
Category: March,2025
Published on Monday, 10 March 2025 06:59
Written by Super User
Hits: 23

Respected Professor Birhanu Nega

Birhanu 2

The Caretaker President of Wollega University Dr. Tesfaye Lemma welcomed all the guests to Wollega University especially the honorable minister and his colleagues to see the current situation, activities and future direction of our university.  We are very happy that you are among us to discuss with the university staff, administrators and advisory council members from all three campuses. Thank you. 


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 Training: for farmers and Agricultural professionals conducted


Training Organized by Wallaga and Jimma Universities, in collaboration with Jimma University's College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, conducted training session for farmers and agricultural professionals at Wallaga University. The training is supported by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education through Water and Development Partnership Programme as part of ABCDryBASIN Project. In this training, the trainees get important information on vermicompost, including properties of vermicompost, life cycle of earthworm, optimal conditions for and classification and contribution of earthworms in improving soil fertility. 

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A discussion was held with academic and research staff.

A discussion was held with academic and research staff.3On 28/06/2017 the newly appointed caretaker president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma had a meeting with teachers, research and technical support staff. It is believed that in order to achieve the vision and mission of the organization, the higher management of the organization, they need to discuss the situation of the organization's employees, their thoughts, their views about the organization and how to work to make the organization go beyond it.

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A discussion was held with Wollega University administration and support staff

A discussion was held with  3

The stage was set up to hold introductory discussion with the newly appointed president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma with the administration and support staff. Noting that different discussions were being held with the heads of each department, expressing that it was not convenient to discuss support staff as planned and as the questions of the discussion were being asked from the staff, today's introductory program was held; They have expressed their happiness to meet the staff in person and face to face.

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