lFirst of all I woud like thanks to have these opportunities to express my deepest opinion regarding Wollega university website on the behalf of program leader of veterinary medicine. Among recently established universities in Ethiopia, Wollega University is one of the fast growing most popular and known university showing dramatical change regarding learning and teaching, community service and research activities. The Unversity has many under graduate and post graduate programs of which Veterinary Medicine is one of its major program. It is obvious that livestock has the major role than any other agricultural sector in addition to improving food security; thereby rising in developing world provides farmers with opportunity to spread risk. Now days, even though livestock production is becoming increasing but expansion of the livestock industry in developing countries were influenced by a lot of livestock constraints. Thus, Sustained production of livestock is impossible unless effective measures are in place to guarantee animal health through exclusion of transboundary animal diseases and serious health management that may cause public health problems. Provision of the qualified men power to meet the needs of various livestock development activities is an important issue. Because livestock industry is the bases and input for the technology transfer which is the strategic plan of the government thereby and actively involved in research. Thus, professionals will play an important role in improving the animal health status so that the productivity will meet the need of ever-increasing population.

Generally, the mission of the program is to produce qualified manpower in the area of veterinary medicine Therefore, to achieve this mission i invite intersteted Governmental and Non-governmental bodis to work collaboratively with us and it is my best wish for all concerned bodies.

Dereje Abera Wako (DVM, MVSc, Assist. Professor)