The Department ofLibrary and Information Science is under College of Engineering and Technology since 2014.
Department of Library and Information Science’s first task is to create and facilitate the curricula for the degree programs, building on the models available in other Universities in the world with the like-named degrees, and holding on to the goals set by curriculum review initiative in Ethiopia. The objectives of Programme of Library and Information Science’ are to:
- Provide qualified, skilled and competent professionals that would address the qualified human resource needs of the country's education policy and fulfill the scarce personnel market in the profile;
- Boost professionals learning, teaching, research and services in the area;
Prepare information professionals to have a client-centered perspective to be able to design or adapt information products and services that are responsive to user needs, rather than trying to adapt users to the services;
- Provide professional education for a wide variety of service and management careers in libraries, information agencies, the information industry, and in business, industry, government, research, and similar environments where information is a vital resource. Providing a curriculum that is based on present and probable future characteristics of information professions, emphasizing the essential knowledge, skill, and professional attitude needed by beginning professionals in these fields;
- Produce qualified information specialists or librarians with adequate theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applications of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
- Create the curricula that will provide the profession of Library and Information Science with graduates clustering as librarians, systems/business analysts, database administrators, computer support specialists, network specialists, telecommunications analysts, and Internet and web specialists.