Gender Affairs Office

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    LATEST NEWS                           

     anni1bestCelebrate With Us – It's Our 10th Birthday!

    On 20th of May 2017, Wollega University celebrates its 10th Anniversary, which opened its main campus in Nekemte in February 2007 with 851 Regular and 281 Kiremt (summer) undergraduate students. A lot can happen in 10 years! We now have over 32,000 students studying at the three campuses (Nekemte, Shambu and Gimbi). Read More 

    wulogoMaking a Difference: Professionals Playing Their Professional Duties!

     The case method has been recognized as an important pedagogical tool in imparting management education and various Management Schools have used it in varying degrees. Case method provides simulated business decision-making environment interfaced with business issues involved. The business cases of Ethiopia are merely available,  Read More

    SM 1Training on ‘Role of Social Media and Public Relations’

    As part of its active community engagement in building the capacity of government officials working in communication arena and public relations offices, the Corporate Communication Directorate, Wollega University, in collaboration with East Wollega Zone, Nekemte, Ethiopia, organized a training  on the ‘Role of Social Media and Public Relations’ at the East Wollega Zonal Administrative Hall on  April 20, 2017. Read More

     GIM 1National Conference on Nurturing, Promoting and Implementing Indigenous Knowledge in Development Endeavors in Ethiopia: Relations and Dynamics

    As part of its active engagement in sharing research outcomes for the benefit of society as well as providing effective forum for research scholars to exchange knowledge and best practices on issues of national importance, Wollega University organized a two-day’s “National Conference on Nurturing, Promoting and Implementing Indigenous Knowledge in Development Endeavors in Ethiopia: Relations and Dynamics.”Read More

    Gender 2Training on “Women Transformation Leadership Skill Development”

    In line with government’s commitment to empower women through developing their leadership skills, the Gender Affairs Directorate, Wollega University organized a three-days training on “Women Transformational Leadership Skill Development” for female academic and administrative staff members on 1-3 April 2017. Read More

    Sym.Edu 2National Conference on “Quality Education in Ethiopia: The Missing Link between Theory and Practice”

    Conducting educational, research and community based conferences is becoming the culture of Ethiopian Universities in general and Wollega University in particular. With this regard, Wollega University organized a National Conference on “Quality Education in Ethiopia: The Missing Link between Theory and Practice” on 23-24 March 2017 at Wollega University Main campus. Read More 

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  • About Academic



    WU Academic Vice President Office is answerable to the President

     Major function

     As a major function, the Academic Vice President at WU provides the executive leadership in assisting the President in the overall planning, organizing, and controlling of the academic programs.

     Duties and responsibilities

    • Coordinate, direct and lead, the different academic programs: graduate and undergraduate academic programs, continuing and distance education programs, academic staff affairs, office of the registrar, library, and  academic quality and assessment Directorates;
    •  Provide leadership in planning and executing  the development of programs, faculty recruitment and development, and manages  the academic initiatives;
    • Advise, assist and support the president in his endeavor to discharge his responsibilities on academic affairs;
    • Provides leadership in creating and maintaining academic standards and policies
    • Devise strategies which help to follow and ensure the implementation of policies,  plans, rules and regulations, legislation  and other guidelines governing academic  programs, academic and technical staff,  and students; 
    • Works closely and collaboratively  with other Vice Presidents for effective and efficient use of resources and manages the activities of the University’s broad academic directions/vision, priorities and  policies;
    • Supervises the deans of the colleges/Schools/Institutes at WU and the directors of Library, Academic Staff Affairs, Postgraduate and Undergraduate programs, Registrar, and Quality and Assessment Directorates, evaluating and approving their recommendations for different activities.
    • The office of AVP is responsible to  establish programs, policies, procedures, and standards in selection, evaluation, promotion and supervises staff development programs; Ensure the employment and promotion of academic staff is in consistent with the University’s rules and procedures;

    Degrees and Certificates Offered at WU


    •    Designs and exercises the means, methods and resources necessary to achieve academic goals and objectives;
    •  Oversight periodic academic programs audit, evaluation and  review, and curriculum development and closely works with the different units in the improvement of instruction;
    • Performs executive administrative works in academic planning, developing, organizing, directing and evaluating academic programs, policies, procedures and guidelines.
    • provides strong, dynamic academic and administrative leadership, fosters a collegial environment which encourages scholarship, teaching, and learning excellence;
    • Support and ensure the programs of study; prepare and supply qualified graduates in knowledge, skills, and attitudes on the basis of the existing needs of the country;
    • Ensure  the University’s strategic and operational plans are in place for colleges and reporting units, monitoring and supporting best practices, monitoring performances, and promoting positive relations internally and externally;
    • Exercise the responsibilities the President may entrust to him/her.

    Seven offices are accountable to the Academic Vice President

     ·         Continuing and Distance Education Programs Directorate

     ·         Academic Staff Affairs Directorate

     ·         Undergraduate programs Directorate

     ·         School of Postgraduate program

     ·         Registrar Office

     ·         Library

     ·         Academic Quality, Testing  and Assessment Directorate

    Bachelor’s Degrees     

    Master’s Degrees

    Doctoral Degrees

    Graduate Certificate Programs     

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  • Source of Fund

    Sources of project funds

    Funds for research and extension projects can be obtained from the following possible sources:

    Internal research fund

    Government Budget/Grant

    The government has the budget lines coded, 6417, 6271, 6221, and 6223 that may be used for supporting research. Departments and Faculties/Colleges should request budget on these lines based on attractive proposals and with strong justifications. Such budgets may be used to cover costs of consumable materials, funds for senior projects/essay, postgraduate students and funds for organizing trainings, seminars and workshops.

    Research Fund at the University

    The research fund at the University can be raised from 50% of the overhead charges of all projects and from 25% of the consultancy fee accrued to the University and sale of teaching materials and textbooks, if any. I addition to this the University shall allocate research fund from other internal revenue.

    Research fund at the Faculty/College

    Research fund at the faculty/college shall be raised from 25% of the consultancy fee accrued to the University, 10% of its internal revenue and an amount allocated from the University research fund.

    Research fund at the Department 

    The research fund at the Department shall be raised from the 50% of the consultancy fee accrued to the University for the Services carried out by the Department staffs, 20% of its internal revenue and the amount allocated from the Faculty research fund.  

    Local and National Organizations

    Wollega University shall make all necessary contact and relations with local and national sources, such as EIAR, ESTC and OARI. The University should solicit also other funding opportunities or encourage and facilitate researchers to compete in local and national research grant calls, depending on the quality of their proposals.

    External or International Funding Agencies

    Depending up on the nature and scope of the research project, the University shall look for funding from external or international sources. The University shall also encourage individual staff members to look for external and international funding opportunities.

    Operation of the funds

    Research collaboration agreements and contract research agreements.

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  • About Business Application Development and Administration

    This unit is responsible in developing several software applications that have specific purpose in the university

    Roles and responsibilities:

    • Analyzing business processes of different sections of the university and come up with automation solution
    • Automate and facilitate the student-instructor communications
    • Automate and facilitate the full life-cycle activities of students and staff ( from enrollment to   graduation/resignation/retirement)
    • Verify the compatibility, scalability and Integrality the different business automation application going to be implemented in the University
    • Developing or customizing applications 
    • Planning and designing application to automate the administration system of the university (Human Resource, Finance. Procurement, e-learning) and other as required.
    • Developing different web based application to sophisticate the academic, administration and research activities.
    • Working on  quality control mechanism for developed and planned applications
    • Maintenance of developed applications 
    •  Planned application development
    •      Wu management information system –system to be developed and implemented to automate major administrative tasks of the university:
    •     Human resource management, warehouse managementfinancial management, procurement and student registration system

     This team composed of the following ICT professionals:

    •   o  System Analyst and Design
    •  o  Application Development
    •  o  Web master 
    •      Click Here  to see the full staff profile of the unit
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  • Background of Biology Department


     Department of biology is among the seven departments running under the college of natural and computational science college. It is among the pioneer department established since 2006.  The department has currently 24 academic staffs with different specialties and qualifications.  Biology department offers undergraduate program in Biology and biology laboratory technology in the regular session. Similarly there are numerous students training in biology under continuing education programs in evening, summer and weekend programs. Moreover since 2014 the department launched graduate program in MSc. Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology.  Currently, the department has more than 950 students under all modalities.         

    Mission, Vision and core values of the department of biology


    The department of biology embraces and integrates all aspects of the life sciences and related teaching, research an community service, develops and delivers an effective, modern curriculum for graduate and undergraduate students, contributes to knowledge and technology development through research and establishes a departmental environment grounded in open and honest communication, mutual support,  recognition of diverse individual contributions, and trust. 


    From a platform of innovative and effective approaches that integrate undergraduate and graduate education within multi-disciplinary research, the department of biology strives to achieves national and international leadership in research, scholarship and education in all academic levels and provide camps-wide leadership in the integration of life sciences.      


    The department values excellence in all aspects of teaching and research and community service, upholds the ethical practices of science, encourages diversity in students, staff, faculty, and perspectives, and seeks to build a sense of community at both the local and global scale. 

    S. No Academic Rank Male Female Total Remark
    1 Graduate Assistant I 2 1 3  
    2 Graduate Assistant II 0 0 0  
    3 Assistant Lecturer 0 0 0  
    4 Lecturer 17 2 19  
    5 Assistant Professor 1 1 2  
    6 Associate Professor 0 0 0  
    7 Professor 0 0 0  
    Grand Total   20 4 24  
        Year I     Year II     Year III     Year IV     Total     Remark
    S/No Program M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T  
    1 Biology 17 30 47 23 68 91 44 30 74 0 0 0 84 128 212 Regular 
    2 Biology Laboratory Technology 9 14 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 14 23 Regular
    3 Biology 133 59 192 131 43 174 68 28 96 112 41 153 444 171 615 Summer
    4 Biology 26 8 34 0 0 0 14 10 24 0 0 0 40 18 58 Weekend
    5 Biology 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 12 0 0 0 9 3 12 Evening
    6 Biology 7 2 9 9 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 3 19 Weekend PG
    7 Biology 14 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 15 Summer PG
    Grand Total   206 114 320 163 112 275 135 71 206 112 41 153 616 338 954     

    Goals of Biology Department

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  • About Chemistry Department

    Chemistry department was launched in 2007 by taking more than fifty undergraduate students. The department also commenced postgraduate study in four Chemistry streams (Analytical, Organic, Inorganic and Physical) in the academic year of 2014/15.

    Vision, Mission and Values of the Department


    Under the umbrella of Wollega University, the Chemistry Department prepares students for a diverse and changing world through enabling students in gaining experience in a laboratory setting, develop proficiency with high-tech scientific equipment and provision of electives in ones area of interest.. We strive to contribute to a chemically literate society through teaching―with classrooms, laboratories, research, and service. By the year 2012 E.C we will be among the first quartile departments in our University and country and have the staff with assistant professor and above to be 60%.


    The Chemistry Department is aimed to produce competent and innovative professionals by providing rigorous preparation of citizens whose career paths require expertise in chemistry. We are dedicated to rigorous standards for content knowledge, communication skills, research quality, and professional behavior. We are committed to demonstrating science as a human endeavor and as a way to understand the natural world. Our mission also includes community service activities that inform the general public on Chemistry-related disciplines and assist in attracting Grade-12 students within the region into science-related studies. The staffs in the Chemistry Department see themselves as resources for our units, university, western region of Ethiopia, Oromiya state, Ethiopian nation, and world.


    We the staffs of the Department of Chemistry value:

    ü  Academic freedom, innovation and creativity

    ü  The development of knowledgeable and inquisitive students in the chemical professions

    ü  Quality undergraduate research opportunities designed to make involvement in state of the art chemical research a part of a student's chemistry education

    ü  Access to a quality education in chemistry for a diverse range of students.

    ü  Rigorous standards for teaching and learning as well as effective and innovative teaching practices.

    ü  A collaborative, collegial, and cooperative teaching and learning community composed of diverse scholars.

    ü  The synergistic relationship of teaching, scholarship, and service.

    Department directives (Goals)

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  • About Computational Science

    Wollega University was established in February 2006/07 by the Government of Ethiopia as an autonomous higher education institution having its own legal personality. Wollega University has commenced its teaching function with enrollment of 851 regular undergraduate degree students-out of which 49 students assigned to Applied Mathematics under the Faculty of Natural Sciences which is now department of computational Sciences. Due to the implementation of BPR, College of Natural and Computational sciences of Wollega University has come into existence in July 2012. One of the departments established under the new system was the Department of Computational Sciences. College of Natural and Computational Sciences was organized into five departments offering three – year courses leading to the B.Sc degree. Among which one is the Department of Computational sciences has grown considerably to become one of the largest departments in the University, offering many courses. This department by itself comprises the former two departments, namely Mathematics and Statistics, which are now named as Mathematics program and Statistics program.

    Mathematics program

    Statistics Program

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  • About Earth Science
     Launched in 2007 under the College of Natural and Computational Sciences, the Department of Earth Sciences at Wollega University lies in Nekemte town at main campus of the University. Since then, it has been a growing centre for geologic education and research and it is currently running both undergraduate (Geology and GIS) and postgraduate (Exploration Geophysics) programs. The department is home to 42 full-time academic and research staff members off which 4 are Expatriate staff, 15 are on study leave and 306 undergraduate students and 52 graduate students. Moreover, it is one of the fastest up growing departments in the university both in skilled man power and laboratory facilities to accomplish the educational, research and community service callings. Through these years there has been significant curriculum revision which is intended for effectiveness of the curriculum and consideration of advancements in the field.

    Vision of the Department:

    •   To be a centre of excellence in Earth sciences by being a leading institute in teaching, Community services and research.

    Mission of the Department:

    •  To build the intellectual and human resources capacity through teaching and researching in geosciences.
    •  To generate high quality knowledge and advance problem solving GIS & geosciences research in Ethiopia.

    Activities             Labiratory and Facilities

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  • About Physics


    Physics is the fundamental science concerned with the observation, understanding and prediction of natural phenomena and the behavior of man-made systems. It deals with profound questions about the nature of the universe and with some of the most important practical, environmental and technological issues of our time. The scope of Physics is broad and encompasses mathematical and theoretical investigation, experimental observation, computing technique, technological application, material manipulation and information processing. Physics seeks simple explanations of physical phenomena based on universal principles stated in concise and powerful language of mathematics. The principles form a coherent unity, applicable to all objects found in nature. Findings in Physics have implications in all walks of life ranging from the way we perceive reality to things of everyday use.

    Physicists constantly test the basic laws of nature by probing the unknown, the mysterious and the complex. They also search for new laws at the frontiers of knowledge and systematically seek novel properties of matter. In order to meet these goals, the Department is delivering physics in both the undergraduate (BSc) and graduate (MSc and PhD) programs.

    Since its establishment in 2007(1999 E.C.), the department has graduated a number of students in the undergraduate as well as graduate programs. In the 2017/18 A.Y. the department is hosting about 900 undergraduate both in Regular and CDEP and 62 graduate (55 MSc. and 7 PhD) students.

    Currently the department is running two undergraduate programs (i.e Applied Physics and Laboratory technology in Physics) with fourteen instructors, one technical assistant, one secretary, and one laboratory assistant. In addition, six of our faculty members are pursuing PhD in different Ethiopian institution. From these two of them are doing their PhD in Wollega University.

    The department has made collaboration with department of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad and our students are doing their research work in this University.

    Vision and Mission of physics department        Staff Profile

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  • English

      About the Program of English Language & Literature

    The program of English took its inception in 2007 with the opening up of Wollega University. The major objective of beginning the department was to produce highly competent and skilled language professionals for the academic and non-academic purposes. From the outset, the department began with offering major courses for the candidates in the English department, and common courses for other areas of study like Engineering, Health Sciences, College of Agriculture, etc. 

    The major objective of the program is to produce highly competent and skilled language: English professionals for the academic and non-academic purposes. At present the department is offering general degree program in English (BA degree) for regular, evening students and BEd courses for summer students & MA in TEFL with the changes that took place in the area of training and development. In addition, the department opened distance education program to meet the growing need for high level English professionals in the country.


    Mission of English Language & Literature  is to achieve excellence in producing competent English language professionals who can play their decisive role in the multifaceted development process that the country is embarking on and offer quality education in order to produce highly qualified and internationally recognized professionals on their field of study-Language. In addition, the program need to be a model in research and consultancy service through practical based, lifelong learning, and promote democratic culture to contribute to the national development of the country.


    English Language & Literature program aspires to be a program of excellence in Wollega University in producing competent citizens and high-level English language professionals and researchers that could play a critical role in the language, generate new knowledge and adapt relevant knowledge to national development.

    Objective of English Language & Literature 

    • To train English Language professionals for various competencies and occupational purposes;
    • The program has the following specific objectives:
    • To equip students with basic English  language skills and knowledge needed for a various purposes;
    • To equip students with knowledge of how human language functions or the scientific study of language;
    • To enable students appreciate and criticize literary works;
    • To enable students to conduct research in their field of study;
    • To equip students with communication and public relation skills as well as media use;
    • To enable students translate and interpret various discourses.

    English Program Course Breakdown

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  • Wollega University organizes Two Days Field Visits

    Wollega University organizes Two Days Field Visits

    Shambu Field 2The Research and Technology Park of the Wollega University (RTP-WU) organized two days field trips at Shambu focusing on adaptation trials, indigenous seed conservation and multiplications of different highland crop yields (Cereals, Pulses, Oil, Horticultural and forage crops multiplications as well as panel discussion at Guduru and Gitilo research centers.  Field trips and panel discussions provided an excellent opportunity for participants to learn about a specific topic, procedure or practices firsthand by directly visiting the outcomes and drawbacks at its sources and production processes. Besides, it became one of the major means of transferring new ideas innovation, technologies, practices, skill from the originators to the end users and to make it useful to the surrounding community.

    The important purpose of these programmes was to make the small scale farmers to be involved in the adoption and adaptations of new agricultural technology and technology’s products at an early stage so that the end result is useful to increase their production and productivity. Additionally, it also helpful to make the stakeholders to get exposure to observe the status of adapted crops to the community’s local climate and similar agro-ecological zone. 

    Shambu Field 3More than 300 invited guests and stakeholders from Horo-Guduru Zonal and Woreda administrative officers, agricultural extension officers, agents and model farmers of the different Districts of Horo-Guduru Wollega Zone were participated. The Participants visited the disseminated crop varieties, promisingly adapting and, well adapted crops, indigenous seed conservation, multiplications of different highland crop yields (Cereals, Pulses, Oil, Horticultural and forage crops multiplications) as well as the Local Horo- Breed and Cross Breed Cattle.

    There are many information and skills that were acquired during these events.  These include the keen interest shown by the participants to accept and adopt new agricultural technologies as well as the higher natural capacity of the local community to accept new science and technology for sustainable agricultural development agenda and to link their indigenous knowledge with the up-to-date technology.  

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  • Five Days Training on “Transformational Leadership Skills Development”

    Five Days Training on “Transformational Leadership Skills Development”

    Leadrship 2The Centre for Assessment, Training and Development of Wollega University organized five days training on “Transformational Leadership Skills Development” on 23-27 December 2016. The training focused on enhancing the transformational Leadership Skills Development.  The discussions include boundary spanning and leadership, characteristics of organizational leadership, emotional intelligence, conversation of leaders-listening, breakthrough initiatives, integral approach, and projects on boundary spanning and breakthrough initiatives.

    Leadrship 3The participants were able to improve their understanding on differentiate between usual and unusual thinking; span organizational boundary for integrated leadership;  develop perspectives in boundary spanning; co- ask, co- plan, and co- create; and create community of learning. The participants identified and commented six practical and institutional projects as part of group activities during the training. These projects are transformation leadership development, automation of Wollega university human resource management, green and clean environment, establishing two multi-purpose training halls, transforming class room and library services and quality teaching and learning.

    Dr.Waqgari Negari, Director, Centre for leadership and Governance, Ethiopian Civil Service University, Addis Ababa provided this training. More than fifty participants attended this training. The participants included President, Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, Vice Directors.

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  • Wollega University organizes a special Lecture on “Tax Justice”

    Wollega University organizes a special Lecture on “Tax Justice”

    Law 2The School of Law, Wollega University organized a special Lecture on “Tax Justice” on 13 January 2017 at Wollega University Main campus. Dr.Dereje Alemayehu, Germany, who served as chair of Tax Justice Network Africa, delivered the lecture. Dr.Dereje, who has authored several books on development, governance, accountability, and illicit financial flows, highlighted a number of critical issues related to global financial tractions concerning with multinational corporations.  He explained in detail on how the MNCs and other investors are misusing the tax holidays and tax incentives provided by the developing countries. Besides, he noted that a number of smaller islands have been used by these MNCs as ‘tax haven.’ He emphasized the need for improving tax system and regulatory mechanism to control the flow of profit and resources out of developing countries.

    Law 3The participants raised several important issues that included the role of World Trade Organizations (WTO), tax administration, tax liabilities, tax evasion, aid, capital gain tax and others. The students and teachers from the School of Law and other Wollega University academic community attended this lecture. 

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  • Wollega University Students win 2017 EPS North America Award

    Wollega University Students win 2017 EPS North America Award

    Two regular Students, Bedria Shukural (2nd year) and Said Shemsu (3rd year) from the Department of  Physics and Physics Lab respectively, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, competed and won the 2017 Ethiopian Physics Society in North America (EPS-NA) award under the Undergraduate Student level.

    Basically, the students were selected for this prestige international competition in terms of their academic and/or research excellence beside extracurricular activities and community services they rendered. The award carries a certificate and cash prize to recognize their contribution for the academic endeavors.

    Indeed, Ethiopian Physics Society in North America (EPS-NA), a non-profit organization, registered in the State of Connecticut, founded on August 2, 1998GC by Ethiopian physics professionals to enhance physics research and education, awards yearly to Ethiopian Physics students (both post and undergraduate) who excel in their studies, research and community services on competitive basis.

    Wollega University academic community congratulated the awardees. This is one means of realizing the vision of our university by producing competitive graduates for national and international concerns.   

