This refers to the selection, employment, promotion and training of the university personnel. To provide this human capacity, the university must select highly qualified and capable development personnel across the landscape of the university and maintain their capabilities through organized continuing capacity building schemes for work culture to other professional skills. Our human resource systems must be tested over time to assure their efficiency and effectiveness.
Strategy 1: Comprehensive Staff Development Plan-Develop a University Advancement Staff consistent with current and future needs.
Ä Incorporate values congruency into the interview and hiring process.
Ä Annually identifying future staffing needs, sources of funding and a hiring schedule
ÄEstablish a centralized development consulting capacity that improves outcomes through a defined and customized scope of work for constituent institutions.
Strategy 2: recruitment and staffing scheme – Develop services/programs to support staffing and recruitment.
Ä Hire, develop, and retain faculty excellence in strategic education and research areas.
Ä Monitor hiring process
Ä Develop university-wide resume repository
Ä Develop internal executive search capacity
Ä Develop models for succession planning.
Strategy 3: Professional Development- Establish Professional Development programming to enhance the breadth and depth of advancement skills of all university personnel.
ÄEstablish a professional development series for annual, major and planned giving; corporate/foundation relations; and advancement services staff.
ÄDevelop system-wide philanthropic education for administrative and academic partners
ÄIdentify system-wide mentoring opportunities in advancementÄ Enhance professional and leadership development opportunities to better support retention and engagement throughout all career stages.