcoming and helping participants.

Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 2The ICT staffs are also thanked for overseeing the PowerPoint projections, audiovisual system, conference hall, smart class management and helping with logistics.

All the participants, presenters, chairpersons, rapporteurs are thanked for the great scientific input and for many fruitful discussions and scientific interaction.