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  • National Conference on “Agriculture, Climate Change & Environmental Safety

    National Conference on “Agriculture, Climate Change & Environmental Safety: The Challenges on National Transformation in Ethiopia”.

    shambu confrence (3)Wollega University organized two days National Conference on “Agriculture, Climate Change & Environmental Safety: The Challenges on National Transformation in Ethiopia” at Shambu Campus on 17-18 February 2017. Through its “Call for Papers” the University’s Research and Technology Transfer Vice President collected more than 100 research papers and tediously screened 43 qualified papers for presentations. More than forty research papers were presented by academicians, research scholars and practitioners from various Ethiopian public universities.  During the presentations held in different venues, the participants discussed a number of critical issues including technical efficiency of milk production, value chain analysis of beef, coffee, and maize production. Besides,  modulation of postpartum reproductive performance  in tropical dairy cows; rainfall features and crop water requirement in chickpea production; impacts of selected watershed management practices on rehabilitation of degraded land; monitoring and characteristics of waterlogged irrigation fields; anthropological inquiry in retrospect of biodiversity and forest policy; hydrological response to climate change; soil carbon sequestration and its role to mitigate climate change and advanced food security; smallholder household’s adaptation strategies to climate variability; effects of climate change adaptation strategy on farm household’s were points of discussion for further endeavors. Finally, indigenous weather forecasting system and key factors affecting market participation of small dairy farmers were presented for argument.

    shambu confrence (4)Dr Abera Deressa, Former State Minister for Agriculture and Board Member of Wollega University made opening remarks in the presence of Mr.Abebe Kebede, Horro Guduru Wollega Zone Administrator and Board Member of Wollega University. Dr.Amsalu Ayana, Integrated Seed Sector Development (ISSD), Addis Ababa and Dr.Alemtsehay Tesfa, Nekemte Dairy Farm delivered key note speech. Dr.Eba Mijena, President, Wollega University made welcome remarks and highlighted the importance of the conference and outlined its different thematic areas for future utilization.

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  • Professionals in Community Services

    A Professional in Community Services

    arkube (2)

    Community service has become a culture and habit for some professionals and students in Wollega University. We are now proving that we can influence the community and bring practical changes. We want to share what the Public Administration instructor (Dr Kannan Ambalam) in Wollega University has done with his Master of Public Administration (MPA) students and the local community at Demeksa Kebele. The course taught by this instructor is named Development Administration. He related the course with the practical problem he observed in Demeksa Kebele. People have been suffering from the lack of bridge and pure drinking water for centuries. The instructor, mobilizing his students and the local community, constructed two bridges and one water spring as part of his course. What does this teach us? We could say many things for the programs we are running in the University. We have 97 programs at the moment. We learnt that if the 97 programs relate at least one course to the practical problem of the community, we can really bring dramatic change very soon. 

    arkube (3)

    The inaugural ceremony of this water spring was organized at Damaksa Kebele of Digga woreda on 14 March 2017 (Tuesday) in the presence of the University administration, the local community, students and kebele leaders. The spring will benefit nearly 100 households, both from Damaksa Kebele and the nearby areas. Besides it will be useful for the School, Church, Farmers Training Centre and Health Post. 

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  • National Conference on “Quality Education in Ethiopia: The Missing Link between Theory and Practice”

    National Conference on “Quality Education in Ethiopia: The Missing Link between Theory and Practice”

    Sym.Edu 4Conducting educational, research and community based conferences is becoming the culture of Ethiopian Universities in general and Wollega University in particular. With this regard, Wollega University organized a National Conference on “Quality Education in Ethiopia: The Missing Link between Theory and Practice” on 23-24 March 2017 at Wollega University Main campus. His Excellency Mr.Moges Ede’e, East Wollega Zone Administrator, made opening remarks emphasizing that currently the Ethiopian government recognizes the importance of quality education at all levels for national development. He further stated that so as to ensure this objective, our educational content must be harmonized with the countries economic in line with the vision of the nation. Prof.Abiy Yigzaw, Bahir Dar University, and Dr.Firdisa Jebesa, Addis Ababa University made keynote speech.

    Sym.Edu 3Different researchers and professionals of diverse field have participated on the conference through “Call for Papers” made by the office of university Research and Technology Transfer.  Thirty papers were selected out of seventy abstracts that were submitted during the call for papers. During the Conference, issues related to professional development programs, implementation of instructional supervision, efficiency of practical—based education, primary school absenteeism, effective student’s learning, accords and discords between English language teachers and students perception, new modular learning-teaching approach, behavioral intervention for pre-school children, EFL teacher’s productive skills errors, effect of cooperative learning on students’ and practices and challenges of counseling service and status and implementation of active learning were presented and discussed. They all are directly and/or indirectly addressed the current status of the quality of education in Ethiopian schools and institutes.

    Earlier Dr.Eba Mijena, President, Wollega University welcomed the honorable guests, presenters and participants. He basically stressed the very importance of professional obligations in improving quality of education at all levels through sharing their research outputs, discussions and publications made out of rigorous research endeavors. 

    arkube (2)Community service has become a culture and habit for some professionals and students in Wollega University. We are now proving that we can influence the community and bring practical changes. We want to share what the Public Administration instructor (Dr Kannan Ambalam) in Wollega University has done with his Master of Public Administration (MPA) students and the local community at Demeksa Kebele. The course taught by this instructor is named Development Administration. He related the course with the practical problem he observed in Demeksa Kebele. People have been suffering from the lack of bridge and pure drinking water for centuries. The instructor, mobilizing his students and the local community, constructed two bridges and one water spring as part of his course. What does this teach us? We could say many things for the programs we are running in the University. We have 97 programs at the moment. We learnt that if the 97 programs relate at least one course to the practical problem of the community, we can really bring dramatic change very soon. 

    arkube (3)

    The inaugural ceremony of this water spring was organized at Damaksa Kebele of Digga woreda on 14 March 2017 (Tuesday) in the presence of the University administration, the local community, students and kebele leaders. The spring will benefit nearly 100 households, both from Damaksa Kebele and the nearby areas. Besides it will be useful for the School, Church, Farmers Training Centre and Health Post. 

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  • National Conference on Nurturing Promoting and Implementing

    National Conference on Nurturing Promoting and Implementing Indigenous knowledge in Development Endeavors in Ethiopia: Relations and Dynamics

    GIM2As part of its active engagement in sharing research outcomes for the benefit of society as well as providing effective forum for research scholars to exchange knowledge and best practices on issues of national importance, Wollega University organized a two-days “National Conference on Nurturing Promoting and Implementing Indigenous knowledge in Development Endeavors in Ethiopia: Relations and Dynamics.”

    Prof. Tesama Ta’a, Dr.Gemechu Megersa and Dr.Tadesse Bariso from Addis Ababa University delivered keynote speech. Thirty three scholarly research papers were selected from different Universities for presentation. The issues discussed during the conference include the use of Traditional medicinal plants, wildlife conservation, use of forest resources in indigenous healthcare system, tuberculosis causations ad treatment mechanism, wildlife coffee production, green entrepreneurship, use of indigenous knowledge for development, and indigenous knowledge in the era of globalization.

    GIM3Dr.Abera Deressa, Former State Minister and Wollega University Board Member called upon the participants to actively apply the age-old indigenous knowledge towards the sustainable development of our country. Dr.Dunkana Negussa, Academic Vice President, Wollega University welcomed the participants and asked them to plan on how to use indigenous knowledge for the betterment of humanity in general and Ethiopian in particular. Dr.Eba Mijena, President, Wollega University thanked the honourable guests, presenters and participants. He emphasized the importance of making synergy between western scientific knowledge and indigenous knowledge.  The role of Wollega University in this process of synergy was also highlighted. 

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  • Training on “Women Transformation Leadership Skill Development”

    Training on “Women Transformational Leadership Skill Development”

    Gender 1In line with government’s commitment to empower women through developing their leadership skills, the Gender Affairs Directorate, Wollega University organized a three-days training on “Women Transformational Leadership Skill Development” for female academic and administrative staff members on 1-3 April 2017.

    Seventy female participants were attended this training program from three campuses (Nekemte main campus, Shambu and Ghimbi). These include Vice President, Directors, Head of Department, Lectures and other administrative and supportive staff. This training program enabled the participants to understand the best qualities of leadership; to develop confidence; to change their attitude towards leadership and to understand how to be role model leader.

    Gender 3Dr.Waqgari Negari, Director, Centre for leadership and Governance, Ethiopian Civil Service University, Addis Ababa provided this training. Earlier Dr.Dunkana Negussa, Academic Vice President, made opening remarks and highlighted the importance of women leadership for socio-economic development of our country. Dr. Tifsehit Solomon, Vice President for Community Engagement and University-Industry Linkage thanked the participants and asked them to apply the knowledge and experiences gained during this training in their work.

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  • Celebrate With Us – It's Our 10th Birthday!

    Celebrate With Us – It's Our 10th Birthday!

    anniverserybestOn 20th of May 2017, Wollega University celebrates its 10th Anniversary, which opened its main campus in Nekemte in February 2007 with 851 Regular and 281 Kiremt (summer) undergraduate students. A lot can happen in 10 years! We now have over 32,000 students studying at the three campuses (Nekemte, Shambu and Gimbi).

    We invite all friends, colleagues, alumni of Wollega University and others to join us in our celebrations – you can learn more about our 10-year history and the upcoming events. You may also be interested in partnering with us as a sponsor.  The event shall take place in the auditorium at the main campus in Nekemte as of 8 am.

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  • Training on ‘Role of Social Media and Public Relations’

    SM 2Training on ‘Role of Social Media and Public Relations’

    As part of its active community engagement in building the capacity of government officials working in communication arena and public relations offices, the Corporate Communication Directorate, Wollega University, in collaboration with East Wollega Zone, Nekemte, Ethiopia, organized a training  on the ‘Role of Social Media and Public Relations’ at the East Wollega Zonal Administrative Hall on  April 20, 2017. Dr. Zeleke Teshome, Director, Corporate Communication Directorate, Wollega University, trained nearly 50 participants on the roles of social media for development, and how public relation officers of different sectors discharge their responsibilities in reaching the public reliable and timely information.  He also added training communicators is one of the responsibilities of Wollega University in general and Corporate communication directorate in particular.

    SM 3Furthermore, this training was focused on how to apply social media in order to maintain steady public relations.    Prof. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, Professor, Department of Management, College of Business and Economics was the other resource person for this training. His Excellency Obbo Moges Ede’e made an opening speech where he capitalized the professional responsibilities PR officers should discharge. Mr. Mitiku, Director, Mrs. Yenenesh Megistu, Asst. Director, were present. Amidst thunderous applauses, the program was substantiated with a request to conduct for such knowledge exchanges events sooner.  Finally, various questions, suggestions and how to collaboratively do with communication stakeholders became the points of discussions. Future direction was forwarded by Mr Moges Ede’e, the Administrator of East Wollega Zone.  

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  • Making a Difference: Professionals Playing Their Professional Duties!

    Making a Difference: Professionals Playing Their Professional Duties!

    The case method has been recognized as an important pedagogical tool in imparting management education and various Management Schools have used it in varying degrees. Case method provides simulated business decision-making environment interfaced with business issues involved. The business cases of Ethiopia are merely available, so teachers are using cases developed in the United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK) and these cases fail to understand the local problem of the business. So the need of the hour is to develop the cases in the own country for better understanding of the concept and effectiveness.

    Wollega University, which conducted a workshop, recently became member of this Case Centre.  Wollega University has become the first University in Ethiopia to become member of Case Centre (UK). The Case Centre (UK) was set up in 1973 as the Case Clearing House of Great Britain and Ireland. It was the result of a joint initiative by 22 higher education institutions who wanted a reliable facility for sharing case materials among business teachers.

    Now, cases are also available at the cheaper cost to the Wollega University Staff. The University will organize workshops to train the teachers of not only our University but to other university of Ethiopia to share the knowledge. Also Wollega University academic community can develop the business cases for teaching and disseminate the knowledge throughout the world by publishing the cases at the Case Centre.

    The efforts made by the Corporate Communications Directorate, Wollega University and Dr.Vijay Kumar Pandey, Department of Management are also highly appreciated. This is what makes a difference whereby Wollega University has become the first higher learning institution in Ethiopia to become member of Case Centre (UK).  

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  • A Week-long “Life Saving Blood Donation Campaign” at Wollega University

    BD 2Blood donation is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society and it is an active way of helping others and the whole of society. As part of creating awareness on the importance of blood donation and supporting the communities, the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Wollega University in collaboration with Nekemte Blood Bank organized a week-long program “Life Saving Blood Donation Campaign” on 10 May 2017.

    Nekemte Blood Bank will distribute blood for the newly opened Wollega University Referal Hosptal in Nekemte and other 12 Government General Hospitals found in Wollega region.  Similar campaign is expected to be organized in every three months. Also the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences is planning to organize this campaign in Gimbi and Shambu town in the coming weeks.

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  • About the student service

    The student service center serves as the first assistance point of contact for the students who call or walk in to the office of the Dean of Students. Our Assistant Dean/ student service coordinator/help students to understand University policies and procedures, educate them about and connect them to campus resources, and support students in crisis (if any).

     Students visit us regarding a broad range of issueswhich may be impacting their academic performance including those related to health/mental health, course attendance issues, questions about where to go on campus to seek different services, options for withdrawing from the university, or because they need help and just aren’t sure where to go. We help students find their way! 

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  • Mission, Vision, and Core values of Student service cente


    $1ü  Enhance students' knowledge of  access to University resources

    $1ü  Facilitate students' ability to successfully navigate all the available services as per standards on

     various policies, procedures and processes of the University

    $1ü  Support students experiencing unusual difficulty in life circumstances and any crises

    $1ü Empower students to develop effective communication and decision-making skills, responsibility and the ability to function autonomously


    $1ü  Excellence

    $1ü  Student Centered /participatory

    $1ü  Collaboration

    $1ü  Respect

    $1ü  Equity, Fairness and Inclusiveness

    $1ü  Personal Responsibility and Accountability

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  • Contact Us Student Service Center

     Office Hours and Location

    $1ü  Understand and follow university policies and procedures.

    $1ü  Learn about and get connected to campus resources

    $1ü  Manage crises- situations which are impeding academic success

    After Hours call/ emergency report

    If you are calling because of a serious or urgent matter that requires an immediate response –both after hours and during regular business time you have reached the student service/assistance center through the Dean of students or Assistant Dean.

    If you call our office when we are closed:

    If you are experiencing a health or safety emergency for which you need immediate medical or police attention please hang up and call:

    $1ü  (251) 0967799932- Associate of clinical service

    $1ü  (251) 0920417870- campus security police

    $1ü  (251) 0922248048 or (251) 0917839753- Ambulance service

    Available offices and related tasks

    Office of the Dean of students

    The Dean of Students is the chief student service officer of the university- and directly accountable to the Administrative vice President.

     The Dean provides leadership for and oversight of the operations of the following offices and student service functions of all the campuses through direct communication with the administrative vice president, campus directors and student service coordinators, even the president (if any).

    Responsible Offices/service centers


    Office of the Dean of students


    Office of the  Assistant  Dean of  students


    Office of the Students service coordinator


    Office of the Students guidance and counseling



    Department of clinical service

    (251) 0967799932

    Accommodation service center



    Cafeteria service center



    Student lounge


    Sport and recreation center and others


    Student Affairs


    Financial Aids


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  • Services and the related tasks of the responsible offices or crevice centers

    ·         Student Life cases:

    Basic tasks: coordinate, oversee and manage all the student activities in the areas of resident life (including dormitory), clinical center, sports and recreation, cafeteria and students’ lounge, and other activity programs.

     ·         Financial Aid:

    Basic tasks: Support the overall operations of the student financial aid program and plan which provides financial assistance to the needy students

    ·         Counseling:

    Basic tasks:  Plan, develop, improve, implement and evaluate tasks and its  procedures governing counseling;

    ·         Sports & Recreation:

    Basic tasks: Plan, implements, administers, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate all recreational and sports programs at the Campuses

    ·         Disciplinary sanctions guidelines and procedures:

                Students, who violate policies, rules and regulations as outlined in the Student Code of      Conduct, may be subject to the disciplinary processes.

    Basic tasks: The guidelines, including student code of conduct/student hand book are provided to assist students in understanding and responding to the university’s student conduct process

    The center also assists in coordinating and follows up - marketing, recruitment, maintenance activities and working to respond to student needs and fostering student success.

    Over all, the student services team at the service center, is responsible for ensuring that student services at the university and support the achievement of its vision, mission, values and goals

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  • Integrated development projects at Jirata Kebele

    TST11 toiletIntegrated development projects at Jirata Kebele

    Jirata kebele is found at the south-west of Nekemte town. This kebele is one the places which has got special attention by Dr Kannan Ambalam (instructor at Wollega University) and his 3rd year BA students, and 2nd year MPA students. The instructor and the students constructed three water springs for the community and a toilet for Tolera Elementary School at Jirata Kebele.

    TST20 kannanIn a maiden attempt, a toilet, which has three rooms- each one for teachers, male and female students, for Tolera Elementary School at Jirata Kebele was constructed. The MPA students, BA 3rd year students and the students of Tolera Elementary School facilitated the construction of this project. Three hundred students and 9 teachers will use this facility. Three springs-lega biri, gora and tolera will benefit a large number of families and the students of Tolera Elementary School.

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  • Graduation 2017

    6O3A4842Wollega University has held graduation ceremony of 2009 E.C at three of its campuses. To this effect, on June 24/2009 E.C more than 2500 students have graduated at Nekemte , main campus . Both the under graduated  and post graduate students who learnt different fields of specialization have took part  in the ceremony .On June 25/2009 E.C, more than 200 students were graduated at Gimbi campus in the related fields of social sciences . Furthermore, on the June 27/2009E.C more than 120 students have graduated from Shambu campus in the related fields of Agriculture.

    6O3A4822Generally, the data of 2017GC graduates looks like:

    Regular Male------1635, Female------785----->Total=2420

    Distance Male -----53, Female------32----->Total=85

    PGDTMale -----762, Female------271----->Total=1033

    PGMale -----226, Female-----50----->Total=276

    Grand Total: Male=2674, Female = 1146, Total=3820

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  • IHL Lecturers from Six East African Countries and The trainers (September 26-29, 2017).

    INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF RED CROSS, East African IHL Lecturers training HELD from Sep, 6-29, AT Nairobi, KENYA.

    A short extensive training on International Humanitarian Law was given to East African IHL Lecturers by the ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross), regional delegation in Nairobi, from September 26-29, 2017.

    interIn this training, Fourteen Universities from across six East African countries i.e. Wollega University School of Law, Zanzibar University, Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo), Mzumbe University, Mbeya (Main), St. Augustine University, INES-Ruhengeri, University of Kigali, Egerton University, Kabarak University, University of Nairobi- Kisumu Campus, Kenyatta University School of Law, Uganda Christian University, Islamic University in Uganda, University of Juba, have participated on the training.

    The aim of the training was to enhance the IHL knowledge of East African IHL lecturers and to enlighten them about new developments concerning IHL.  Accordingly, extensive lecture and discussion was conducted on wide range of issues such as, Origin of IHL, Classification of conflicts, Protection of hors de combat, Prisoners of war, and implementation of IHL..etc. Moreover, the participants were also given short pedagogical training on how to deliver different contents of the course IHL.

    At the end of the training, participants were given a USB stick that contains all the relevant materials on IHL. Moreover, the ICRC regional delegation has donated to all participant Universities different IHL books and commentaries, on the four Geneva Convention, including   Wollega University School of Law.

    In this regard, Wollega University’s Corporate Communications would like to express its gratitude for the donation made by the ICRC to our School of Law, and the Corporate Communications welcomes all efforts of the ICRC to promote humanity both in peace and conflict times. 

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  • Community service-Communication and presentation skill

    UntitledCommunity service-Communication and presentation skill

    The training was targeted in building the capacity of school teachers on how to enhance communication and presentation skill.  Two instructors took the initiation for the training and conducted at Nekemte preparatory school. Almost all teachers of the school attended the training.   This training had a positive impact on Quality of Education

    community servicePainting for school kids

    This community work was undertaken by the staff from management department. The aim was to help school kids enhance their skills of practicing painting works. The beneficiaries were more than 200 school kids from the community model School of Wollega University. 

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  • Kumsa Moroda Palace

    Kumsa Moroda Palace

    Kumsa Moroda palace is located in Nekemte town, Bekenissa Kesse kebele. It is founded in 1881 E.C by king Kumsa. The palace has ten houses built for different purposes. The area covered by palace is 2.5 hector. It has seven gates at different directions. Except Galvanized Corrugated Steel sheetsthe palace was constructed with materials available in the area.

    Masaraa Kumsaa Morodaa

    Masaraan Kumsaa Morodaa bulchiinsa Magaalaa Naqamtee kutaa bulchiinsa Bakkanniisa Qassee keessatti argama. Masaraan kun bara 1881 mootii Kumsaa Morodaatiin kan hundeeffamedha. Innis bal’ina mooraa hek. 2.5 kan qabatee jirudha. Masaraa kana keessa manneetii tajaajila garaa garaa kennan 10 (kudhan)tu argama. Akkasumas, balbaloota torba kallattii garaagaraatiin jiran ofkeessaa qaba. Meeshaaleen ijaarsa masaraa kanaaf oolan qorqorroon ala meeshaalee naannootti argaman yemmuu ta’u ogummaan ijaarsaa immoo ogeessota naannoofi deggersa ogummaa lammiilee biyya Giriikiitiin kan ijaaramedha.

    የኩምሳ ሞሮዳቤተ-መንግሥት

    የኩምሳ ሞሮዳ ቤተ መንግስት በነቀምቴ ከተማ አስተዳደር በበከኒሳ ቀሴ ክፍለ ከተማ የሚገኝ ሲሆን 1881 .ም በንጉስ ኩምሳ የተመሰረተ ነው፡፡ ግቢው 2.5 ሄክታር ስፋት ያለው ሆኖ በውስጡ አስር የተለያዩ አገልግሎቶችን የሚሰጡ  ቤቶችና  በተለያዩ አቅጣጫ ያሉ ሰባት በሮች አሉት፡፡

    የቤተመንግስቱ ግንባታ ከቆርቆሮው በስተቀር በአካባቢው በሚገኙ ቁሳቁሶች የተሰራ ሲሆን፤ ከግሪክ ባለሙያዎች ድጋፍ በስተቀር ሙሉ በሙሉ በሀገሬዉ ሰዉ የተገነባነዉ፡፡

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  • Wollega University to learn Best Experiences from Makerere University

    Wollega University to learn Best Experiences from Makerere University

    Wollega University aspires to be one of the top 25 universities in Africa by 2033 G.C. To attain this vision, the university is working as heartily as possible by designing a roadmap.

