A strong business program will provide students with a broad base of skills, covering the vast spectrum of facets of the industry, such as marketing, Human resource, finance management skills, and organizational skills. Having a broad background in these will make students a more effective manager. Many businesses firms and industries require such a degree as a prerequisite for certain higher-level positions, making a degree in management necessary for career advancement. To serve this purpose, Department of Management was established in 2006 in Wollega University under the Faculty of Business and Economics with 3 instructors and 39 students. Now it has expanded to 28 instructors and 688 students of which 548 under graduate students and 140 post graduate students. Currently the department is offering two undergraduates programs in BA, in Management in Regular, evening, weekend and summer streams and BA in Hotel and Tourism Management to serve the purpose of requirements of industries and institutions. In addition to it the department is running MBA program in all modalities.