Here is the welcoming and Opening Speech and message to our graduates by His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf, and the University

graduation 2022  4Don’t let your generation be defined by the pandemic, trivializing ethnic and religious divisions, conflicts, violence and disinformation. Let it be defined by unity and public service.

To everyone who is assembled here in this beautiful Hall today to celebrate the graduation ceremony of graduating class of 2022, I would like to say you all welcome!

Anaa haadhufuu, እንኳንደህናመጣችሁ

Dear graduates, Congratulations,

Baga ittiin isin gahe. Baga Gammadan,


Dear Excellences, invited guests and graduates

graduation20225Wallaga University start to function in 2007 with a mission of producing competent and innovative professionals in various disciplines through practical, lifelong learning, engaging in research, technology transfer, community services and promote good governance to the development endeavors.

The University has commenced its teaching function with four faculties namely: 1) Faculty of Business and Economics; 2) Faculty of Natural Sciences; 3) Faculty of Social Sciences and Language studies and 4) Faculty of education (totally 17 academic programs). Nowadays, the university discharges its academic responsibility with two institute (Institute of Language Studies and Journalism); six colleges (Natural and Computational Science, Engineering and Technology, Business and Economics, Social Science, Institute of Health Science and college of Education and Behavioral Science). There are three faculties (Faculty of Agriculture, Resource Economics and Management and Technology) and four schools (School of Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine). Altogether encompasses 233 programs with 12 academic units, 94 undergraduate and 139 Post Graduate programs (119 MA/MSc and 20 PhD).

graduation photo 20221The university launched the teaching-learning activities with 851 (655 male and 196 female) first enrolled regular undergraduate degree students. The intake capacity of the university has increased from year to year since its inception. Due to this, academic and administrative staffs, academic programs and teaching facilities of the university are improving from time to time.

Accordingly, the current annual intake capacity of the university is increased to about 5000 undergraduate regular students and the total students’ enrolment in regular undergraduate students 11,856 and continuing educations under graduate students are 14,327 in 94 programs. The post graduate students (Master’s degree) in 119 programs is (regular students) 522 and in evening/weekend and summer programs is 2,725, PhD program 124 students. The university has begun its duty with 136 academic staff and 154 administrative staffs. Currently, Wallaga University has 1530 academic staffs and 3981 (male 2018 and administrative staff.

Today Wallaga University has setted to graduates 1460 students from all of our campuses in different fields of studies and profession in bachelor, masters, and PhD degrees

Dear Graduates,

graduation20223This year graduating class has been tested in ways that few others have been. You’ve demonstrated extraordinary resilience and patience, both skills that will serve you well as you prepare for life after Wallaga University. Sending you our students’ home in March of 2020 due to Covid 19 pandemic disruption is one of the hardest things we have ever done in this university. At the time, we never imagined that the pandemic would disrupt our university campuses life for close to one year.

COVID-19 pandemic is not the only tragic challenge our students, our staff, our people and our country have faced in the last five years. We have witnessed that how different groups with political interests and external enemies of our country have used multiple deep divisions that existed along ethnic and religion lines within our community to trigger violent conflicts among our communities to kill each other, damage and destroy lives and livelihoods of our citizens including our students, properties, public institutions and basic infrastructures in different parts of the countries including in our particular area.

In our University, there were times when we had dealt with the negative consequences of such crisis and tragedies together. We have dealt with the death of fellow university students during your last five academic years’ time at our University. I do want to take a minute to recognize your fellow students who passed away during your stay in our university.

Dear Graduates,

ggraduation0222These all made your time as students —not what you would have wished, not what any of us would have wished for you — but coincided with the situation of our country and our institution at its best. I were reminded of something that has been true of our country Ethiopia and Wallaga University since its earliest days: We rise to the challenge. Whatever the situations throws at us, we meet that challenge, and we the administrators of this institution, staff and you students did. I could not be prouder of each and every one of you and us. Based upon what I have seen of you and how you have met this moment, I have great faith that you, like those who came before you, will find your way, and will make your mark on your society and your country. I don’t think I have ever been prouder of any graduating class at Wallaga University than this graduating Class of 2022.

Dear graduates,

Being here—being to hold this graduation ceremony for you at this particular time—is moving beyond words for us. But, to our graduates, you did not get here alone. No one accomplishes anything on their own. Please give your special thanks to your family and friends and all those who have helped you reach this special moment during this challenging times. Very soon you will have a degree in hand from our University, the degree that serves as a key to unlock all opportunities and establish your own better future life.

graduation 2022 medals and cupToday, I want to ask you two favors—members of the Wallaga University graduating Class of 2022—first - to help others who didn’t get similar opportunities like you, to make room for others, to ensure that the opportunities afforded by your education do not enrich your life alone. You will have more chances than most to make a difference for your family, your community, your country and the world, more opportunities to give others a chance at a better life. Take advantage of these opportunities when they arise. Whatever you do with your Wallaga University`s education, please be known at least as much for your humility, kindness, and concern for others as for your professional accomplishments. Recognize the role that good fortune and circumstance have played in your life, and please work to extend opportunity to others just as it has been extended to you.

Secondly, I would like to challenge you all graduate don’t let your generation be defined by the pandemic, trivializing ethnic and religious divisions, conflicts, violence and disinformation. Let it be defined by unity and public service.

That is how you will sustain the pride and joy you feeling today.

Congratulations, members of the Class of 2022. You have accomplished great things; you’re going to accomplish even more. Good luck to each and every one of you—and Godspeed.

© Wollega University