    Thus, a delegate from the university staff visited Makerere University in Uganda to share best experiences on academic affairs, research and innovation, staff development, knowledge transfer and other good practicesThe team has learned a lot in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). In addition to sharing best practices, the visit has the aim of laying foundation for collaboration and partnership with the university in all academic arenas. After five days visit at Makerere university (November 10-14/2017), the delegate came back with rich experience. The members of the delegate confirmed while briefing about their visit to the domestic staff that Makerere University is one of the higher institutions to learn from as it is one of the oldest and academically stable institution with high ranking in Africa. It is an exemplary university because every working unit in it has internalized the vision and is working for its productivity.

    Based on the briefing, Wollega University workers on their part agreed that commitment and hardworking of all staffs is very important to realize the vision of the university. The staffs agreed that there are good practices that Wollega University can share to other universities like Makerere University has done and at the same time there are other practices that the university needs to work on strongly. Thus, if all staffs work for one goal, they can possibly put Wollega University at the level of Makerere University in the near future.


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  • Wollega University Students’ Union Election

    Wollega University Students’ Union Election

    Wollega University (main campus) students elected their representatives on 27th January, 2018. It was a well planned election process where majority of the students participated as actively as possible. It is the most democratic and model election in the history of the university. Candidates, observers and voters told Wollega University Community Radio, Fana Broadcasting Corporation and Oromia Broadcasting Service that the election was fair, democratic and transparent. They recommended that such a model type of election should be taken as example in other universities of the country.


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  • Program of Physics Department




    UG- program

    PG- Program

    UG- Program

    PG- Program



    MSc. in condensed matter  physics

    Applied physics

    Weekend and Summer

    Laboratory technology

    MSc. in Astrophysics


    MSc. in Condensed matter physics


    PhD- in Solid State Physics


    MSc. in Astrophysics

    The general objectives of BSc.

    $1ü  To provide a broad knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of Physics and the ability to apply that knowledge and understanding to solve physical problems;

    $1ü  To enable students express their ideas clearly and cogently in both written and verbal form;

    $1ü  To insure high quality education in Physics within a stimulating and supportive environment committed to excellence in Physics (theoretical, experimental, computational, research and community services);

    $1ü  To educate students the core of Physics areas at the necessary depth, while they are encouraged to be critically receptive to new ideas and to attain their full academic potential;

    $1ü  To equip students with a sound base of knowledge and understanding in Physics;

    $1ü  To expose students to the applications of physical principles in various branches of Physics;

    $1ü  To support students develop the ability to carry out experimental or/and other investigations, analyze their results critically, draw valid conclusions, and communicate their findings both verbally and in writing;

    $1ü   To lay the foundations and transferable skills essential for further training and for the development of skills and knowledge;

    $1ü  To render public consultations in areas closely related to Physics;

    $1ü  To create an environment that gives students opportunities to develop personal confidence, self-reliance and career aspirations.

    $1ü  To train students with a basic courses in Physics that will enable them to be academically and professionally qualified to solve physical problems;

    $1ü  To develop the students ability to work independently and in groups or cooperatively;

    $1ü  To equip students with necessary confidence, understanding and skills that he/she needs to take up his/her civic responsibilities;

    $1ü   To enhance the capability of the students to work as professional physicists in industries, research and other institutions/organizations;

    The general objectives of BSc Physics laboratory technology

    $1Ø  To provide a broad knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of Physics and the ability to apply that knowledge and understanding to solve  to manipulate the physics laboratory apparatuses ;

    $1Ø  To enable students express their ideas clearly and cogently  though experiment;

    $1Ø  To substantiate  the theoretical  Physics within a stimulating and supportive environment committed to excellence in experimental  Physics;

    $1Ø  To educate students the core of Physics areas at the necessary depth, while they are encouraged to be critically receptive to new ideas and to attain their full academic potential;

    $1Ø  To equip students with a sound base of knowledge and understanding in Physics;

    $1Ø  To expose students to the applications of physical principles in various branches of Physics;

    $1Ø  To support students develop the ability to carry out experimental or/and other investigations, analyze their results critically, draw valid conclusions, and communicate their findings both verbally and in writing;

    $1Ø  To lay the foundations and transferable skills essential for further training and for the development of skills and knowledge;

    $1Ø  To render public consultations in areas closely related to Physics;

    $1Ø  To create an environment that gives students opportunities to develop personal confidence, self-reliance and career aspirations.

    $1Ø  To train students with a basic   Physics laboratory technology that will enable them to be academically and professionally qualified.

    The main objectives of PG-programs:

    $1ü  Establish a firm foundation for scientific and technological development by providing basic research techniques in physics.

    $1ü  Train experts who are needed in national development sectors such as energy, industry, communication, research, and teaching at University/College levels and secondary schools.

    $1ü  Pursue higher level training in different fields of physics

    $1ü  Develop intellectual and communication skills necessary to present and articulate research findings in verbal and written formats.

    $1ü  Develop skills of numerical manipulation and statistical analysis of data using sophisticated computer software.

    Admission Requirement

    $1a.       The BSc. program

    $1l  To be admitted to the BSc program in Physics, a candidate should satisfy the general admission requirements of the respective Universities and must have at least a pass grade in Physics and mathematics in the Department Entrance Examination.

    $1b.      The BSc. program in Physics laboratory Technology

    $1l  To be admitted to the BSc program in Physics laboratory Technology, a candidate should satisfy the general admission requirements of the Universities and must have at least a pass grade in Physics and mathematics in the higher education Entrance Examination.

    $1c.       The MSc. Program

    Any person who has:

    $1Ø  Met the general admission requirements of the University.

    $1Ø  Successfully completed undergraduate training in physics from a recognized university.

    $1Ø  Passed the Entrance Examination of the Department can be admitted to the graduate program.

    $1d.      The PhD program

    In order to be admitted to the PhD program, the applicant must
    $1l  Have M.Sc /M.Ed degree in physics, with a minimum CGPA of 3.00.
    $1l  Should have a thesis grade of minimum good and if non thesis B+ grade

    $1l  Manage to get a suitable advisor for his PhD dissertation.

    $1l  Also meet the general admission requirements of the University.

    PG-Programs in the department currently   

    $1·         Astrophysics

    $1·         Condensed Matter Physics  

    Programs to be lunched in the near future

    $1·         Environmental Physics

    $1·         Atmospheric physics

    $1·         Quantum physics

    $1·         Space physics

    Seminars and Conferences

    $1·         Seminars and conferences are organized in the department on a regular basis

    Research and Publications

    $1·         Most academic staff members conduct research in their area of interest. From their research work, they formulate research projects for their students. The research carried out by students along with their advisors will be published in various journals.


    $1·         Regarding facilities the Department has include 6 offices for the academic staff, one store, one library, two office for PhD students and one lecture rooms for graduate classes. In addition, the Department has three undergraduate labs, one graduate research labs, and one computer labs.

    Partnership and Collaboration

    $1·         Osmania University, Hyderabad


    Current head of the Department

    1.  Name: Dereje Wakgari Amente

    Mobile: +2519-457-59692

    Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

    Office location: Department of Physics, Main campus

    Building & Room No: Department of Physics, Block-42/Room-3

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  • Activities

    1.       Academics and Researches

    One of the most important activities of department of Earth Sciences is conducting a teaching and learning processes and researches that can advance the understanding of Earth’s dynamic nature and history. The department has been building itself with better man power and materials that can enhance these objectives. Hereunder are the major academic and research activities our department is committed to.

     §  Geological mapping

     §  Geophysical investigations

     §  Engineering Geological Investigations

     §  Groundwater resource exploration, development and management

     §  Rock & mineral hand specimens, thin and polished section Interpretation

     §  Appraisal of Mineral and Rock Resources

     §  Water Testing and analysis

     §  Environmental impact assessments

     §  Geochemichal investigations

    Beside the teaching and learning activities, our department has been involved in research activities that contribute a lot to the scientific community. The following are list of researches published under the department of Earth Sciences.

    2.       Community Services

    The attributes of community services are believed to be one of the core objectives of department of Earth Science’s. The department is committed to solving real problems and making a difference in the lives of our University and our neighbours. So far, the department have offered trainings on Groundwater potential site selection using geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and remote sensing for professionals from different parts of the country.

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  • Field works

    In the department of earth sciences Geology program has three field work courses in every academic year.These trip courses areconducted in different geologic settings.

    Figure: 4th year Geology Students describing the rocks, identifying mineralization  and taking notes on the field in western Precambrian Metamorphic terrain.

    1.       Mapping Sedimentary Terrain

    For this field trip the 3rd year geology students are taken to south western Ethiopia, around  Mugher to study sedimentary rocks at magascopic and Hand specimen scale, geologic structures, observing & measuring of the bedding, reproduce geologic map and geologic cross-section, log geologic column and identify sedimentary environments, and Understand different industrial materials used for cement factory.

    2.      Mapping Igneous Terrain

    This field trip is again conducted for the 3rd year geology students in the second semester in Main Ethiopian Rift.  The objective of  this field trip is to study igneous rocks at magascopic and Hand specimen scale, geologic structures, observing & measuring of the thickness of the outcrops, reproduce geologic map and geologic cross-section, identify mineralization areas,Observe different geothermal resourse, volcanic products, Volcanic land forms, thinning of the crust within the active rift, understand younging and olding directions of the rift,  and Understand different industrial materials used for cement factory and for construction purpose. 

    3.      Mapping Metamorphic Terrain

    The 4th year geology students taken to western precamberian metamorphic terrain in order to study a metamorphic rocks at magascopic and Hand specimen scale, geologic structures, observing & measuring of the thickness of the outcrops, observing & measuring of the strike and dip of the formations, reproduce geologic map and geologic cross-section,identify mineralization areas, and Understand different industrial materials used for construction purpose, and observing  geochemical exploration methods like placer mining, and Open mining. 

    Article Count:
  • (Geology and GIS) and postgraduate (Exploration Geophysics) programs.


    1.      Geology (undergraduate)

    The Program of Geology actively contributing to academic and research works of the University runs courses covering four years of undergraduate education. The courses in all four years are called Earth Sciences, and cover topics related to the Earth from origin of the earth to developing the earth’s resources including minerals, rocks, water and energy resources.

     2.      GIS (undergraduate)

    In addition to maintaining a strong core program in the department of Earth Sciences has included the growth of Remote Sensing and GIS program by newly introducing it in 2013. From the day of launching, different labs have been established and professionals have been employed under the program.

     3.      Exploration Geophysics (postgraduate)

    The postgraduate program in Exploration geophysics was launched under the department of Earth Sciences in 2014 with summer program taking 9 students. It has since then been expanded by addition of regular full time and weekend programs. There are currently 52 students, 42 summer, and 10 regular attending the program under the department of Earth Sciences.The program has built a lab with required equipment to help its students understand how to work with the technology and to accomplish their theses.

    In addition to Exploration Geophysics Earth Science department has been planned to Launch Hydrogelogy stream (postgraduate)in the coming 2011 E.C/ 2018/19 G.C.

    Table 1. Number of staffs of  the department on duty. 


    Name of the Instructors

    Academic Qualification

    Academic rank


    Dr. Fekadu Tamiru Gebisa




    Dr. Gadisa Deyasa Dadi




    Firawalin Dessale Tafa 




    Wondimu Tesfaye




    Gadisa Geremew




    Kuma Kebede Bedane 




    Beksa Amente Kumsa  




    Dereje Kenea Mamo 




    Feye Abule Yada 




    Misgana Firomsa




    Hawi Hailu




    Lamessa Kenate




    Tadelu Girma Olana




    Soreti Fufa Eticha




    Fayera Gizew




    Indale Nigussie




    Baisa Negasa




    Fantaye Zewude




    Bashatu Dibisa




    Burane Abdisa




    Degefa Temesgen

    Lab. Technician



    Gadisa Fayera Gemechu

    Lab. Technician



    Melesa Temesgen

    Lab. Technician



    Geremew Lamessa Duressa


    PhD Candidate


    Aklilu Abose Anshebo


    PhD Candidate


    Gizachew Kabite Wodajo


    PhD Candidate


    Geleta Geremew Amenu

    Asst. Lecture 

    Msc candidate


    Shibiru Merga Nemara

    Asst. Lecture 

    Msc candidate


    Tekalign G/Yesus


    Msc candidate


    Bersisa Bekele Takele


    PhD Candidate


    Muleta Ebissa Feyissa


    PhD candidate


    Chaltu Tadese Amente


    Msc candidate


    Diriba Alemayehu


    PhD Candidate


    Fekadu Warku Chuko


    Msc candidate


    Asnakech Goshu Olika


    Msc candidate


    Fanta Dangia Nagasa


    Msc candidate


    Birhanu Tadesse Edosa


    Msc candidate


    Guta Tolossa Werati


    Msc candidate

    Table 2. Number of Expatriate staffs  


    Name of the staff

    Academic Qualification

    Academic rank


    Theenaadhayalan G.




    Shayaq Ali




    Sugumaran S.




    Sankaranna Gadiputi



    Table 3. Number of students the department has 2010Ac. year 

    Ac. year

    Number of students per the programs



    Remote sensing & GIS

    Exploration Geophysics(MSc)






    Table 4. Summary of number of students graduated from the department since 2009Ac. year 

    Ac. year

    Number of students per the programs



    Remote sensing & GIS




























    544 total graduated sts

    Article Count:
  • Labs and Facilities

    Labs and Facilities

    Our department is showing a significant development and building well-equipped labs for studies in petrography, petrology, mineralogy, palaeontology, geochemistry, engineering geology, geophysics and GIS and remote sensing.

    §  Petrography Lab

    §  Petrology Lab

    §  Engineering Geology lab

    §  Paleontology Lab

    §  Hydro-geochemistry Lab

    §  GIS and remote sensing Lab

    Petrography Lab

    earth science field2In our petrography lab, we offer a wide variety of analysis options to both thin and polished sections.We are teaching our students for indepth understanding of the minerals by using their optical properties they have under petrographic Microscope and Reflected Light Microscope to identify oxides. In addition to the analysis works we have been doing till now, we are considering to establish new well equipped labs that can prepare the sections.

    Figure: The 2nd year Geology students using the petrographic microscope to identify mineralogy, texture, and identification of rock type. 

    GIS and remote sensing Lab

    The GIS and remote sensing laboratory is a Computerized system established to support the educational and research activities in geological sciences, spatial analysis, and land use land cover using Geographical Information Systems. This area also serves as a major node of the interdepartmental GIS resource at UCR, as well as the location of a number of GIS course work and information servers.

    Article Count:
  • Staff Profile

    Staff Profile





    Position and academic Rank





    Dereje Wakgari Amente



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Condensed matter physics


    Dr. Getahun Kitla Dakisa



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Assistant professor and PG- program leader

    Soil physics


    Dr. Anno Kare Anno



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Assistant professor



    Abrham Abebe



    Abreham This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Quantum physics


    Kumera Assefa  Tucho



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Computational physics


    Tilahun Diriba Garbi



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Computational physics


    Yilak Alemu Abbo



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Condensed matter physics






    Technical Assistant



    Dr. Masta Chandra Sekhar



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Associate professor

    Computational physics


    Dr. Poluri Vijaya Bhaskara Rao



    drpolurivijiay@gmail. com

    Associate professor

    Condensed matter physics


    Dr. Satheesh Kumar



    drmksatheesh@gmail. com

    Associate professor

    Computational physics


    Dr. Sampandam Elangovan



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Associate professor

    Condensed matter physics


    Dr.Ramadoss Arun Balaji




    Associate professor

    Quantum physics





    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Assistant Professor

    Quantum physics

    Article Count:
  • Staff Profile of CBE

    College Administration structure

    a.       List of Office holders and College administrator (College Council members)





    Email address


    Dr. Zelalem Ejigu

    Dean CoBE


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Edosa Getachew

    Academic Quality and Standard Directorate


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Dr. Shumet Asefa

    PG and Research V/Dean


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Gudetu Wakgari

    Community Service V/Dean


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Worku Gadisa

    College Registrar


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Geda Jebel

    College CEDP Coordinator


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Bayisa Nikus

    Managing Director




    Desalegn Mosisa

    Head, Department of Accounting and Finance


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Tesfaye Fekadu

    Head, Department of Economics


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Abiyu Jiru

    Head, Department of Commerce




    Adugna Hunde

    Head, Department of Management


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Melkamu Fufa

    Head, Department of Cooperatives




    Mitiku Habtamu

    Head, Department of PADM


    Article Count:
  • University Industry Partnership
    Article Count:
  • Nursing and Medicine at Wollega University

    Lecture has been given to the students of             

    Nursing and Medicine at Wollega University.

    Based on the collaboration between the University of Exeter and Wollega University, team of Doctors and Nurses who came from the University of Exeter delivered Lectures and taught the students with practical demonstrations at Wollega University’s Referral Hospital.









    Dr. Ian, Leader of the team and Pathologist at the University of Exeter said, “We need to improve the level of collaboration and cooperation between WU and the University of Exter, so it is very essential to give such lectures and that is why we are here and teaching the students with commitment and great responsibility”. He also added that they will continue to share their experiences and skills to the medical students of WU.

    WU medical students confirmed that, they have got plenty of knowledge and skills which could help them to master their profession.

    Meanwhile, the team with Doctors, Nurses and Medical students from the University of Exeter has made visit at WU medical school of Different Departments. During the visit the team has conducted discussions with the heads of different departments on how to work together, especially on sharing experiences and teaching WU students.


    Article Count:
  • Wollega University conducts a workshop on

     Wollega University conducts a workshop on: Road Map 2033 and Thematic Areas Review

    missionThe workshop was conducted for two days in the main campus (Nekemte) dealing with Vision 2033 G.C of the university. On the workshop, Dr. Eba Mijena, President of Wollega University, welcomed the participants and invited guests as warmly as possible. Then, he invited Dr. Abera Deressa, former minister of agriculture and rural development and board member of Wollega University to make an opening speech. The road map was clearly presented by Mr. Asfaw Temesgen, Wollega University plan directorate director.  As to the presenter, the university is working day and night to be one of the top 25 universities in Africa by the year 2033 G.C. To achieve the vision, the university has prepared a road map that takes it to the place of success. mission1One element of the road map is bringing best experiences of some top African universities to Wollega University. As a result, a delegate from Wollega University visited Makerere University in Uganda to share best experiences on academic affairs, research and innovation, staff development, knowledge transfer and other good practices. The good experiences are now being under practice in Wollega University.

    Instructors, professionals and invited guests brought their knowledge, skills and creativities for the implementation of the road map in to practice. They also promised to contribute their share for the development of the university. 

    Article Count:
  • Wollega University Graduates Students

    Wollega University Graduates Students

    UntitledWollega University graduated 1,995 students on 8/7/2010 E.C. The graduates attended their education in evening, weekend and distance modalities in three campuses and two centers of the university. Most of the students were bachelor of degree graduates while few of them were masters of degree graduates. It was for the first time that the university graduated the students in ‘Bega’ or in mid-year.

    On the occasion, Dr. Eba Mijena, president of the university, welcomed the graduates, parents and invited guests as warmly as possible. The president congratulated the graduates and thanked the university community for their effort for the success of the graduates. He capitalized that the development of a country is ensured only through educated and qualified people in the country. To achieve this, all stakeholders of education should work hand-in- hand with the government especially to ensure quality education in the country. Besides, the president advised the graduates to create their own jobs and contribute their share in the development of the country. Mr. Birhanu Bekele, East Wollega Zone Administrator, on his part stated that education is a key for personal, social, economic and political development of any citizen in any country. Finally, top achievers from all departments were given prizes and recognitions.

    Article Count:
  • Moot Court Computation on international Humanitarian Law

    law1Wollega University Law School Moot Court Team is ranked among the best eight moot court teams in Ethiopia for the upcoming International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition. The competition is an annual moot competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). From 21 participant universities in Ethiopia, top eight universities are selected based on written memorials on issues of International Humanitarian Law. The next stage of the competition is final oral pleading round to be held from 16-19 May 2018 at Hawassa University. Wollega University will be represented by three 4th year Law students and a coach. We wish them the best!

    Wollega University Law School, in partnership with Amicus Media & Promotions, is organising an academic debate on ‘The Federal vis-à-vis Regional governments’ power to ensure peace and safety in Constituent Units’. The debate will be held on 15 May 2018 at the Law School Moot Court Room. All students of the university are invited to attend the debate.

    Article Count:
  • Moot Court Competition

    low1Wollega University Law School has become the national champion in Best Memorial of the International Red Cross Society’s National Moot Court Competition held between 16 and 19 May 2018 at Hawassa University. The Law School also finished 5th in the oral round of the competition. The competition is an annual moot court competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to enhance students’ understanding of International Humanitarian Law and their argumentation skills. The competition has two rounds: the preliminary round and the oral round. lawFrom 19 Universities that took part in the competition, only seven universities passed to the final round while Hawassa University automatically qualified as the host of the competition. Wollega University is one of the seven universities to qualify for the final competition where the Law School finished as national champions in Best Memorials. The Law School received a national award of three books on IHL and each team member also received a personal prize. Wollega University Moot Court Team was represented by a coach Mr. Chimdessa Fekadu and three 4th year law students (Henok Mulatu, Obse Basha and Adugna Melaku).We congratulate the Law School for this incredible achievement!

    low2Wollega University Law School in partnership with Amicus Media Promotion and  Communications organized an academic debate on Federal vis-à-vis Regional Governments’ power to ensure Peace and Safety in Regional States’. The Academic debate was held on 15 May 2018 at Wollega University Postgraduate Hall. The debate was opened with a short remark by the Honourable Dr.Eba Mijena, the President of Wollega University. Dr.Eba emphasized the significance of such forums as tools of promoting the University’s research and academic activities in parallel with exchanging ideas on current topics such as the Ethiopian federal power structure. The President also commended the Law School’s Centre for Moot Court and Legal Profession Development for organising the debate. low3Following the opening speech, two teams from the Law School comprised by a Lecturer and a student each presented their arguments in favour and against the existing power sharing structure in Ethiopian federation with special emphasis on maintain peace and safety. Following the presentation and clarification questions by judges, a team that argued in favour of the existing power sharing structure prevailed with 82.5 % overall score.

     low4At the end of the debate, the dean of the Law School Mr. Obsa Degabasa made a closing speech thanking both the staff of the Law School and Amicus Media Promotions and Communications for their crucial roles in organising the debate.

    Article Count:
  • Graduation 2010




    graduationWollega University has graduated more than 6000 (six thousand) graduates by its 10th Students’ Graduation Ceremony on 1st -3rd July, 2018 from all campuses: Main (Nekemte), Shambu and Ghimbi Campuses by undergraduate program, Post Graduate program and Innovative Medicine. The University is playing its National mission by graduating qualitative, competent and problem solving professionals. Dr. Eba Mijena, University’s President, who is at the right side and graduation2speaking, make a wonderful speech to graduates saying that “you’re graduated not only for yourself and your family but also for the country, for our community and thus, you should actively be involved in your country’s or community’s affairs, solve the problem of the society or the country using the knowledge and skills you accumulated during your stay in the University.” It’s due to such hard working that Wollega University ranked first for successive two times exceeding other universities from its generation. The university is also benefiting the country particularly the surrounding community through teaching learning, community service and problem solving researches.

    Article Count:
  • የወለጋ_ዩኒቨርሲቲ_3608_ተማሪዎችን_በዛሬው_ዕለት አስመረቀ።

    የወለጋ_ዩኒቨርሲቲ_3608_ተማሪዎችን_በዛሬው_ዕለት አስመረቀ።

    የወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለ15 ዙር በዛሬው ዕለት 3586 ተማሪዎችን አስመረቀ።ከእነዚህ ተማሪዎች መካከል 1139 ተማሪዎች በአካል ተገኝተው ምርቃታቸው ላይ የተካፈሉ ሲሆን ቀሪዎቹ ተመራቂዎች እቤት ሆነው በበየነ መረብ እና በኦሮሚያ ቴሌቪዥን ኔትወርክ (ኦ.ቢ.ኤን) በቀጥታ ሰርጭት ተከታትለዋል።በአካል ተገኝተው ምርቃታቸውን ከተከታተሉት 1139 ተማሪዎች መካከል 1131 በሁለተኛ ድግሪ የተመረቁ ናቸው።8ቱ ደግሞ በሶስተኛ ድግሪ ተመርቀዋል። ከስምንቱ የሶስተኛ ድግሪ ተመራቂዎች መካከል 4ቱ በአፍን ኦሮሞ ቋንቋና ስነ ጽሑፍ በኢትዩጵያ ደረጃ ለመጀምሪያ ጊዜ የተመረቁ ናቸው። በዛሬው ዕለት የተመረቁት 3608 ተማሪዎች የኮሮና ቫይረስ በሽታ በሀገራችን ከመከሰቱ በፊት ትምህርታቸውን የጨረሱና በበየነ መረብ ትምህርታቸውን በመከታተል ያጠናቀቁ ናቸው።

    ክቡር ዶ/ር #ሀሰን_ዩሱፍ በምረቃው መርሃግብር ላይ ባደረጉት ንግግር ተመራቂዎችን እንኳን ደስ ያላችሁ ካሉ በኋላ፣በዙ ውጣ ውረዶችንና ፈተናዎችን በማለፍ ተመራቂዎች ለዚህ በመብቃታቸው እጅግ የሚያኮራ እና የሚያስደስት ነው ብለዋል ።ተመራቂዎች በሰለጠኑበት ሞያቸው ማህበረሰቡን በታሞኝንት፣በቅንንትና፣በጥሩ ስነምግባር እና ሀቀኝነት እንዲያገለግሉ ጥሪያቸውን አስተላልፈዋል። ክቡር ዶ/ር #አበራ_ዴሬሳ የወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የቦርድ አባልና የዕለቱ የክብር እንግዳ በምርቃት ሥነ-ሥርዓቱ ላይ ንግግር አድርገዋል።ተመራቂዎችን እንኳን ደስ ያላችሁ እንኳን ለዚህ ታሪካዊ ቀን አበቃችሁ ብለዋል።በተለይ የኮሮና ቫይረስ በሽታን ተጽዕኖ በመቋቋምና በኢንተርኔት ትምህርታችሁን በመከታተል ለዚህ በመብቃታችሁ ጥንካሬያችሁን ያሳያል ሲሉ ተናግረዋል።በትምህርታችሁ ሂደት ያሳያችሁትን ጥንካሬ በተግባር ስራው አለምም እንድትደግሙና ማህበረሰቡን በተሰማራችሁበት የስራ መስክ ሁሉ በቅንነትና በታማኝንት እንድታገለግሉ ሲሉ ጥሪያቸውን አቅርበዋል።

    ወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ባለፉት 14 አመታት ከ44ሺህ በላይ ተማሪዎችን በማስመረቅ ለሀገሪቱ እድገት ከፋተኛ አስተዋጽኦ ያበረከት ሲሆን ፣በአሁኑ ወቅትም ክ30 ሺህ በላይ ተማሪዎች በመጀመሪያ ድግሪ፣በሁለተኛ ድግሪ እና በሶስተኛ ድግሪ መርሃግብር በ159 የትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች ትምህርታቸውን በመከታተል ላይ ይገኛሉ። ተመራቂዎች እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ የወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አስተዳደር

    Article Count:
  • Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round

    Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round1

    Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round2

    Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round3

    Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round4

    Wollega University Graduates Students for the Fifteenth Round

    Article Count:
  • ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመን

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመን እንደ ሀገር ከኮቪድ-19 ወረርሽኝ እና የጸጥታ ጉዳዮች ጋር ተያይዞ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችንን የትምህርት ሰሌዳ እንደወጣዉ ሥራ ላይ ስላልተቻለ እና ለተለያዩ ባቾች የተለያየ የትምህርት ሰሌዳ ስተገብር ቆይቷል፡፡ በዚሁ መሠረት በ2012 የትምህርት ዘመን ማጠናቀቂያ ላይ መመረቅ የነበረባቸዉን ከ3500 ተማሪዎች በላይ የካቲት 06/2013 ዓ/ም በወለጋ እስታዲዮም ማስመረቅ ችሏል፡፡ በ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመንም 5903 ተማሪዎችን ነሐሴ 08/2013 ከፍተኛ የፈደራልና የክልል የመንግሥት የሥራ ኃላፊዎች፤ የዩኒቨርሲቲዉ የማኔጅመንት ቦርድ አባላትና ተጋባዥ እንግዶች በተገኙበት ደማቅ የምረቃ ሥነ-ሥርዓት አከናዉኗል፡፡

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓም የትምህርት1

    ነሐሴ 08/2013 በተደረገዉ የምርቃ ሥነ-ሥርዓት ላይ ለመሳተፍ አብዛኛዉ የኢንጂኔሪንግና ቴክኖሎጂ ኮሌጅ ተማሪዎች በኮቪድ-19 ምክንያት ብዙ ፋብሪካዎች፤ ኢንዱስትሪዎችና ተማሪዎቹ ለተግባር ልምምድ የሚወጡባቸዉ የተለያዩ አገልግሎት ሰጪ ተቋማት ያሏቸዉንም ሠራተኞች መቀነስና በፈረቃ ለማሠራት በመገደዳቸዉ የዘገዩ 713 የመደበኛና ተከታታይ ተማሪዎች መስከረም 15/2014 በደማቅ የምረቃ ሥነ-ሥርዓት ተመርቀዋል፡፡ እንዲሁም ትምህርታቸዉን ያጠናቀቁ 26 የአካዊንቲንግና ፋይናንስ (ከጊምቢ ካምፓስ)፤ 36 የቬቴርኔሪ ሜዲሲን ተማሪዎች (ከነቀምቴ ካምፓስ መመረቅ ችለዋል፡፡ ሌላኛዉ የምረቃ ሥነ-ስርዓቱ ድምቀት የነበረዉ 2 የ3ኛ ዲግሪ (ፒኤች ዲ) ዕጩዎች 1 ከዕጽዋት ሳይንስ ትምህርት ክፍል (ሻምቡ ካምፓስ) እና 1 ደግሞ ከህሳብ ትምህርት ከፍል መመረቅ መቻላቸዉ ነበር፡፡ በዚህ ዓመት የተመረቁትን ተማሪዎችን ጨምሮ ዩኒቭርሲቲያችን አጠቃላይ ከ72,000 ተማሪዎች በላይ አስመርቋል፡፡

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓም የትምህርት

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓም የትምህርት2

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓም የትምህርት3

    Article Count:
  • Welcome Message for the First Year Students

    A Welcome Message for the First Year Students

    by His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf (PhD), President of Wollega University


    Eggaa Baga Nagaan Dhuftani, Kabajamoo Dr Hasan Yusuf, Pirezidaantii Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaatin, Barattoota Waggaa Tokkoffaa Maraaf




    A Welcome Message by a Wollega University President for The First Year Students

    Hasan Yusuf (PhD)

    Welcome everyone to Nekemte, shambu, and Gimbi towns and Wollega University. I am excited for having you in Wollega University. I want you to have a great four or five or six years in our university, but, more importantly, I want you to have a four or five or six-year experience that helps you develop the agency and autonomy to become the architect of your life.

    The quality of education at Wollega University happens as our students become highly engaged in the academic experience, focused on one or two co-curricular, and surround themselves with peers, college/faculty/institute/school or departments staffs who advise them in different ways.

    Let me put some context around Wollega University. There are 45 universities in Ethiopia. Wollega University occupies a unique place in the Ethiopian higher education landscape as a front-runner among those thirteen second generation Universities which started functioning in 2009. We want our University to become one of the best twenty five universities in Africa in 2033—that is our ambition, our aspiration, our vision. Our University was established 14 years ago in 2009 with mission to produce competent, innovative, autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents, and active citizens of a democratic society in various disciplines.

    At the beginning our university started with a total focus on undergraduate education with 17 academic programs. We have now 94 undergraduates, 84 masters, 15 PhD programs, medical doctoral and specialty students, schools, and teaching referral hospital. Now about 34, 000 students are being admitted to different academic programs of our university. Our focus of teaching and learning mission is on providing students with undergraduate and graduate education. But not just any education. We tries to immerse students in a challenging, engaging, and broad-based quality education that develops a set of attributes that allows graduates to think critically, understand profoundly and connect broadly. Our University runs its business with 1579 academics staffs and 2833 administration and supportive staffs.

    Dear students,

    During your first year stay in our university we want you to learn and know your culture, your history, your country`s geography; to learn to write and communicate; work with numbers and data; weave disparate ideas into new ways of thinking; frame questions; critically think, solve puzzles and problems; connect with a broad range of people and ideas; and identify and follow a line of logic. These are some of the expected and important learning outcomes of the newly nationally designed course catalogue for freshman students.

    But, as worthy as those abilities are, the power of the soft skills and emerging disruptive technologies is becoming much deeper. Over the next four or five or six years, we want to help you create a way of being in the twenty first century world. We work to make Wollega university students experience the beauty and meaning of intellectual pursuits; rigorous academics and sharp thinking; the thrill of knowledge for its own sake; and the impact of learning when standards are high and classmates are engaged with the course material and each other.

    Of course, this type of learning will be extending across all of our campus. We require our regular students to live inside our campuses, because we believe campus life deepens learning opportunities in university education. Sports, the arts, campus organizations and other co-curricular activities will be expanded to serve as platform for students to further develop and practice professional skills, values, and habits. We also believe that there is something powerful about living with high-achieving peers together in dormitories that are committed to their education in their respective fields of studies, who want to do well in life, and who bring a wide range of views, perspectives and life experiences to campus. Students often challenge and learn from one another. Generally we want to provide our students with the skills, values, habits, networks, and experience to succeed in life. And we seek to instill within our students a sense that we all should strive to do this in ways that contribute beyond ourselves.

    Dear students,

    These education processes in our university is not linear and it is not always easy as well. Your time at Wollega University can be filled with joys, successes, surprises, and it also will have its share of obstacles, frustrations, disappointments and sometimes failures. All of this is what can happen elsewhere in the world when about more than 12,000 culturally diverse students and staff live together in the university. And it is what sometimes happens in the campuses of our university.

    There have been huge successes in our university since its establishment. We expect the same this year as well. We have witnessed to the fantastic academic performances, senior research projects made by our students. We had fun watching sporting events and performances of some kinds and the art works, our senior classes have left some good legacies for you that will be enhanced through your leadership and participation. These could be some of our students’ joys during their stay in our university.

    Dear students,

    I would like to call up on you our beloved students to embrace a new way of thinking, which can be defined by a university where students come from different regional states, cultural, ethnic, religious backgrounds are dependent upon each other and do impacts each other positively. For example, if we are going to address campus wide environmental hygiene challenges, theft related crimes or a range of other issues, what one student or a group of students does impacts the ability of another student or group of students to manage its own issues.

    I would also like to further emphasize that the only path forward is for students from different culture, ethnic identity and political viewpoints living in our university to learn to not just get along but to work across tremendous differences to do their work that will take to address major conflicting issues in the university campuses. We do not have to look like each other. But, we have to learn to effectively work together. Of course, this will require individual student mindset transformation among many other things.

    I am also calling on every student and staff to think critically, understand profoundly, and connect broadly. We need a new generation of students and citizens, who can connect with others because they can communicate, listen and hear; solve problems through rigor and reason; practice respect, tolerance, and humility; and commit to working with others to get things done. These are what we expect our students develop from their University education.

    In general, here is my advice on how to use, a Wollega University education opportunity, to become The architect of your life at present and future.

    First, devote your time at Wollega University to four primary activities:

    • Make your academic courses the centerpiece of your university experience. Nothing is more important. Academics are why universities exist. The university education can strengthen and open your mind and imagination in powerful and life transforming ways, but only if you take advantage of the opportunity to immerse yourself in the academics. This means taking a wide range of classes and prioritizing your academic work. In Wollega University we use active pedagogies and continuous assessment as student evaluation technique. But these approach only work if students come prepared to be fully engaged. At Wollega University, the quality of the academic experience is shaped by the academic staff at colleges/faculties/institutes and/or departments, but also by the commitment and engagement of every student in every class.

    Let me place a huge footnote on this priority - placing courses front and center is not about grades, but rather about taking a wide range of challenging classes and getting the most from each of them. Find power and joy in the books you read, the papers you write, the discussions you have in class, and the conversations with departments in and outside of the classroom.

    • Get involved in co-curricular activities – but not overly involved. Wollega University students are doers, and much learning comes from co-curricular involvement. But the goal is not to do a large number of things but to learn to do a small number of things well. Value depth, commitment and excellence, and avoid busyness for the sake of busyness. The learning and fun from co-curricular come from being committed, and working with others to win games, put on performances, improve campus, and so forth.

    • Savor the intellectual and cultural events. This year we have a special plan to expand and strengthen our campuses with extraordinary intellectual and cultural events, including public lectures, public debates and dialogue forums, plays, concerts, art openings, and panel conversations. Don’t lose sight of this amazing part of university life. Intellectual and cultural experiences expand your mind, imagination and world views. Attend and participate in lectures and art events that expose you to new perspectives. Savor the plethora of unique opportunities to be exposed to people, ideas and artistic expressions that provide ways of seeing the world, or some part of it, in an entirely new way.

    • Focus on career exploration, especially between semesters: Wollega University should help you develop ideas for the kind of life you want to live; an understanding for how careers allow people to build lives; and to acquire the skills, values, habits, networks, and experiences to successfully get started jobs or post-graduation. Use the academic courses, co-curricular, and campus events to examine unfamiliar topics and help you identify and explore interests and passions. And also use part of your time at Wollega University to engage with its career development center. Do this early and do it often. The Center will help you focus on career related programs, connect with alumni, and have experiences that will enhance career exploration, preparation and launching. Make career exploration and using the Center a priority. Take the courses that interest and challenge you, while allowing the Career Center to help you take what you have learned and translate it into an internship or first job.

    Second, your ability to effectively do these four things will be greatly enhanced if you do the following:

    • Seek out college/ faculty/institute/school/department staff who will advise you. An advisor from our department academic staff cares about our students and wants to see them excel. As such, they provoke, inspire and demand, as a way to lead students in a process of self-discovery, personal growth, and learning. They won’t always tell you what you want to hear or give you what you want. College/ Faculty/ institution/ school/ department and staff will purposefully push you to develop attributes that will help you develop the agency and autonomy needed to thrive both in a university and beyond. This isn’t always going to be easy, but it will be both purposeful and powerful. We believe that our students are outstanding and have incredible potential – and college/faculty/institute/schools and staff are here to advise you to that potential.

    • Develop a wide set of friendships, especially with people who are different from your cultural and other background and identities. Friendships run deep at University. Typically, students start by developing friendships with people who have similar life experiences, but that should be the starting point, not the end goal. Wollega University works best when students seek out and form friendships with people who have a different set of culture, life experiences and world views. This means proactively seeking out those peers in student residential buildings, dormitories, classrooms, and other campus venues who see and live in the world differently than you. The wider your network of friends, the more you will learn from your peers.

    • Develop good life habits. Our university education programs are designed to develop whole people. Life habits are crucial, especially avoiding traps of addictions, allocating time for relaxation and sleep; unplugging from social media and spending more face-to-face time with friends. This year we are going to promote about emotional agility/intelligence in our university, which refers to a mindset that gives people the resiliency, perseverance and tools to transform challenge into success. Take advantage of the mindfulness and wellness programs that we will initiate this year.

    • Learn to Fail Forward. Part of a transformative university experience is learning to see and use stumbles and failure as part of the process of self-discovery, personal development, and eventual achievement. Everything is not going to go well all of the time. When things don’t go well, avoid the temptation of believing that everybody else is succeeding at every aspect of their life, while you are not. It’s not true! University is about growing as a person. This happens as you challenge yourself at a high level and in new ways. Failing is a normal, healthy, and positive part of doing this well. When things don’t go well, follow the advice above: seek out your college/faculty/ institute/ school/ department staff that can help you learn from the experience, participate in some of the programs we are offering across campus on developing good life habits, and be with peers. And most of all, try again.

    And third, as you are doing all of this, help us create and recreate a strong community at Wollega University. We depend upon members of our community understanding, appreciating, enjoying and respecting the differences that are a huge strength of Wollega University community, while also seeing beyond the differences to find the connections that create a campus community of Wollega University. Be excited to connect with and to learn from each other, but most of all treat one another with respect and kindness as members of a single community. Connect with others who might be struggling. And express yourself in ways that are mindful of how others might hear you. Cultural competency and appreciation for language diversity, cultural, political, intellectual and other forms of pluralism is core to your Wollega university education and to preparing for life after our university.

    University is not a spectator sport. The university experience you have will be the one you create.

    Your time here will not always be easy. You are going to have to balance challenging classes, time consuming co-curricular and myriad relationships with peers. There will be lots of fun moments and lots of deep friendships formed. Also, remember that much of the self-discovery, personal growth, and learning come because of the stuff that does not go as planned – especially the missteps, struggles, and failures. It is also clear to for everybody that a university education will help you identify the kind of life you want to lead. And it has the power to help you develop the skills, values, and habits that you will bring to that life and be successful. You are about to experience a type and caliber of education that every student deserves, but very few receive. Take advantage of it.

    Lastly, a plea. You will see me around campus, and when I ask how things are going, it is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know. I am excited to welcome you to Wollega University and excited to get to know you. I will also ask you, if you are forging friendships with people on campus whose life experiences are different from your own and if you are taking a wide range of classes. I will further ask you about the quality of services that the university is providing you.

    May our students cultivate habits of mind, share in our commitment to community, and embrace the values of our mission statement as competent, autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents, and active citizens of a democratic society.

    Again Welcome to Wollega University!!

    Thank you,

    July 05/2021

    Article Count:
  • Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held

    Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held

    WU, together with partners Jimma University, University of Stavanger, Norway have kicked-off digitally a collaborative project:" Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training (ENDMET)". A project funded for the next six years by the Norwegian programme for capacity development in higher education and research for development (NORHED II) Project

    Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held

    $11.      Introduction

    INDMEET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project is a 6-year partnership project between Faculty of Science and Technology of University of Stavanger (UiS) in Norway, College of Engineering and Technology of Wollega University and Institute of Technology (JiT) in Jimma University (JU), Ethiopia. The project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of partners in south to improve the quality of engineering education, and technical and vocational training. Project activities will focus on Design and Manufacturing Engineering and outreach activities to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The project uses experience from UiS team on applying problem-based learning approaches for better learning, creativity and self-employability in the south. The project has four parts: Education, Research, TVET (Industries) and Institutional capacity building. The education component will develop workforce within Design and Manufacturing Engineering. New PhD programs in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing and MSc program in Design Eng. will be developed and launched at JU and WU. Existing programs will be revised and diversified for TVET teachers.

    2. Objectives and target group

    The main objective of INDMEET project is to enhance teaching capacity at Wollega and Jimma University by strengthening the quality of teaching in Manufacturing, Mechanical design and product development courses/programs in order to stimulate innovation and employability through; improving laboratories, workshops and smart classrooms and improving the human resource through training for research capacity building and engineering skills.

    The project is designed to address the needs of the country focusing on six target areas, namely:

    $11.      Staff capacity building to enhance teaching and research quality

    $12.      Promoting innovation and creativity skills within new product development approach supported by 3D printing.

    $13.      Module preparation for online teaching-learning and assessment with quality assurance.

    $14.      Developing self-testing and soft-skill modules for improving employability

    $15.      Capacitating TVET teachers through training, outreach, and continuous engagement

    $16.      Gender mainstreaming with early-stage guidance, counseling and support

    $13.      Key INDMET Project Output

    In general, this INDMEET project has four parts: Education, Research, TVET (Industries) and Institutional capacity building.

    $13.1  Education and Teacher Training parts of the project

    Education in this context means engineering education and teacher training means training of TVET teachers and instructors of engineering. The purpose of the education element of the project within mechanical design and manufacturing is to strengthen the teaching capacity of the institutions in the field of design and manufacturing, which are crucially needed for the manufacturing industries of the country. In addition, strong background of graduates in design and manufacturing contributes in self-employability. The education part is designed to produce 25 MSc graduates. Among those, 25 graduates are from employees of the south partners (15 from JU and 10 from WU). Similarly, the purpose of the training element of the project is to enhance quality of education. The training will have impact on producing better and competent graduates who can serve the regional and national needs effectively. The outcome is confident and productive graduates as well as satisfied stakeholders. The output of the training will be knowledgeable and skilled teachers and instructors who can deliver lessons effectively. In addition, training programs or workshops are organized for engineers for industries in the region and laboratory technicians of the partner universities.

    $13.2  Research part of the Project

    Research part of the project Research in this context is conducted through qualifying academic staff of the south partners with Ph.D. degree, involvement of PhD holding academic staff in postdoctoral research of two years’ time and collaborative research among researchers from all partners including joint research proposal writing on Mega projects during the project period and beyond. The postdoctoral candidates are recruited from academic staff for two years with one year residence at University of Stavanger. The doctoral and postdoctoral research topics will focus on solving local problems and the topics are intended to be defined early in the project start phase, i.e. spring 2021. Specifically, the research part of the project will produce - 8 academic staff with Ph.D. degree - 3 academic staff involved in postdoc research for two years. Each researcher is expected to produce at least 3 articles in open access journals and at least 2 peer reviewed article in conference proceedings or book chapters during his/her engagement in the project. In addition, each master thesis student is encouraged to produce at least 1 article from the MSc thesis work.

    $14.      Sustainability and local ownership

    The INDMEET project has its foundation in the participatory approach defined in order to increase and maintain local ownership. In order to ensure this local ownership, south partner’s authorities both at has to actively engage   in the project implementation. The crucial problem areas in baseline analysis, the defined objectives and target groups were established through brainstorming discussions with the project leader and project coordinators at south partner institution. Therefore, the project target groups are defined based on the critical needs of the institutions to improve institutional capacity in line with the program impacts and outcomes. In this direction, there exists strong commitment from partner institutions and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MOSHE) side to strengthen the academic capacity of HEIs in the country, among others, through international collaborations and knowledge transfer. All partners in the south-south collaboration are committed to collaborate and share available resources to each other in order to achieve the planed outcomes sustainability. In the same way, the north-south collaboration that was started more than 10 years ago and sustained till present indicates that there is high motivation to sustain the collaboration.

    $15.      Project Management and Implementation strategy

    The overall activities of the project will be managed by a Project Management Committee consisting of SEVEN members (three male and four female): Two from UiS, three from JU and two from WU. A project team of FIVE members at each institution will coordinate project activities, monitor the performance and contribute in the implementations such as teaching, training and supervision. The project Management Committee consists of the following members:

    $11.      Prof. Hirpa G. Lemu (PhD, UiS): Project leader.

    $12.      Ass. Prof. Endalkachew Mosisa Gutema (WU, PhD), Member of Management Committee and coordinator of project team at WU.

    $13.      Assoc. Prof. Mesay Alemu Tolcha (JU, PhD), Member of Management Committee, and coordinator of project team at JU.

    $14.      Mrs. Vanessa Grace Ochon Booc (UiS) – Administrative support advisor, Member of Mgt. Committee.

    $15.      Mrs Hana Beyene Mamo, (JU, MSc), Member of Member of Management Committee

    $16.      Ms. Abeba Negewo Tadese, Ass. lecturer (BSc), Member of Management Committee

    $17.      Mrs. Sena Gonfa Negassa (WU, MSc), Member of Management Committee

    $16.      Conclusion

    In the upcoming six years the project produce 25 graduates awarded full scholarship for MSc studies (15 at JU and 10 at WU), 50 TVET teachers and engineers from local industries every other year trained (3D modeling & digital tools) through annual summer schools; One semester mobility grants for 12 female or marginalized students, 8 PhD researchers (4 from JU and 4 from WU) and 2 Postdoc researchers (2 from JU and 1 from WU). Ph.D., Postdoc and collaboration researches will focus on local problems by infusing innovation using rapid prototyping technology test center in Mega research and gender-responsive innovation in product design and development.

    Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held1

    Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held2

    Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held3


    Article Count:
  • Wollega University Signed MOU with Oromia Tourism Commission

    Wollega University Signed MOU with Oromia Tourism Commission

    Wollega University is working with numerous partners on several issues.To engage in research, eco-tourism and to set knowledge driven and evidence based development of tourism in Oromia   region in general and western parts in areas of  tourist attractions found along different routes in particular, Wollega University -  entered into an MoU with Oromia Tourism Commission recently.  A general agreement was reached on transforming the tourism and hospitality sectorand also on specific areas of expanding the existing tourism related program and identifying tourist destinations. Dr Hasan Yusuf, Wollega University-President and Commissioner Lelise Dhuga, Oromia tourism Commissioner, said the MoU will help initiate an Exchange of experts and Training programme for staffs from both parties, with practical knowledge about the intricacies of eco-tourism and exchange of academic personnel.

    According to Dr. Hasan Yusuf, apart from cooperative development activities and design of courses, conferences, symposia or academic programmes, the memorandum also facilitates exchange of academic or materials and publications of common interest. He also emphasized on the occasion that the collaboration will boost the setting up of Oromo arts and music archives underway in Wollega University -School of arts study under the Institute of Languages Study.
    Dr Hasan still stressed that the MoU envisages in building and maintaining an updated knowledge data base in the field of arts, music, and theater. "Such working collaboration makes the tourism industry more visible and vibrant” he added. 

    Commissioner Lelise, on her part said the MoU will contribute to upgrading the training content on tourism, hotel management and structured approach in the fields mentioned and devise various strategies to strengthen the overall environment to combat tourism risks in western Ethiopia.
      She also added that synergy of the two institutions will help in evolving a learning process which will mutually be favorable to both parties. 

    Generally, the MOU was established to help each other to accomplish mutually the following major areas for collaboration:

    $1      Undertaking of joint research activities and publications 

    $1      Generating basic and ongoing evidence and knowledge on tourism development with particular focus on competitiveness, sustainability and related policy issues;

    $1      Integration of tourism into academic curriculum with inbuilt ongoing capacity for alignment with or responsive to current and future or projected growth and development needs and demands of tourism industry in Oromia region;

    $1      Building capabilities, skills and competence of local level tourism development actors (government, management of destinations, community leaders, youth and other operators); and

    $1      Sharing learning and perspectives on tourism development with a focus on competitiveness, sustainability and related policy issues through initiating and running symposia, seminars, workshops and conferences, and

    $1      Promote exchange of information, materials and scientific information in fields of interest.

    Wollega University Signed MOU with Oromia Tourism Commission (1)

    Wollega University Signed MOU with Oromia Tourism Commission (2)

    Article Count:
  • በ2013 ክረምት በጎ አድራጎት ሥራዎችን በተመለከተ

    10 የአቅመ-ደካማ እናቶችና አባቶችን ያረጁ ቤቶችን ሙሉ በሙሉ አድሷቸዋል፡፡ ለ2014 አዲስ ዓመት መቀበያ በዓል የሚዉሉበትን ጨምሮ ሥራ ሊያስጀምራቸዉ የሚችሉትን ቁሳቁሶችና ብር በመስጠት የታደሱትን ቤቶች አስረክቧቿል፡፡ በዚህም 1.5ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ወጪ አድርጓል፡፡ ይህም ከዩኒቨርሲቲዉ ማህበረሰብና ባለድርሻ አካላት የተሰበሰበ ነዉ፡፡ በሁሉም ካምፓሶች ወደ 2 ሚሊዮን ገደማ ችግኞችን (ለአካባቢ ጥበቃና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ፋይዳ ያላቸዉን) በማዘጋጀትና በመግዛት በተለዩ ቦታዎች የዩኒቨርሲቲዉን ማህበረሰብ በማሳተፍ እንዲተከሉ ተደርጓል፡፡ ለት/ቤቶች፤ ለሃይማኖት ድርጅቶች፤ ለሌሎች ተቋማትም ታድሏል፡፡

    በ2013 ክረምት በጎ አድራጎት ሥራዎችን በተመለከተ፡

    Article Count:
  • November, 2021


    photo 2021-08-17 06-12-41ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመን

    ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በ2013 ዓ/ም የትምህርት ዘመን እንደ ሀገር ከኮቪድ-19 ወረርሽኝ እና የጸጥታ ጉዳዮች ጋር ተያይዞ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችንን የትምህርት ሰሌዳ እንደወጣዉ ሥራ ላይ ስላልተቻለ እና ለተለያዩ ባቾች የተለያየ የትምህርት ሰሌዳ ስተገብር ቆይቷል፡፡ በዚሁ መሠረት በ2012 የትምህርት ዘመን ማጠናቀቂያ ላይ መመረቅ የነበረባቸዉን ከ3500 ተማሪዎች በላይ የካቲት 06/2013 ዓ/ም በወለጋ እስታዲዮም ማስመረቅ ችሏል፡፡

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    photo 2021-07-28 15-27-06

     Call for Application for Admission to MSc and doctoral Program at Wollega University (First Round). Wollega University, College of Engineering and Technology invite applicants for PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. The program is  funded by the NORRED II from NORAD through the INDMET (institutional    Network for  Design and Manufacturing    Education &  Training) project, which is a collaboration project  between  University   of Stavanger  (UiS) 

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    4Project Kick-Off Webinar meeting held


    WU, together with partners Jimma University, University of Stavanger, Norway have kicked-off digitally a collaborative project:" Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training (ENDMET)".A project funded for the next six years by the Norwegian programmefor capacity development in higher education and research for development (NORHED II) Project

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    t1በ2013 ክረምት በጎ አድራጎት ሥራዎችን በተመለከተ

    10 የአቅመ-ደካማ እናቶችና አባቶችን ያረጁ ቤቶችን ሙሉ በሙሉ አድሷቸዋል፡፡ ለ2014 አዲስ ዓመት መቀበያ በዓል የሚዉሉበትን ጨምሮ ሥራ ሊያስጀምራቸዉ የሚችሉትን ቁሳቁሶችና ብር በመስጠት የታደሱትን ቤቶች አስረክቧቿል፡፡ በዚህም 1.5ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ወጪ አድርጓል፡፡ ይህም ከዩኒቨርሲቲዉ ማህበረሰብና ባለድርሻ አካላት የተሰበሰበ ነዉ፡፡ 

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    PresideWelcome Message for the First Year Students

     A Welcome Message for the First Year Students by His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf (PhD), President of Wollega University.Welcome everyone to Nekemte, shambu, and Gimbi towns and Wollega University. I am excited for having you in Wollega University. I want you to have a great four or five or six years in our university, but, more importantly, I want you to have a four or five or six-year experience that helps you develop the agency and autonomy to become the architect 

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    bbWollega University Signed MOU with Oromia Tourism Commission


    Wollega University is working with numerous partners on several issues. To engage in research, eco-tourism and to set knowledge driven and evidence based development of tourism in Oromia region in general and western parts


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    Article Count:
  • Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs

    Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs

    Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs1Wollega University(WU), School of Law has organized a two-days (Nov., 29 ad 30, 2021 G.C) discussion forum and training to Legal Aid with WU top management and stakeholders and to staffs working at different Legal Aid Centers respectively at Senaf International Hotel, Nekemte City.

    The training focused on protection of Internally Displaced Person (IDP) particularly on GBV Survivals and its referral pathways, Ethics of free legal aid experts and clients Handling mechanism, Succession law and Ethiopian Civil procedure.

    Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs2The training was given by the University's Law School lecturers and invited Judges from East Wollega Zone High Court. By doing so, that it was aimed to solve knowledge and skill gaps that legal aid experts are facing while serving the Community/ people of concerns.

    Currently, There School is running 16 Legal Aid Centers and planning to open 5 more centers in the current Academic Year.

    It was reported that UNHCR supports the projects and zonal representative of the organization Mr. Gimbi Moroda has also confirmed that their organization will continue rendering necessary support to the centers.

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  • A Training on “Ethics and Service Quality Delivery

    A Training on “Ethics and Service Quality Delivery” given to all academic and administrative heads has been successfully completed

    A Training on “Ethics and Service Quality Delivery” given to all academic and administrative heads has been successfully completed1The training covered dimensions of service quality, customer service in Higher Education, and how to handle complaints are presented and participants of the training have discussed thoroughly referring to various cases of the their work units.

    The training has aimed at creating awareness about delivering quality service and customer handling techniques, enhancing professionalism and increasing customer satisfaction among others.

    A Training on “Ethics and Service Quality Delivery” given to all academic and administrative heads has been successfully completedHis Excellency, Dr. Hasan Yusuf, president of Wollega University on his part appreciated the team who took the initiative to organize the training and noted that the training be continued with front line service givers. Such training and capacity building activities should be a culture of the University and be planned at regular basis, the president emphasized. He also asked the team to carry out researches/case studies in selected work units for reflection and experience exchange.

    Article Count:
  • A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.

    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.

    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.3The city's profile is prepared by Center for Society and Environment Studies (research) team of professionals of Wollega University. The main objective of preparing the city's profile is to provide basic information on socio-economic conditions, which could serve as base for development planning and several other related activities in Nekemte City. Having such profile/document will help to facilitate transparent and consistent management of of city information achieves with particular emphasis on providing reliable and timely information that can enhance the economic development plans of the city. Policy makers, planners, researchers, donors, functional managers, and private investors who need to undertake development activities will get relevant information about Nekemte Physical setting and its socio-economic conditions.

    Ob. Bahiru Eba, deputy mayor of the City's administration has expressed his gratitude to Wollega University for preparing research based socio-economic profile of the City for the first time.

    Dr. Diriba Diba, Wollega University's vice president for research, community service, and industry linkage, on his part emphasized, having a basic information/data of a socio-economic conditions our City, Nekemte, is a key to planning development activities. Dr Dessalegn Wirtu, director for Center for Society and Environment Studies, on his part has also highlighted the procedures followed to compile the profile, and its contents.

    Beside, historical overview and concepts of roundabouts design has been presented the University's scholars and the participants have forwarded their opinions of what the designs of the identified roundabouts should look like and composed of. The building design prepared for the construction of Wollega Museum was also launched by the city's administration.


    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.2Mariin fooramii kitaaba waa'ee ragaalee bu'uuraa hawaas-dinagdee Magaalaa Naqamtee ibsuu eebbisiisuufi dizaayinii marfata daandii giddu-galaa magaalicha keessa jiru irratti mariin gaggeeffameera.

    Dabalataanis, Dizaayiniin ijaarsa gamoo God-ambaa magaalichaa keessa jiru (God-ambaa Wallaggaa) ijaaruuf qophaa'an ifoomeera.

    Kitaabni qophaa'e ragaalee buu'uuraa karooraafi sagantaa misoomaa magaalichaaf gargaaran akkasumas, qorattootaafi abbootii qabeenyaa hojii misoomaafi invastimantii gaggeessuu barbaadanif odeeffannoo bu'uuraa akka kennu ob Baahiruu Eebbaa, Itti aanaa kantiibaa bulchinsa magaalaa Baqamtee ibsun Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa itti gaafatamummaa hawaasummaafi tajaajila hawaasaaf keennu irratti xiyyeeffatee ragaalee bu'uraa hawaas-dinagdee magaalichaa qopheessuu isaaf galateeffataniiru.

    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.1Dr. Diribaa Dhibbaa, itti aanaan presidaantii qorannoo, tajaajila hawaasaafi walta'insa Industrii akka ibsaniitti ragaaleen bu'uuraa qophaa'e kun gudfina magaalitti karoorsuudhaafi abbootii qabeenyaafi invastarootaa hojii misoomaarratti bobba'uu barbaadaniif odeeffannoo kennuuf akka gargaaru ibsuun yeroodhaa yerootti fooyya'aa deemuu akka qabu dubbataniiru.

    Adeemsi qophii kitaabichaa akkam akka tureef qabiyyeen isaa daariktara giddu-gala qoraannoo hawaasaafi naannoo Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kan ta'an dr Dassaaleenyi Wiirtuun dhiyaatee hirmaattotaan marii bal'aan taasifameera.



    ወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በምርምር ላይ ተመሥርቶ የነቀምቴ ከተማን ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ገጽታ የሚያሳይ መሠረታዊ መረጃ የያዘ ዶክመንት ወይም መጽሐፍ ለከተማው መስዳደር አስረከበ።


    እንዲሁም በከተማው መሀል የሚገኙ የተለያዩ ማዞሪያ/አደባባዮች ሊዘጋጁ የታሰቡ ዲዛይኖች ምን መሆን እንዳለባቸውና ይዘታቸውን በተመለከተ የምክክሩ ተሳታፊዎች ሃሳባቸውን አካፍለዋል። ስለ አደባባይ ወይም ማዞሪያ ዲዛይኖች ምንነት እና ይዘት (ታሪክ፣ ባህል፣ የከተማ ውበት፣ ኢኮኖሚ፣ ትውልድ ማስተማርና የመሳሰሉት በዩኒቨርሲቲው ምሁራን ቀርቦ ውይይት ተደርጓል።


    የወለጋ ሙዚየም የህንፃ ግንባታ የተዘጋጀ ዲዛይን ይፋ ሆኗል።



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  • December,2021

     Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs

    Capacity Building training has been given to Wollega University Free Legal Aid Staffs3Wollega University(WU), School of Law has organized a two-days (Nov., 29 ad 30, 2021 G.C) discussion forum and training to Legal Aid with WU top management and stakeholders and to staffs working at different Legal Aid Centers respectively at Senaf International Hotel, Nekemte City.

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    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte

    A discussion forum to launch a book on Socioe-Economic Profile of Nekemte City has been held at Farmaland Hotel, In Nekemte.The city's profile is prepared by Center for Society and Environment Studies (research) team of professionals of Wollega University. The main objective of preparing the city's profile is to provide basic information on socio-economic conditions, which could serve as base for development planning and several other related activities in Nekemte City. 

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  • Wollega University School of Veterinary Medicine MOU signed with Bedelle Regional

    Wollega University School of Veterinary Medicine MOU signed with Bedelle Regional

    MOU signedWollega University, School of Veterinary Medicine, today (10 Deceber, 2021), signed Memorandom of Understanding (MOU) with two long term partners. Bedelle Regional Veterinary Laboratory has been working with the University's School of Veterinary medicine since its establishement. Similarly, East Wollega Zone Agricultural office has been accepting and training the school's students for practical attachments and research works in its different Veterinary clinics.

    Thanking both partners for their cooperation in the previous years, Dr. Melka Hika, Academic Affairs Vice president, underscored that signing MOU to collaborate in teaching, research, and practical attachments will help the University to discharge its responsibility in providing quality education and produce qualified and competent graduates.

    Dr. Diriba Diba, vice president for research, community service, and Industry Linkage on his part added that a single sector cannot solve all societal problems by its own alone. Hence, collaboration is important to fill each other's weaknesses and join hands for the betterment our community's livelihood and produce skilled and capable graduates. He also emphasized that though it is mandatory to work according to our agreement, for both partners, it is also good to consider things which are not exhausted in the lists.

    MOU signed3Ob.Asfaw Hambisa, head of E/W/Z Agricultural office, on his part reminding the audience the historical background of the quest for higher learning institution in Western Ethiopia, Wollega University, he expressed his feeling that his office has not rendered the necessary support to the University, and vice versa. But after this agreement his office will provide the necessary support with confidence and abide by it. The head has also asked the University management and the school to set a periodical monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the effectiveness of the collaboration.

    Ob Teka Keno, director of Bedelle Regional Vererinary Laboratory, on his part, highlighted the scope and coverage of the regional lab's actvities to the audience. Conducting research (in 8 zones, in 135 'woredas' in more than 1300 rural kebeles), diagnosing disease, providing training to different clinical practitioners to build their capacity to effectively discharge their responsibility are its major activities accrording to the director. As the region's laboratory is a home for many senior and beginner researchers from all over the country, today's signing of MOU is only to make official and binding for both partners to confidently work together and scale up the existing partnership, said ob. Teka. He has also confirmed that his institution is committed to implement the MOU.

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  • Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa Erge


     Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa Erge


    Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa ErgeYunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa hawaasaa Yunivarsiitichaafi qooda-fudhattootaa hedduu hirmaachisuun harka qalleeyyii bira dhaabbachuun deggersa gochaa turuun niyaadatama.Nammoota sabaaba walitti bu'insaafi waraana/lola irraan kan ka'e qe'efi mana isaanii irraa buqqaa'aniis gargaarsa erguun jajjabeessaa turuun niyaadatama.


    Godinaalee Wallaggaa keessumattuu,G/W/Bahaa keessatti rakkoolee nageenyaa mudataniin maatiiwwaan hedduun ooyiruu, qee'efi beeyiladootaa isaanii facaasuun buqqauun nibeekama.


    Haaluma walfakkaatuun, barsiisonni Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa hojii tola-ooltummaa irratti hirmaatan kaka'umsaa dhuunfaa isaanitiin lakkofsa herrega baankii banuun hawaasaa biyya keessaafi alaa irra deegeersa Qar. mil. Sadii oli quuqamtootaa kanneen irraa walitti qabuun dandaa'ameera.


    Qarshii midhaan nyaataa kuntaala 300f (kuntaala 120)i ruuzii, daakuu (kuntaala 150) fi zayiita nyaataa (Litira 600), firaashii (300), uffata halkanii (200) bitamee garuu sababa rakkoo nageenyaa yeroon geessisuun hindandaa'amne guyyaa har'aa bulchitoota Giddaafi Kiiramuutti kennuun uummata buqa'e bira akka ga'an waadaa itti dabarsaniiru. Gargaarsi walfakkaatu kanaan dura buqqaatoota magaalaa Siree qubataniif taasifamuu yaadachiisuun, kabajamoo dr. Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantiin Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa gargaarsi kun buqqaattota kunneenif akka ga'u abdii qaban dubbataniiru. Akkasumas, koree kaka'umsaa dhuunfaa isaaniitiin deeggersa kana walitti qaban galateeffataniiru.


    Bulchaan aanaa Giddaa Ayyaanaa ob. Adaanaa Alaamirroos deggersa taasifameef galateeffatanii buqqaatonni rakkoo hedduu keessa akka jiran dubbatanii qaamoleen kan biroos deggersa walfakkaatan akaa isaanii taasifamu gaafataniiru.






    Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa Erge1በፀጥታ ችግሮች የተነሳ እርዳታውን ወደ አከባቢው አጓጉዞ ለተረጂዎች ማድረስ ግን እስከ አሁን አዳጋች ሆኖባቸው ቆይተዋል። ምንም እንኳ ትንሽ የዘገዬ ቢሆንም አሁንም ብሆን እርዳታው ለተረጂዎች መድረሱ ግድ ስለሆነ ኮሚቴው ባሰባሰበው ሃብት የተገዙና በዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በጊዚያዊነት ተከማችተው የቆዩት የሰባዊ እርዳታ ቁሳቁሶችን የሁለቱ ወረዳዎች (የጊዳ አያና እና ኪራሙ) አስተዳዳሪዎች ነቀምቴ ለስራ ጉዳይ የመጡ ስለሆነ በዚሁ አጋጣሚ ቀሳቁሳቹን ተረክበው ለተረጂዎች እንዲያደርሱ ዛሬ ለአስተዳዳሪዎቹ አሰርክበዋል። በሚቀጥሉት ጥቅት ቀናት ውስጥ እርዳታውን በወረዳዎቹ ከተሞች በጊዚያውነት ሰፍረው ለሚገኙ ድጋፍ ለሚያስፈልጋቸው የማህበረሰባችን ክፍል እንደሚያደርሱ ተስፋ አለን።


    ከዚህን በፊት ተመሳሳይ እርዳታ ሥሬ ከተማ ለተጠለሉ ተፈናቃዮች መደረጉን የተከበሩ ዶ/ር ሃሰን ዩሱፍ የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ፕረዝዳንት አስታውሰው በራሳቸው ተነሳሽነት ድጋፉን ያሰባሰቡትን ኮሚቴ አባላትን አመስግገዋል።


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  • January,2022

    Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa Erge

    Yunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa Buqqaatootaaf Gargaarsa ErgeYunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa hawaasaa Yunivarsiitichaafi qooda-fudhattootaa hedduu hirmaachisuun harka qalleeyyii bira dhaabbachuun deggersa gochaa turuun niyaadatama.Nammoota sabaaba walitti bu'insaafi waraana/lola irraan kan ka'e qe'efi mana isaanii irraa buqqaa'aniis gargaarsa erguun jajjabeessaa turuun niyaadatama.

    Godinaalee Wallaggaa keessumattuu,G/W/Bahaa keessatti rakkoolee nageenyaa mudataniin maatiiwwaan hedduun ooyiruu, qee'efi beeyiladootaa isaanii facaasuun buqqauun nibeekama.Read More

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  • Wollega University has graduated 609 students it trained in the field of health

    Wollega University has graduated 609 students it trained in the field of health

    February 08 2014 (EZA) Wollega University graduated 609 students it trained in the field of health.

    According to the speech of the president of the university, Dr. Hassan Yusuf, 16th graduates of the university have successfully completed their training in clinical nursing, pharmacy, obstetrician nursing, medical doctor and veterinary medicine.

    The graduates of the university are those who have completed their first, second and third degree studies.

    The president of the university has warned graduates to serve the society with diligence and kindness in the profession they graduated from.

    Today's guest of honor and minister of health and ministry of health and high adviser Dr. Sileshi Garuma has advised graduates to work hard to serve the society by developing more knowledge and skills.

    Ministry of Health Dr. Dereje Duguma's message on Plasma TV, Wollega University is a role model for its research and research in the field of health.

    Ayat Muhedin, who won a medal by scoring 66 points in Clinical Pharmacy, has said that she is ready to serve patients equally in the field she studied.

    The country has expressed that she is ready to serve with her profession wherever she wants.

    Wollega University has graduated more than 77 thousand students in different fields since it started teaching and more than 3 thousand are trained in health sector.

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  • Fekadu Tesgera

    Dr.FikaduMr. Fekadu Tesgera Agama, staff member of Wollega University, College of Natural and Computational Science, Department of Mathematics, has been graduated with his first degree BSC in Mathematics from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in 2001 and 2nd degree MSC in Mathematics from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia in 2011. In addition to these he was graduated in MBA from Wollega University in 2019. He had 20 years of experience in lecturing Mathematics in universities. Currently, he was perusing his PhD in Graph Theory and Combinatory at Wollega University, Ethiopia. He published two articles at international peer reviewed journals of which one of them is both Scopus and web of Science indexed.

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  • MEICIP Action_plan endorsed

    MEICIP Action_plan endorsed

    Nekemte City MEICIP steering committee has discussed and endorsed the action plan for the project.

    The aim of major city emergency injury and critical care improvement program (MECIP) is to strengthen the emergency care in pre-hospital and in hospital as well as ICU care to prevent death and reduce mortality. It also strengthens the collaborative works among the stakeholders to mitigate any manmade and natural disaster that can be happen in the catchment area.

    Major City Emergency, injury and critical care improvement program (MEICEP) is one of the health sector development goal programs which are set by the FMOH and Nekemte City, which is one of the major Cities chosen for the program implementation.

    The main areas of the target implementation are establishing ambulance dispatch center which will provide free ambulance services for the town and surrounding weredas, improving emergency and trauma care services throughout the Health facility existing in the City and improving Intensive care services in referral hospitals as well as referral service frameworks.

    MEICEP has also aimed at strengthening the emergency care in pre-hospital and in hospital as well as ICU care to prevent death and reduce mortality by strengthening the collaborative works among the stakeholders to mitigate any man-made and natural disaster that can happen in the catchment area.

    To this end, Nekemte City MEICIP steering committee has discussed and endorsed the action plan for the project in presence of the Mayor of the City, His Excellency, Mr Tolera Regassa and Wollega University president, His Excellency, Dr. Hasan Yusuf. The Mayor Mr Tolera said as long as the program is public trust, all stakeholders should actively participate for the success of the program, and promised to avail a land for the ambulance Crew and dispatch center. President of the wollega University, Dr. Hasen Yusuf, on his part also stressed the urgency of the MEICIP program and he remarked the active engagement of the stakeholders as well as health care professionals to actively participate in the project. He also promised to equip the dispatch center and assigned committee to identify areas of implementation. The discussion was winded up by approving the action plan presented by the steering committee.

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  • 2022 Free_Legal_Aid_Prooject_Launched@Nekemte Gimbi towns

    2022 Free_Legal_Aid_Prooject_Launched@Nekemte Gimbi towns

    2022 Free Legal Aid Prooject Launched@Nekemte Gimbi towns1Wollega University, School of Law has been rendering Free Legal Aid services (Legal Aid) free of charge for those who cannot afford the regular legal services for different reasons starting from 2003 E.C. with the vision of ensuring access to justice for all. The Free Lega Aid has also aimed at ensuring the human rights of all are respected without discrimination. The service includes legal advice, preparation of pleading, court representation, awareness creation, and translation services. The beneficiaries of the service include: women, children, vulnerable and poor people, IDPs, refugees, elders, people who live with HIV Virus, and people with disability.

    Accordingly, provide legal services to the needy the University's School of Law established about 23 centers in three Wollega zones and West Shewa zone. To effectively render necessary aid, the school has established strong partnerships with different stakholders operating both at local and international level such as: UNHCR, Oromia Supreme Court, and Oromia Justice bureau.

    Partnership with the UNHCR

    2022 Free Legal Aid Prooject Launched@Nekemte Gimbi towns2Since Mid of 2020, UNHCR has signed partnership agreement with Wollega University on access to justice for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities in East, West and Horo Guduru Wollega zones. The institutions are implementing together a project seeks to ensure access to quality free legal assistance and legal remedies that will facilitate the sustainable reintegration of IDPs. It has been providing free legal aid services for IDPs, returnees and host communities so that they can enjoy access to justice and enhance their legal knowledge to exercise their rights and provides them with some remedies including the issuance of civil documentations.

    The centers established at different zones and towns are as follows: East/W/Zone Correction Center, Jimma Arjo, Sasiga, Gidda Ayana, Sibu Sire, Anno, Bako, Gedo, Nekemte High Court, Kiltu Kara, Boji Dirmaji, Nejo, Kiramu, Amuru, Mendi, Gimbi, Haro Limu, W/W/Zone Correction Center, H/G/W/Zone Correction Center, Harato, Shambu, and Guduru. Out of these centers 14 of them are being fully supported by UNHCR (Nekemte, Sasiga, Gimbi, Nejo, Mendi, Gida Ayana, Haro Limu, Kiltu Kara, Boji Dirmaji, Kiramu, Amuru, Sibu Sire, Shambu, and East Wollega Correction Center.

    The 2022 budget year Project titled as Attaining Protection, Safety and Access to Justice for IDPs was launched in collaboration with UNHCR at Wollega University, main campus and Gimbi Campus on 28 and 30 March 2022 respectively for the centers under two Wollega zones. Very soon, the project will be launched at Shambu campus.

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  • Background of CSEAM


    Ministry of Education (MOE) has developed strategic plan to enhance Students Career Development Center (SCDC) since July 2017 throughout the country. As a result of this plan, it has established SCDC offices at National level in each Government Universities to support fresh graduate to be employed in their field of studies. Based on MOE strategic plan, Wollega University (WU) has also established career service and Internship office in September 2018. The office developed its role and responsibilities based on the MOE strategic plan and started its duties. Later on after reviewed and refined duties and responsibilities, the office has been called Career Service, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Management (CSEAM) Director since December 2020.

    An individual’s career development is a lifetime process that encompasses the growth and change process of childhood, the formal career education at school, and the maturational processes that continue throughout a person’s working adulthood and into retirement. Therefore, career is the sequence of interaction of individuals with societies, education and organizations throughout their lifespan. To achieve the objectives the CSEAM Office is providing services which are integrated with academic provision of the University that enable students to develop and implement career decisions and employment plans. In addition, services like continuous career counseling and career development training are provided for the graduating students.

    In the process of searching for ‘one viable business idea’, one should think creatively and properly scan the internal and external environments that may positively or negatively affect the establishment of a new business enterprise. Starting and managing a business takes motivation, desire and talent. To encourage new start-up and improve the existing one initiated the CSEAM Office provides entrepreneurship trainings for students and also for surrounding communities.

    Alumni are one of the most important assets to any university. They are the professionals who represent the university in the real world. Alumni association are an association of graduates (alumni) or, more broadly, of former students. One of the objectives of CSEAM Office of the Wollega University is to commit itself to create network of interaction between Wollega University and its former graduates as well as among the graduates themselves. The University believes that its graduates can contribute to its success and they are the potential assets if they are kept connected and mobilized.


    $1ü  Wollega University career service aspires to be role model among the Ethiopian Higher Education Institutes by producing competent and most employable graduates.

    $1ü  Establish strong linkage between our alumni and Wollega University both nationally and internationally and ensure that the University and its graduates benefit out of such sustained interaction.


    ü  Provide services for all Wollega University students in their career development programs, utilization of career resources and promotion of professional development that educates and empowers them to become competent professionals in the global labor market.

    ü  Equip graduating students with entrepreneurial skills by creating awareness on self-employment opportunities by changing their attitudes from “job seeking” attitudes in to “job generating” attitudes.

    ü  Create and maintain a lifelong link between WU and its graduates, as well as the surrounding community.

    ü  Foster a sense of loyalty between the university and its alumni by means of university memorabilia.

    ü  Serve as a platform of continuous and networked interaction among its graduates to help them share information and experiences.

    ü  Encourage alumni participation in fundraising initiatives of the university and any other activity that could benefit the university to realize its mission


    The objectives of CSEAM Office of WU are to:

    1.      Increase the employability of graduate students by improving their soft, entrepreneurial and career development skills through intensive trainings, career guidance, counseling, organizing job fair and other related activities deemed relevant for the fresh graduates in more than 80% within one year of graduation in jobs relevant to their field of study.

    2.      Create network of interaction between Wollega University and its former graduates as well as among the graduates themselves.

    In-line with the above objective, the CSEAM has been providing short term trainings for graduate students in the career development, entrepreneurship and communication skills since its establishment. The trainings were intended for awareness creation for the students to make necessary preparation for job hunting before their graduation. In addition to the abovementioned trainings, employability skill training was also provided. Some of the services given so far by CSEAM Director Office are the following:

    ü  Life skill guidance training

    ü  Counseling in department or field of specialization selection.

    ü  Career counseling

    ü  Career guidance and Mentorship

    ü  Provision of trainings in work readiness, entrepreneurship and communication skills

    ü  Organizing job fair

    The Wollega University alumni or former graduate students are cordially invited to register for alumni association membership via the following registration link. 

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  • Words_of_gratitude


    Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 6Wollega University annual research conference has successfully completed.

    "This was a great research conference” many of the participants have sent to me. Thank you for being so positive!

    All those who contributed to the research conference: I would like to thank you for all your excellent work!

    It is fair to conclude that the conference was a great success! So many people have contributed in so many ways to turn this event into a smoothly running research conference with many very interesting presentations and a very good atmosphere for discussion and networking.

    I have heard the staffs of Wollega University have taken care of professional excellence and high-quality catering for all of our guests.

    Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 3The Research and community service vice president and corporate Communication offices of Wollega University worked very professionally in registering all participants, interacting with them on many details, organizing many aspects of the conference such as catering, time coordination, logistics and accommodation. Dr Diriba, Dr Girmaye, Dr Ebisa, Mr Belachew and their staffs are gratefully acknowledged. Mr Wakgari were very helpful as usual with a financial management. Dr Ebisa and Mr Michael assisted in the contacts with the media and as Cameraman.

    East Wollega zone and Nekemte town administrators, aba gadas, religious leaders, elders, etc. are thanked and complimented for their enormous effort and effective contribution to welcoming and helping participants.

    Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 2The ICT staffs are also thanked for overseeing the PowerPoint projections, audiovisual system, conference hall, smart class management and helping with logistics.

    All the participants, presenters, chairpersons, rapporteurs are thanked for the great scientific input and for many fruitful discussions and scientific interaction.

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  • wu research conference 2022

    wu research conference 2022

    Wollega University Annual National Research ConferenceWollega University Annual National Research Conference has kicked-off today at WU main Campus, Nekemte. The conference is being taking place for two days. Distinguished scientists, scholars, practitioners from all over Ethiopia are participating on the conference- using either lateral or virtual options.

    The distinguished scholars and practitioners in the fields of agricultural sciences, Dr Amsalu Ayana and Dr Abera Deressa, and the Distingushed professor of health sciences, Professor Sultan Suleiman have made an excellent key note speeches on the opening section of the conference.

    This year WU research conference has thematically focused on empirical research, technology, innovation, practical development and resilience under changing environments. Several research and innovation outputs in the fields of STEM, agriculture, health, Afan Oromo and applied linguistics, education, applied life sciences are being presented, and discussed by the participants.

    Wollega University Annual National Research Conference 6This research conference has organized with clear objective of strengthening new scientific knowledge, technologies and innovations communications among the scientists, scholars and development practitioners- and also to bring together researchers from all corners of the country and create a platform for networking among them for feature collaborative works.

    Lastly, not the least, my thanks and appreciation go to all distinguished key note speeches, honorable guests, paper presenters, chairpersons, rapporteurs, conference organizing committees and all participants for their real commitments in making this significant event to happen under the existing uncertainties in our areas.

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  • Welcome home 2022

    Welcome home

    Welcome home3Students of the new entry of 2014/2022, one of the largest ever at Wollega University (~5000 first year students), are being welcomed to all of WU campuses by senior students, town residents, management members, deans, instructors, and administrators, who all lent a helping hand during move-in.

    I thank you all!

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  • College of Natural & Computational Sciences, Department of Mathematics conducted successful PhD dissertation defense Wallaga University: 12-14 July 2022

    College of Natural & Computational Sciences, Department of Mathematics conducted successful PhD dissertation defense Wallaga University: 12-14 July 2022

    eshetu dadhiIn the current academic year, the College of Natural and Computational Sciences has attained great success as it brought about an achievement of 7 PhD candidates including the above 5 candidates. This increases the number of PhD graduates to 21 individuals since the PhD Program was launched in the College of Natural and Computational Sciences at Wollega University.


    This time around the following 5 PhD Candidates from College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Department of Mathematics, have successfully defended their PhD Dissertations in the field of Mathematics with 3 different specialties:

    1. Fekadu Tesgera Agama- in #Graph Theory under the supervision of Dr. V. N. Srinivasa Rao Repalle.

    2. Gemeda Tolessa Lubo- in #Numerical Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Gemechis File Duressa

    3. Naol Tufa Negero- in #Numerical Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Gemechis File Duressa

    4. Eshetu Dadi Gurmu- in #Mathematical Modeling under the supervision of Prof. Koya Purnachandra Rao & Dr. Boka Kumsa Bola.

    5. #Kumama Regassa Cheneke- in #Mathematical Modeling under the supervision of Prof. Koya Purnachandra Rao & Dr. Geremew Kenassa Edessa.

    Kumama RegasaCurrently, 23 students are attending their PhD studies in 7 fields of specializations (i.e Mathematical Modeling (9), Fluid Dynamics (2), Numerical Analysis (1), Graph Theory & Algorithms(4), Condensed Matter Physics(1), Organic Chemistry(4) & Inorganic Chemistry(2)) under the College of Natural and Computational Sciences. This implies, the progress of expanding the PhD program into different fields of specializations is very encouraging and fruitful at the College of Natural and Computational Sciences. Thus, the college has become an exemplary for the rest of the colleges found at Wollega University. The college of Natural and computational Sciences would like to thank the examiner boards of these 5 PhD Dissertations for their great contributions and commitments in evaluating the students’ works.


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  • July 2022

    PhotoCollege of Natural & Computational Sciences, Department of Mathematics conducted successful PhD dissertation defense Wallaga University: 12-14 July 2022

    In the current academic year, the College of Natural and Computational Sciences has attained great success as it brought about an achievement of 7 PhD candidates including the above 5 candidates. This increases the number of PhD graduates to 21 individuals since the PhD Program was launched in the College of Natural and Computational Sciences at Wollega University.Read More

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  • Graduation2022
    qophii eebba 2022We have finalized preparation for graduation day, planned to be held on 9/11/2014 (16/07/2022). Our Staff and students are ready to Welcome our Guests.
    Guyyaa Eebbaaf Qophiin Xumurameera
    Keessummoota keenyaan Ana Dhufu Jechuuf Akkasitti Qophoofnee Isin Eeegaa Jirra
    Nagaan Koottaa!
    ሐምሌ 9/2014 ለሚካሄደዉ የምርቃት ፕሮግራም ዝግጅት አጠናቀን እንግዶቻችንን እንኳን በሠላም መጣችሁ ለማለት እንዲህ ተዘጋጅተናል፡፡
    qophii eebbaf
    qophi eebbaff
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  • Medals and Cup Award Ceremony

    Medals_and_Cup_Award_Ceremony 2022

    graduation 2022 medals and cupWhile graduates (female separately and all among themselves) who have excelled from all colleges and schools were awarded #Medals.




    Kolleejjotaafi Manneen Barnootaa irraa Barattoonni eebbifamoo shamarran (qofaatti) qabxii olaanaa galmeesissaniif akka waliigalaatti Medaaliyaabadhaafaman

    Kolleejjotaafi manneen barnootaa irraa barattoota qabxii olaanaa galmeesissaniif medaaliyaan kennama


    graduation2022 medals and cup1የወዩ_የምርቃት_ሥነ_ሥርዓት_ሐምሌ_9_2014


    ከኮሌጆችናትምህርትቤትከፍተኛዉጤትላስመዘገቡሴትተመራቂዎች (ለብቻ) እናእንደአጠቃላይተመራቂዎችሜዳሊያየተሸለሙ

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  • Dear Excellences, invited guests and graduates

    Here is the welcoming and Opening Speech and message to our graduates by His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf, and the University

    graduation 2022  4Don’t let your generation be defined by the pandemic, trivializing ethnic and religious divisions, conflicts, violence and disinformation. Let it be defined by unity and public service.

    To everyone who is assembled here in this beautiful Hall today to celebrate the graduation ceremony of graduating class of 2022, I would like to say you all welcome!

    Anaa haadhufuu, እንኳንደህናመጣችሁ

    Dear graduates, Congratulations,

    Baga ittiin isin gahe. Baga Gammadan,


    Dear Excellences, invited guests and graduates

    graduation20225Wallaga University start to function in 2007 with a mission of producing competent and innovative professionals in various disciplines through practical, lifelong learning, engaging in research, technology transfer, community services and promote good governance to the development endeavors.

    The University has commenced its teaching function with four faculties namely: 1) Faculty of Business and Economics; 2) Faculty of Natural Sciences; 3) Faculty of Social Sciences and Language studies and 4) Faculty of education (totally 17 academic programs). Nowadays, the university discharges its academic responsibility with two institute (Institute of Language Studies and Journalism); six colleges (Natural and Computational Science, Engineering and Technology, Business and Economics, Social Science, Institute of Health Science and college of Education and Behavioral Science). There are three faculties (Faculty of Agriculture, Resource Economics and Management and Technology) and four schools (School of Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine). Altogether encompasses 233 programs with 12 academic units, 94 undergraduate and 139 Post Graduate programs (119 MA/MSc and 20 PhD).

    graduation photo 20221The university launched the teaching-learning activities with 851 (655 male and 196 female) first enrolled regular undergraduate degree students. The intake capacity of the university has increased from year to year since its inception. Due to this, academic and administrative staffs, academic programs and teaching facilities of the university are improving from time to time.

    Accordingly, the current annual intake capacity of the university is increased to about 5000 undergraduate regular students and the total students’ enrolment in regular undergraduate students 11,856 and continuing educations under graduate students are 14,327 in 94 programs. The post graduate students (Master’s degree) in 119 programs is (regular students) 522 and in evening/weekend and summer programs is 2,725, PhD program 124 students. The university has begun its duty with 136 academic staff and 154 administrative staffs. Currently, Wallaga University has 1530 academic staffs and 3981 (male 2018 and administrative staff.

    Today Wallaga University has setted to graduates 1460 students from all of our campuses in different fields of studies and profession in bachelor, masters, and PhD degrees

    Dear Graduates,

    graduation20223This year graduating class has been tested in ways that few others have been. You’ve demonstrated extraordinary resilience and patience, both skills that will serve you well as you prepare for life after Wallaga University. Sending you our students’ home in March of 2020 due to Covid 19 pandemic disruption is one of the hardest things we have ever done in this university. At the time, we never imagined that the pandemic would disrupt our university campuses life for close to one year.

    COVID-19 pandemic is not the only tragic challenge our students, our staff, our people and our country have faced in the last five years. We have witnessed that how different groups with political interests and external enemies of our country have used multiple deep divisions that existed along ethnic and religion lines within our community to trigger violent conflicts among our communities to kill each other, damage and destroy lives and livelihoods of our citizens including our students, properties, public institutions and basic infrastructures in different parts of the countries including in our particular area.

    In our University, there were times when we had dealt with the negative consequences of such crisis and tragedies together. We have dealt with the death of fellow university students during your last five academic years’ time at our University. I do want to take a minute to recognize your fellow students who passed away during your stay in our university.

    Dear Graduates,

    ggraduation0222These all made your time as students —not what you would have wished, not what any of us would have wished for you — but coincided with the situation of our country and our institution at its best. I were reminded of something that has been true of our country Ethiopia and Wallaga University since its earliest days: We rise to the challenge. Whatever the situations throws at us, we meet that challenge, and we the administrators of this institution, staff and you students did. I could not be prouder of each and every one of you and us. Based upon what I have seen of you and how you have met this moment, I have great faith that you, like those who came before you, will find your way, and will make your mark on your society and your country. I don’t think I have ever been prouder of any graduating class at Wallaga University than this graduating Class of 2022.

    Dear graduates,

    Being here—being to hold this graduation ceremony for you at this particular time—is moving beyond words for us. But, to our graduates, you did not get here alone. No one accomplishes anything on their own. Please give your special thanks to your family and friends and all those who have helped you reach this special moment during this challenging times. Very soon you will have a degree in hand from our University, the degree that serves as a key to unlock all opportunities and establish your own better future life.

    graduation 2022 medals and cupToday, I want to ask you two favors—members of the Wallaga University graduating Class of 2022—first - to help others who didn’t get similar opportunities like you, to make room for others, to ensure that the opportunities afforded by your education do not enrich your life alone. You will have more chances than most to make a difference for your family, your community, your country and the world, more opportunities to give others a chance at a better life. Take advantage of these opportunities when they arise. Whatever you do with your Wallaga University`s education, please be known at least as much for your humility, kindness, and concern for others as for your professional accomplishments. Recognize the role that good fortune and circumstance have played in your life, and please work to extend opportunity to others just as it has been extended to you.


    Secondly, I would like to challenge you all graduate don’t let your generation be defined by the pandemic, trivializing ethnic and religious divisions, conflicts, violence and disinformation. Let it be defined by unity and public service.


    That is how you will sustain the pride and joy you feeling today.


    Congratulations, members of the Class of 2022. You have accomplished great things; you’re going to accomplish even more. Good luck to each and every one of you—and Godspeed.



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  • CET Training on Research Project Grant Writing


    296028838 8139062002785640 5062530818748361643 nCollege of Engineering and Technology has successfully conducted training on “Research Project Grant Writing” to its Academic staff

    College of Engineering and Technology (CET) of our University had planned to organize week-long Workshop as part of its INDEMT_Project from August 01 to August 06 of 2022. As per the plan of INDMET Project, the workshop aims to address two major issues: Training and Curriculum Review. The training workshop involved two training sessions that was conducted in parallel on the titles “Research Project Grant Writing” organized for academic staffs and “3D Modeling and Simulation Based Product Development” for participants invited from TVET teachers and Industry Engineers.

    296024293 8139068616118312 2155454892259507936 nINDMET Project Leader at Wallaga University, Endalkachew Mosisa (PhD), delivered a welcome address. In his speech, Dr. Endalkachew emphasized the importance and benefits of the training for academic staff and researchers. The training was opened by Research, Community Service & Industry Linkage V/President, Diriba Diba Gemeda (PhD).

    296092222 8139069296118244 5654040569464717393 nTraining on “Research Project Grant Writing” organized for academic staffs was successfully delivered by renowned Professor Hirpa Lemu Gelgele of Stavanger University of Norway. Beside, Professor has shared our staffs the success stories of his own grant winning experiences in European and African universities for more than twenty years. Endalkachew Mosisa (PhD), Dean of CET from Wallaga University, on his part presented on a title “Getting Your Work Published” to all Academic staff members of the College. During reflection session, the trainees have expressed their views on how the training will help them in their academic works in the future. Accordingly, the College’s Academic staff stated that they have gained a lot from the training as part of the INDMET project activities and asked the college to organize continuous similar trainings in the future.

    The training workshop was concluded with the closing speech of Academic Affairs Vice President of Wallaga University, Melka Hika )PhD). Dr Meka Hika thanked all stakeholders involved in organizing such enlightening workshop and encouraged all participants to make use of what they gained from the training for professional/personal development.


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  • August 2022

    CET Training on Research Project Grant Writing

    296368076 8139055639452943 6519505541036218843 n

    College of Engineering and Technology has successfully conducted training on “Research Project Grant Writing” to its Academic staff College of Engineering and Technology (CET) of our University had planned to organize week-long Workshop as part of its INDEMT_Project from August 01 to August 06 of 2022. As per the plan of INDMET Project, the workshop aims to address two major issues: 

    read more

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  • WURH: Administration Board meeting

    WURH: Administration Board meeting

    photo 2022-08-11 08-31-49Wallaga University Referral Hospital's (WURH) Administration board evaluated 2014 plan execution report and held discussion on 2015 E.C work plan and related issues.

    Dr Diriba Diba, Vice president for Research, Community Service and Industry Linkage, welcomed the board members and introduced the agendas for discussion.

    Reviewing and approving previous minute, evaluating 2014 plan execution report, discussion on major activities to be done in 2015 plan, integration of Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) and the hospital's staff, and a plan to upgrade the hospital to Comprehensive Specialized hospital were agendas the board discussed, among others.

    photo 2022-08-11 08-32-37Dr Temesgen Tilahun, Chief Executive Director (CED) of the HIS reflected and highlighted on the previous assignments or directions from the board meetings. Presently, the hospital has able to open three (3) model pharmacies. It was also stated the land is being secured from Nekemte City Admn, the location and a land (to give service in its own building) is identified for the model pharmacy and Ambulance dispatch center at the center. At the moment, Ambulance dispatch center is operational. As it is in the Hospital's compound and it will soon move to the town's center following land identification and handing over by the town's Administration. Customers and the surrounding community may call 9884 is a free to get service of Wabi Ambulance. The director has also reported that 400 m2 lands is secured in front of Gimbi Adventist Hospital and extended his gratitude to Gimbi town administration.

    Regarding Doctors' residence, 6 houses are completed and 6 specialized Doctors from 6 departments are given the houses where two (2) doctors have already moved to their houses.

    An apartment planned host 27 households will be completed in September 2015 E.C. The remaining finishing works are currently underway, the director told the board.

    It was also stated that the hospital is hiring specialized doctors in a departments where shortage specialized physicians is acute. Through Blood donation campaign held by the hospital on which the University management participated, 114 Unit blood have been collected, the director explained.

    photo 2022-08-11 08-32-41Dr. Temesgen has also mentioned that Oncology service and dermatology will start soon as MOH has given license to the hospital. Currently, 35 speciality Doctors and 34 speciality residents are learning in the institute. Above 48.000 patients were treated in the hospital, the plan was 42, 000.

    The board members have also appreciated the success registered during the budget year and underscored that the hospital should work hard and pay attention to quality of care to patients visiting the hospital. The board has also approved the plan to integrate Staff in IHS and the Hospital to increase practical education of the institutes' students and increase their passage in National Licensure exam and to give better clinical service to the community and surrounding zones.

    Honorable, Obbo Tolera Regassa, Mayor of Nekemte town, on his part welcomed the achievement of the Hospital in the previous year. He has also reassured that his administration is committed to avail services the hospital needs to run its activities such as land for construction of model pharmacy in the town and dispatch center for Ambulance. The board memers have also appreciated the effort and support from the town's mayor, Obbo Tolera Regasa.

    Finally, the board has also endorsed the plan to upgrade the hospital to Comprehensive Specialized Hospital to give better service the surrounding peoples and advised the management to exhaust and meet checklists of MoH. One the area our University is working on is to excel in Health Science Education.

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  • Walharkaa Fuudhiinsi Haroo Soorgaa taasifame

    Walharkaa Fuudhiinsi Haroo Soorgaa taasifame

    Haro sorga9Sirni walharka fuudhiinsaa Haroo Soorgaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Naqamteefi Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa gidduutti gaggeeffame

    Guyyaa har’aa (10/12/2014) Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Naqamtee gaaffii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Haroo Soorgaa miisoomsuu, barnootaafii qorannoof itti fayyadamuuf waggoota sadeetii oliif dhiheessaa turee bakka Bulchaan Bulchiins Godina Wallaga Bahaa (Kabajamoo Obbo Waggaarii Nagaraa), Kantiibaan Bulchiinsa magaalaa Naqamteefi (Kabajamoo Obbo Toleeraa Raggaasaa) koree hojii raawwachiistuu isaanii, miseensota gumii gorsituu Yuunivarsiitichaa akkasumss missensonni manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitiichaa argamaniitti sirni walharkaa fuudhuu taasifameera.

    Haro sorga12Kabajamoo Dr. Hasan Yusuf, Pirezidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa gaaffiin Yuunivarsiitiichi Haroo Soorgaa misoomsuun barnootaf itti fayyadamuuf waggoota dheeraaf gaafachaa ture sababa jijjiirraa hoggansaa magaalichaa irraan kan ka’e harkifachaa turuu isaa eeranii milkaa’uu isaatti gammchuu itti dhagaahame ibsaniiru. Kantiibaan bulchiinsa Magaalaa Naqamtee kan ta’an kabajamoo obbo Toleeraa Raggaasaas dhiimmicha hoji-manee isaanii godhachuun xiyyeeffannoo Mootummaan misooma uumamaa (kan akka haroowwaniifi lageen) misoomsuun giddu-gala hawwata tuurizimiifi madda dinagdee gochuun faayidaa ummataaf oolchuuf karoorse buu’ureeffachuun hoggansa isaanii jalatti xiyyeeffannoo addaa itti keennuun milkeessuu isaaniif galateeffataniiru. Beenyaan waldaa kiyyeessitoota Qurxummii Haroo Sorgaa misoomaafi biqiltuu addaa addaa irraa qabanif raawwatamuunis ibsameera.

    Haro sorga13Kabajamoo obbo Toleeraa Raggaasaas, kantiibaan bulchiinsa magaalaa Naqamtee gama isaaniin, qaamolee hawwaasaafi, manajimantii Yuunivarsiitichaa waliin mariin yeroo dheeraa gaggeeffamaa turuu isaa ibsaniiru. Gaaffileen misoomsuufi fedhii hedduun haricharra yoo jiraateeyyuu, tajaajila hawaasaaf bulchiinsi isaanii Yuunivarsiitii Wallagggatti dabarsuuf filachuu isaanii ibsaniiru. Yuunivarsiitichis hojii-dhabeeyyii magaalichaaf hojii uumuuf arrifatee hojiitti akka galuu abdii qaban ibsaniiru. Bulchaan Bulchiinsa Godina Wallagga Bahaafi itti aanaa walitti qabaa Boordii Yuunivarsiitii Keenyaa kan ta'an Kabajamoo Obbo Waggaarii   Nagaraa gama isaaniin karoorra Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Haroo Soorgaa misoomsuuf qopheeffate kan jajjabeeffamu akka ta'e ibsanii gama hundumaan tumsa barbaachisu akka taasisan himaniiru.  

    Haro sorga14Kabajamoo Dr. Hasan Yusuf, addatti miidiyaaleef yaada kennaniin, Yuunivarsiitichi haroo Soorgaa misoomsuuf fudhachuun isaa hawwaasa Yuunivarsiitichaaf (keessumattuu barattootaaf) akkasumas hawwaasa magaalichaa bal’aaf faayidaa guddaa akka qabu dubbataniiru. Dursa,saffisa babal’ina magaalaa mul’achaa jiru irraa Haroo kana nannawaa isaa daangeessuun sirna uumamaa isaa eeggatee akka turuuf haala Saayinsaawaa ta’een hojiileen akka hojjetaman himaniiru. Xiyyeeffannoon duraa haroo kana tursuu/baraaruu akka ta’e himaniiru. Qabeenya kana misoomsuun gatii (Value) itti dabaluun akka bakka bashannanaa, Tuuristoota harkisuun daawwattootaaf oolchuuf akka hojjetamus ibsaniiru. Akka Yuunivarsiitichaatti bakka barnoonni gochaafi qabatamaa ta’e itti baratamu gochuun barnoonni akka bulchiinsa Hoteelaa, Simannaafi Tuurizimii akka Laaboraatooriitti itti fayyadamuuf karoorri akka jirus dabaluun ibsaniiru.

    Dabalataanis, Yuunivarsiitichi boqonnaa boqonnaan (irraa jalaan) naannoo haroo kanaa misoomsuun faayidaalee/hojiilee akka bakka kunuunsaafi qorannoo biqilootaa, daawwannaa bineensotaa, giddu-gala bashannanaa (akka Hoteelaafi loojii aadaa hawwaasichaafi naannoo eeggatee) qopheessuu, bakka meeshaaleefi huccuu aadaa itti oomishamaniifi gurguraman taasisuuf karoorri bal’aan akka jiru ibsaniiru. Dizaayiniifi misoomni Harichaas ogeessota ijaarsaafi kunuunsa naannoo akkasumas qooda-fudhattoota hedduu hirmaachisuun akka qophaa’uuf dubbataniiru.

    sorgaOgeessa kunuunsa Naannoo, qorataafi barsiisaa Yuunivarsiiitii keenyaa Dr Moosisaa Galataa wixinee pirojeektiichaa qopheessuun walatajjii garaagaraatti dhiheessaa turanfi Koreen hordoffii yeroo dheeraa gochuun dhimma kana galmaan gahani, Dr Hasan addatti galateeffataniiru.

    Haroon Soorgaa kun haroo nam-tolchee kan ta’eefi Waldaa Warra Makana Yesuus Itoophiyaafi Luteraan Federeeshiiniin hidamee misooma qurxummiifi jallisiifi darafamee hawwasaaf akka kennameefi faayidaa barbaachisu osoo hin kenniin turuu isaatiin madda komee akka turees namoonni odeeffanne himaniiru. Lafa gogaa naannoo Harichaa dabalatee Heektaara lafti dabarfame 44 akka ta'ees ibsameera.

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  • Discussion on first three years (2022-2025) Strategic plan of the University to transform the University to Applied Science is under.

    Discussion on first three years (2022-2025) Strategic plan of the University to transform the University to Applied Science is under.  

    Following Ethiopian Universities categorization by FMoE of Ethiopia, Wallaga University was differentiated as University of Applied Science. Since its labeling, Our University's management is intensively working on the smooth transition of the University from its current status (Comprehensive) to the University of Applied Science, by devising action plans and strategies.

    As part of the effort, the University-wide management council members are evaluating the 2014 Academic Year plan execution and are holding discussion on a three-year-plan (2022-2025) drafted to lead the University to Applied Science. As per the direction from MoE, Universities labeled as Universities of Applied Sciences, should totally move/transform from/to their current status to their differentiated roles in ten years’ time.

    Fruitful discussion has been held between Engineering and Technology College, Wallaga University, and representative, Dr. Camilla Berglund of Orebro University, Sweden. Urban and Regional Planning and Architectural departments of our university under the college presented the status anticipated two weeks trip to Orebro University under Linneaus-Palme project.

    Mr Rabera Becho, from Urban and Regional Planning presented a concise survey of urban and regional planning in the Ethiopian context. Similarly, Mr Abiyot, head of the department, has presented focusing on the ECC Methodology for architecture and engineering education and research integration. The presentation briefed about architecture department's teaching and learning experimental innovation, in which graduate joint design-based research class was held in two semesters in 2021. Constructive comments were given by Dr. Camilla Berglund, Dr Endalkachew Mosisa and Fathi Beshir. Moreover, they have shown willingness to collaborate in a joint course and practical placement (Internship) for exchange of first cycle students between Wollaga University and Orebro University, Sweden.

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  • Excellence in Trauma Care center

    Excellence in Trauma Care center

    Since it was differentiated as University of Applied Science our university has been doing various activities which will help it to smoothly transform itself from comprehensive to Applied. Drafting and defending strategic plans (ten years', five years' and three years'), reviewing existing curricula (UG, Graduate) and developing new ones, conducting program Audit, strengthening partnerships with local industries, research institutes, sister higher institutions (both within boundary and abroad), identifying and establishing Excellence areas are some of the core activities done so far.

    Health Science as one of the Excellence areas identified, establishing Excellence in Trauma Care at Nekemte town under Institute of Health Science is also part of the effort and paving the way to make our University, University of Applied Science.

    In complex and continually changing environments, some health care institutions are seeking to differentiate themselves by establishing niche programs focused on particular areas of medicine, delivering world class care and attention on these selected fronts which is known as centers of excellence.

    To this end, the Institute has organized a workshop to establish trauma care center for the Western part of the country. The institute held one day workshop with key stakeholders to get further input and support before launching the kick off program.

    Chief executive Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Dr Temesgen Tilahun, in his welcoming speech addressed the workshop participants Wallgga University has been contributing to the wellbeing of the society by producing skilled and competent health professionals. Currently, the institute is working to improving the quality of services it renders beside the efforts to make advanced and high treatment services accessible in the hospital, the chief remarked.

    Delegate of the president of our university, and Academic Affairs vice president, Dr. Melka Hika, on his part while giving opening speech encouraged the participants to contribute their expertise to the establishment of the center.

    Keynote speaker of the event, prof. Aklilu Azeze (renowned internist from Black Lion Hospital), presented the workshop participants on the importance of launching the center.

    In his presentation trauma is the most neglected area of treatment. Availing such services in Western Ethiopia is a timely decision on part of the University and a plan to give services to more than six million people. Having Trauma care center will improve the entire services of the University and its Hospital as a system, the speaker underscored. It will open doors for networking to work with similar health care stakeholders.

    Giving keynote speech on a topic as a second guest of the event was Dr. Menbeu Sultan (wel known internist from St. Paul Hospital). He emphasized that Emergency care/treatment is time sensitive and 54% of death can be addressed by establishing emergence and trauma center, according to WHO, said the speaker. Injury related deaths of the young and economically important forces can be tackled by having such centers and Wallagga University's plan to launch such center in the western corridor is a Goodnews, remarked, Dr. Menbeu.

    The workshop will continue with overall discussions and reflections on resented topics in the afternoon.

    Every day the lives of more than 14,000 people are cut short as a result of an injury caused from acts of violence against others or Knezek, road traffic, crashes, burns, drowning, folks, and poisonings.

    About 250 invited guests, from nearby the Hospital in the catchment area, from Health bureaus, No of participants....

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  • Training on internal and External Quality Assurance successfully delivered at our university

    Training on internal and External Quality Assurance successfully delivered at our university

    Quality of education and its assurance come at the forefront of all crucial issues in the context of increasing recognition of the role of higher education for national development. How HEIs demonstrate quality of their education in a changing higher education environment requires an understanding of their current practices and systems for assuring quality.

    Cognizant of this fact, Wollega Education and Training Authority (ETA) organized and conducted one-day training on both “External Quality Assurance (EQA) and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)”. It was facilitated by Office of the directorate for Quality Assurance and Enhancement in collaboration with, Reform and Good Governance Directorate and Assessment, Training and Development Directorate offices. The training was aimed to cultivate quality culture by developing the understanding of the participants on concepts, importance, frameworks, process and procedures, and challenges of QAE in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and to encourage participants' engagement in ensuring and enhancing quality of education. More than 200 low and middle level management staff of the university from the three campuses participated the training. The training was given by Ato Taffere Bitena, standardization team Leader, ETA.

    Wallaga University successfully delivered a Three Days training on Strategic Management and Leadership

    Wallaga University’s Assessment, Training and Development, Quality and Standards and Reform and Good Governance Directorate offices have successfully conducted a Three-day training and refreshment workshop (28/11-01/12/2022) on a topic entitled: Strategic Management, Leadership, Reform Tools, Quality Assurance and Digital Literacy”, to its middle and lower level management members. As part of the transformation into the University of Applied Sciences (UASs), the training was aimed at helping the University’s management members to become strategic leaders to help as a vehicle for the realization of the ten-year strategic goal; the university is aimed to achieve full-fledged UASs by 2032. Hence, the training and other related interventions were conceived as powerful tools for the realization of the strategic goal.

    Strategic management and leadership have been conceived by the university’s top management as important topics during the transition. Such issues as components and steps in strategic management and the importance of SWOT analysis as well as the types of leadership and their pros and cons were addressed on the first day of the training. In addition, His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf, president of the university also delivered an informative training on six-dimensional leadership checklist to be used as one of the tools to evaluate leadership performance in the future.

    As a component of the training, refreshment about reform tools was given for half a day with the intent of revitalizing the already introduced and functional reform tools. The newly formulated vision, mission, core values and strategic themes of the university as a UASs, citizen charter, business process re-engineering (BPR) and balanced score card (BSC) were the main themes of the particular topic.

    The university has established a committee to develop a three years plan to be used as a preparation phase. Hence, new vision, mission and core values and strategic themes were formulated, and discussions have been held with different internal stakeholders to enrich the document.

    A working manual for citizen charter was developed, validated and approved by the Civil Services Commission four years back, and main points from the manual were used as a refresher. The conditions by the university and requirements from the customers were emphasized during the training, with due emphasis on the right of customers to seek a quality service.

    As the university is undergoing transformation, the concept of BPR is given due emphasis to guide our move into the realization of the strategic goals. The need for change, the essence and steps in re-engineering were specifically addressed. The training also pinpoints the role of BSC in focusing on the mission and strategic goals. Finally, the four perspectives of the BSC were highlighted with examples to help the participants focused when cascading the university’s strategic plan.

    On the third day of the training, quality assurance and digital literacy were addressed. An experienced trainer from the former Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) and the current Education and Training Authority (ETA), Mr. Tafere delivered a virtual training emphasizing concepts of quality, quality assurance, quality control, total quality management (TQM), internal and external quality assurance, and accreditation. On the same day, basics of digital literacy were addressed by the university’s ICT director, Mr Belachew Abdissa.

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  • Wallaga University successfully delivered a Three Days training on Strategic Management and Leadership

    Wallaga University successfully delivered a Three Days training on Strategic Management and Leadership

    Wallaga University’s Assessment, Training and Development, Quality and Standards and Reform and Good Governance Directorate offices have successfully conducted a Three-day training and refreshment workshop (28/11-01/12/2022) on a topic entitled: Strategic Management, Leadership, Reform Tools, Quality Assurance and Digital Literacy”, to its middle and lower-level management members. As part of the transformation into the University of Applied Sciences (UASs), the training was aimed at helping the University’s management members to become strategic leaders to help as a vehicle for the realization of the ten-year strategic goal; the university is aimed to achieve full-fledged UASs by 2032. Hence, the training and other related interventions were conceived as powerful tools for the realization of the strategic goal.

    Strategic management and leadership have been conceived by the university’s top management as important topics during the transition. Such issues as components and steps in strategic management and the importance of SWOT analysis as well as the types of leadership and their pros and cons were addressed on the first day of the training. In addition, His Excellency, Dr Hasan Yusuf, president of the university also delivered an informative training on six-dimensional leadership checklist to be used as one of the tools to evaluate leadership performance in the future.

    As a component of the training, refreshment about reform tools was given for half a day with the intent of revitalizing the already introduced and functional reform tools. The newly formulated vision, mission, core values and strategic themes of the university as a UASs, citizen charter, business process re-engineering (BPR) and balanced score card (BSC) were the main themes of the particular topic.

    The university has established a committee to develop a three years plan to be used as a preparation phase. Hence, new vision, mission and core values and strategic themes were formulated, and discussions have been held with different internal stakeholders to enrich the document.

    A working manual for citizen charter was developed, validated and approved by the Civil Services Commission four years back, and main points from the manual were used as a refresher. The conditions by the university and requirements from the customers were emphasized during the training, with due emphasis on the right of customers to seek a quality service.

    As the university is undergoing transformation, the concept of BPR is given due emphasis to guide our move into the realization of the strategic goals. The need for change, the essence and steps in re-engineering were specifically addressed. The training also pinpoints the role of BSC in focusing on the mission and strategic goals. Finally, the four perspectives of the BSC were highlighted with examples to help the participants focused when cascading the university’s strategic plan.

    On the third day of the training, quality assurance and digital literacy were addressed. An experienced trainer from the former Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) and the current Education and Training Authority (ETA), Mr. Tafere delivered a virtual training emphasizing concepts of quality, quality assurance, quality control, total quality management (TQM), internal and external quality assurance, and accreditation. On the same day, basics of digital literacy were addressed by the university’s ICT director, Mr Belachew Abdissa.

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  • December, 2022

    news blink Discussion on first three years (2022-2025) Strategic plan of the University to transform the University to Applied Science is under.

    photo 2022-12-19 11-00-11Following Ethiopian Universities categorization by FMoE of Ethiopia, Wallaga University was differentiated as University of Applied Science. Since its labeling, Our University's management is intensively working on the smooth transition of the University from its current status (Comprehensive) to the University of Applied Science, by devising action plans and strategies. As part of the effort, the University-wide management council members are evaluating the 2014 Academic Year plan execution and are holding discussion on a three-year-plan (2022-2025) drafted to lead the University to Applied Science

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    news blinkTraining on internal and External Quality Assurance successfully delivered at our university

    Training on internal  2

    Quality of education and its assurance come at the forefront of all crucial issues in the context of increasing recognition of the role of higher education for national development.  How HEIs demonstrate quality of their education in a changing higher education environment requires an understanding of their current practices and systems for assuring quality. 

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     news blinkExcellence in Trauma Care center 

    Excellence in Trauma Care center 2Since it was differentiated as University of Applied Science our university has been doing various activities which will help it to smoothly transform itself from comprehensive to Applied. Drafting and defending strategic plans (ten years', five years' and three years'), reviewing existing curricula (UG, Graduate) and developing new ones, conducting program Audit, strengthening partnerships with local industries, research institutes, sister higher institutions (both within boundary and abroad), identifying and establishing Excellence areas are some of the core activities done so far.

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    news blinkWallaga University successfully delivered a Three Days training on Strategic Management and Leadership

    Wallaga University successfully  5

    Wallaga University’s Assessment, Training and Development, Quality and Standards and Reform and Good Governance Directorate offices have successfully conducted a Three-day training and refreshment workshop (28/11-01/12/2022) on a topic entitled: Strategic Management, Leadership, Reform Tools, Quality Assurance and Digital Literacy”, to its middle and lower-level management members. read more

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  • Cisco Academy trainees certified

    Cisco Academy trainees certified

    Cisco Academy trainees certifiedWallagga University ICT development office has certified the second batch of 2022 Cisco Networking Academy 39 trainees. The trainees were drawn from students, internal technical, admin and academic staff, and workers of various organizations including Bank and ethio telecom. The ICT directorate office has presented them Certificate for the successful completion of Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA EI) course which has been provided for five months. The Cisco Networking Academy CCNAv7 curriculum is designed for participants who are seeking entry-level and senior job positions in the ICT industry or hope to fulfill prerequisites to pursue more specialized ICT skills. The CCNA EI curriculum is presented in three courses:

    Cisco Academy trainees certified1Introduction to Networks (ITN), Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials (SRWE), and Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (ENSA). These three courses provide integrated and comprehensive coverage of networking topics including IP routing and switching fundamentals, network security and services, network programmability, and automation while providing learners extensive opportunities for hands-on practical experience and career skills development. In addition, the university ICT academy is on registration on ITA, CCNA EI, Huawei, and Oracle Academy.

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  • Scholar’s discussion has started in our university with the title "Role of intellectuals in nation building

    Scholar’s discussion has started in our university with the title "Role of intellectuals in nation building"

    Scholar’s discussion stage has ended in our university1Mr. Million Mateos, who started the discussion stage, is the chairman of our university board and the one who presented the ideas of the discussion and directions of the government focused on national issues, is Dr. Eyob Tekalign, the minister of finance and economy.

    The president of our university, Honorable Dr. Hassan Yusuf, has stated that the purpose of the stage is to create awareness among scholars about the rapid changes happening in the country. While expressing the purpose of preparing a discussion platform with scholars as a country, scholars should participate in the development of the country and deciding its future, in order to enable scholars to play their part in building a country that is common and equal for all people and parts of the country, by destroying, war, hatred and enmity Modernizing our political system based on t and stable.

    Scholar’s discussion has started in our universitDr. Hassan has said that it is to create awareness for scholars to play their role in order to create a political culture that is listened to, warm and rational. Scholars should build and organize strong institutions that are based on knowledge and science that will sustain the country professionally and professionally so that they can do their part. Scholars have stated that the current political market that is based on money and profit should be reversed without destroying institutions and the country and the society should be taught not to be taken by the same kind of fire and temporary fires. Scholars have said that the discussion aims to expand development and create a strong economy and enable them to play the lion's role in creating a prosperous and strong Ethiopia.

    Scholar’s discussion has started in our university with the title oMr. Waqgari Negera East Wollega zone administration and our university board member stated that scholars are source of knowledge and have a great role in building and changing the country. Scholars have said that there are efforts to put the government and the people in a big problem by bringing conflicting and divisive back stories. The meeting with our university management council will continue tomorrow.

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  • Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.)

    Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.) handed over Collaborative Smart Classroom Solution Project to our University, today, 13/ January, 2023.

    Pirojeektiin Dareewwan barnootaa Ismaart xumuramanii Yuunivarsiitiitti dabarfaman2The contractor, Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.), handed over the Project, Collaborative Smart Classroom Solution, an advanced technology implementation, which includes Smart Hardware, Software and Multimedia Content designed to assist teachers, students and management of the university in meeting day to day challenges and enhancing its academic performance. During the handover ceremony, His Excellency, Dr. Hasan Yusuf, said the project is few of the most successful and exemplary projects the University managed to have completed within the time framework and bid won capital allocated to, as per contractual agreement.

    Pirojeektiin Dareewwan barnootaa Ismaart xumuramanii Yuunivarsiitiitti dabarfaman5During the handover ceremony, Director for ICT, of the University, Mr Belachew Abdissa indicated that the project includs fully furnished ten(10) smart classrooms, Cloud classroom platform, 100 inch motorized projector screens, Robotic Book scanner and Standard white boards. All the smart classrooms are connected to each other and can be controlled from a center.

    Pirojeektiin Dareewwan barnootaa Ismaart xumuramanii Yuunivarsiitiitti dabarfaman3Mr. Eyaros Bekele, the project manager and representative of Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.), congratulated the University for having and pioneering in such modern technology to support the teaching learning process. He has also thanked the University for entrusting Anhi Antai Technology Co. Ltd. (A.P.G.) with such big projects.

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  • STRI held research review

    STRI held research review

    STRI held research reviewWallaga University Science and Technology Research Institute held a one day research review program at the University's Incubation center.

    Wallaga University Science and Technology research institute is one of the research institutes established under Wallaga University Research, Community Engagement and University Industry Linkage Office.

    STRI held research review1The objectives of the review program was critically review and identify those research findings which will be applicable for community interventions or technology transfer ; to evaluate the status of ongoing research projects in terms of their activity performance and budget utilizations; attract researchers to conduct problem solving and applied science researches as per the University's research thematic areas. Dr.Mebrate Dufera, the director of the Institute has thanked the presenters, reviewers, chairpersons, facilitators and participants.

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  • The management held discussion with CET Staff

    The management held discussion with CET Staff

    The management held discussion with CET Staff4Today (10/01/2023) the University management has held discussion with all academic staff members’ @College of Engineering and Technology of of our University. During discussion, His Excellency, Dr. Hasan Yusuf, the University's president has raised issues of universities differentiation strategies, Wallaga University's revised vision in line with its differentiation, strategic priorities, strategic goals and annual plan as Applied Science University.

    The management held discussion with CET StaffThe management has also evaluated the status of semester courses delivery, staff roles, and responsibilities, contributions in ensuring quality education, practical teaching and research and community service priorities. How to strengthening laboratories and workshops, college and departments level preparation works for National Exit Examination, the relationship of responsibility and accountability, support, Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism and Challenges of education and research materials supply and facilities outstanding issues both the staff and the managing have reflected upon.

    Finally, the management has assured the colleges staff that it will provide all necessary support and closely work with the college and agreed on a motto of "Better Work Together".

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  • The management board of Wollega University has reviewed the university's 2015 budget year six month plan performance report

    The management board of Wollega University has reviewed the university's 2015 budget year six month plan performance report.

    In various fields of applied science education, practical and student-centered teaching, producing qualified, competitive and creative professionals, participating in research and community service, contributing to the development of the country, contributing to the culture of science and democracy, and by 2025, raising a vision of becoming one of the top 25 universities in Africa. The understanding of the report has been explained.

    His Excellency Mr. Matthews Million, the Ministry of Mining Data and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University stated that the report will thank the University for the Planning Implementation of the environment. The institution is in an unstable environment and the 12th grade national exam is to be completed peacefully by the management of the university. Even though efforts have been made from many directions to prevent the exam, the management of the university, elders of the country, religious fathers, Aba Geda's and the like have played a big role.

    Mr. Matthews said that the government is working to improve the education system starting from the beginning and the main job of the children is to love education and value education is the family.

    He said that universities should continue to be the center of knowledge and Wollega University should play a positive role in the areas that are limited to its capacity. In the era of digitalization and information revolution, the university should continue by strengthening its start-up works. STEM, model and boarding schools are getting high results in order to be centers of quality education. The board of directors has reviewed the preparation of the final exam in our university and has given direction to continue the remaining work.

    The presented work performance report has presented basic information, evaluation of the status of programs, key activities, implementation of Abiy's activities, follow-up and support, problems faced and issues that need attention in the future and discussed by the members of the work management board. The president of the university honorable Dr. Hassan Yusuf has given a broad explanation for the questions raised by the board members of the university.

    His Excellency Mr. Matthews Million, Mining Minister Data and the Chairman of the University's Board of Directors have given instructions to continue the work started. Finally, the management board members have made a division of work to discuss what each member can help the university in a different way.

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  • February2023

     The management board of Wollega University has reviewed the university's 2015 budget year six month plan performance report

    6 month1In various fields of applied science education, practical and student-centered teaching, producing qualified, competitive and creative professionals, participating in research and community service, contributing to the development of the country, contributing to the culture of science and democracy, and by 2025, raising a vision of becoming one of the top 25 universities in Africa. The understanding of the report has been explained.

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  • Two PhD Students defeneded their dissertations successfully

    Two PhD Students defeneded their dissertations successfully

    It is with a great pleasure that Institute of Language Studies and Journalism (ILSJ) announced two PhD students of Afan Oromo Language and Literature department successfully defended their Dissertations, today (16 Feb, 2023). The two candidates (as of today are Doctors in Afan Oromo and Literature are namely: Dr. Abebe Bekele Kasa (PhD) and Dr. Dame Abera Bacha (PhD).

    ILSJ is one of the institutions commenced with the inception of Wallaga University, in 2006 G.C. To realize the mission of higher learning institutions in general and Wallaga University in particular, contributing its part in the three pillars (Teaching-learning, community service and research activities). The institute started teaching various programs in different modalities and levels, pioneering in post graduate studies, MA in TFL, PhD in TFL and MA in Afan Oromo and Folklore, MA in Afan Oromo and Literature, PhD in Afan Oromo and Literature. As a result, several academic professionals have been produced and are contributing their parts in the nation-wide academic sector capacity building.

    Pertaining to Post-Graduate studies of ILSJ, two departments are actively running both Masters and PhD programs in different modalities and one of the department is running MA program only. For instance, in the department of English Language and Literature, there are about 47 MA in TEFL active students/lists and 32 PhD in TEFL students enrolled in summer and regular modalities respectively.

    The other sister department running PG programs from ILSJ of WU is Afan Oromo and Literature Department. It has to be noted that Afan Oromo and Literature Department is a pioneer department in opening PhD program in Afan Oromo among Higher Learning Institutions of the country. Currently, 25 active PhD students are pursuing their PhD program in in teaching Afan Oromo and Doctor of Philosophy in Education in Mother Tongue. Besides, a number of students are enrolled and pursuing their MA program in different modalities (regular, week-end, summer). Department of Afan Oromo and Lityerature is excelling in producing competent professionals in relation to PhD degree in the history of higher learning institutions in the country. Similarly, Amharic Language and Literature department currently has 35 MA students enrolled in summer modality.

    Concerning staff profile, the institute has high academic profile in the university. There are about 25 assistant professors and 1 Associate professor to run the PG programs.

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  • National Research Conference

    National Research Conference

    Wallagga University, Main Nekemte (Nekemte)

    Wallaga University has finalized its preparation to receive participating guests on National Research Conference to be held on 6 & 7 April, 2023 G.C.

    The National Research Conference is held under the theme of ''Quality Education in Ethiopia Schools: Status, Challenges, and Prospects''

    Wallagga University would like to welcome arriving invited guests, paper presenters, Federal, Regional, Zonal, Wireda, town level education sector heads, senior Lectures and professors from distinguished Universities, Teachers Education Colleges, and secondary school directors.

    Government office heads and local administrators at various level wil also attend the Conference. Abba Gadaas, religious leaders, community and parents ‘representatives will have their views and opinions heard about their evaluation and/or feeling of the current quality of education.

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  • Zoom meeting held for project collaboration

    Zoom meeting held for project collaboration

    Wallaga University held zoom meeting with African Population and Health Research Ceter (APHRC), based in Nairobi Kenya.

    Wallaga University's top managemet and members of Institutes of Health Science (IHS, WU) held zoom meeting following Dr. Hasan's letter of request and commitment to collaborate with African Population and Health Research Ceter (APHRC), based in Nairobi Kenya, in a project_ Gates Catalyze Impact Project in Research and related Capacity Strengthening funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    It is to be recalled that Wallega University is categorized as University of Applied Science in a recent categorization of Ethiopian Public Universities. To realize its mission, it has set different strategic themes in its mid-term (three years) development plan in relation research, one of which is ''Excellence in Applied and Implementation Research.''

    To this end, the University has been searching for strategic partnerships and collaboration both at national and international levels to position it to compete for successful funding and supporting its staff to be successful consortium leaders.

    Catalyze Impact Initiative is about to fully embrace African needs and scale up implementation research (IR) and research and development (R&D) in an integrated concept to better link research and practice to accelerate the development and delivery to public goods and services such as improved health outcomes.

    Among the initiative's objectives are greater visibility for African researchers, academic and research institutions as generators of research evidence and innovations and drivers of adoption of research evidence for decision making and policy changes; and cross cutting continent wide platforms accessible to researchers and academics in Africa for learning and knowledge exchange; greater data access and use; strengthening IR and R&D practice and fostering faster uptake of innovations.

    Our University's management has thanked APHRC for its interest to work with Wallaga University and expressed its commitment and readiness to take part in the project. The University has also confirmed that it has already accumulated ample experience of managing big grants.

    While confirming that the ''Gates Catalyze Impact Project in Research and related Capacity Strengthening'' is in line with the Institute's identified thematic areas, IHS, WU, assured APHRC that it will make further assessment of institutional capacity as per the projects guideline.

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  • Manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu galateeffate

    Manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu galateeffate

    Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu hayyuu,Injinara Mekaanikaalii beekamaa fi barsiisaa, qorataa Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar, biyya Noorweey keessa hojjechaa jirudha.

    Hayyuun, qorataa fi barsiisaa beekamaa kun pirojeejtii INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training) jedhamuu bocuun walta'insa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar waliin ta'uun carraa barnootaa digirii 2ffaa fi 3ffaa barsiisuu, akkasumas, muuxannoo fi daawwannaaf barsiisotaafi barattoota waljijjiiruu, leenjii dandeettii cimsuu addaa addaa kennuu, barattoota shamarraanii sadarkaa 2ffaa barnoota Saayinsiifi Injinaringiitti jajjabeessuu, kan kana fakkaatan hojjetaa akka jiru yaadachiiseera.

    Haaluma kanaan wal qabatee workshooppii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kolleejjii Injinargii fi Teeknoloojii waliin qophaahef Yuunivarsiitii keenya dhufani leenjii baratootta (MSc fi PhD) akkasumas barsiisota koolleejichaaf mata duree ''Resesrch Grant Writing'' jedhu irratti qaaaman argamun beekumsaafi muuxannoo isaanii qoodaniiru.

    Dr Indaalkaachoo Moosisaa, diinii koolkeejjichas, maadaallii isaaniin Pirojeektiin INDMET hanga ammaatti akka karoorfametti deemaa akka jiru dubbatanii manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii tumsa taasisaafi ture akka itti fufu gaafataniiru. Bittaan meeshaalee tokko tokkoo haala dhiheessin harkifachaa akka jiru ibsanii manajimantiin xiyyeeffannaa akka itti kennuuf gaafataniiru.

    Gara fuulduraattis akkaataa Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar waliin hojjatamu danda'amu irratis Piresidantii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Dr. Hasan Yusuf waliin marii bal'an godhameera.

    Qoqqooddi Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaaa hordofuun Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa ''University of Applied Science'' ta'uu yaadachiisanii barnoota ogummaafi dandeettii cimsan kan akka barnoota Injinaringiifi fayyaa akkasumas carraalee naannoo argama Yuunivarsiitii irratti xiyyeeffatee barnoota qonnaa, jallisii, qorannoo albuudaa, barnoota Hoteelaafi Tuurizimiif, kan kana fakkastan kallattii xiyyeeffannoo olaanaan Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa irratti hojjetu ta'uu ibsuun dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaafi qorannoo biyyoota alaa waliin hariiroo uumuufi cimsuuf Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa hojjechaa akka jiru himanii tumsifi deggersi hayyota keenya biyya alaa hedduu nu barbaachisa jedhan.

    Dr. Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii keenya Yuunivarsiitiin Stavangar Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa waliin hariiroo akka uumuu fi pirojeektii bocuun barattoonniifi barsiisonni Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa akka fayyadaman gochuu isaaniif, pirofeseer Hirphaa Lamuun galatoomaa jedhaniuru.

    Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu hayyuu,Injinara Mekaanikaalii beekamaa fi barsiisaa, qorataa Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar, biyya Noorweey keessa hojjechaa jirudha.

    Hayyuun, qorataa fi barsiisaa beekamaa kun pirojeejtii INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training) jedhamuu bocuun walta'insa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar waliin ta'uun carraa barnootaa digirii 2ffaa fi 3ffaa barsiisuu, akkasumas, muuxannoo fi daawwannaaf barsiisotaafi barattoota waljijjiiruu, leenjii dandeettii cimsuu addaa addaa kennuu, barattoota shamarraanii sadarkaa 2ffaa barnoota Saayinsiifi Injinaringiitti jajjabeessuu, kan kana fakkaatan hojjetaa akka jiru yaadachiiseera.

    Haaluma kanaan wal qabatee workshooppii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kolleejjii Injinargii fi Teeknoloojii waliin qophaahef Yuunivarsiitii keenya dhufani leenjii baratootta (MSc fi PhD) akkasumas barsiisota koolleejichaaf mata duree ''Resesrch Grant Writing'' jedhu irratti qaaaman argamun beekumsaafi muuxannoo isaanii qoodaniiru.

    Dr Indaalkaachoo Moosisaa, diinii koolkeejjichas, maadaallii isaaniin Pirojeektiin INDMET hanga ammaatti akka karoorfametti deemaa akka jiru dubbatanii manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii tumsa taasisaafi ture akka itti fufu gaafataniiru. Bittaan meeshaalee tokko tokkoo haala dhiheessin harkifachaa akka jiru ibsanii manajimantiin xiyyeeffannaa akka itti kennuuf gaafataniiru.

    Gara fuulduraattis akkaataa Yunivarsiitii Wallaggaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar waliin hojjatamu danda'amu irratis Piresidantii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Dr. Hasan Yusuf waliin marii bal'an godhameera.

    Qoqqooddi Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaaa hordofuun Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa ''University of Applied Science'' ta'uu yaadachiisanii barnoota ogummaafi dandeettii cimsan kan akka barnoota Injinaringiifi fayyaa akkasumas carraalee naannoo argama Yuunivarsiitii irratti xiyyeeffatee barnoota qonnaa, jallisii, qorannoo albuudaa, barnoota Hoteelaafi Tuurizimiif, kan kana fakkastan kallattii xiyyeeffannoo olaanaan Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa irratti hojjetu ta'uu ibsuun dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaafi qorannoo biyyoota alaa waliin hariiroo uumuufi cimsuuf Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa hojjechaa akka jiru himanii tumsifi deggersi hayyota keenya biyya alaa hedduu nu barbaachisa jedhan.

    Dr. Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii keenya Yuunivarsiitiin Stavangar Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa waliin hariiroo akka uumuu fi pirojeektii bocuun barattoonniifi barsiisonni Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa akka fayyadaman gochuu isaaniif, pirofeseer Hirphaa Lamuun galatoomaa jedhaniuru.

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  • CET Workshop Successfully Completed

    CET Workshop Successfully Completed

    The “Research Training and Curriculum Review” workshop, which was organized by the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) at Wallaga University in collaboration with the

    Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) Project Office that has been conducted for two weeks, from April 03 - 11, 2023 was successfully completed today.

    As per the plan of INDMET project and stated on the workshop opening program, the training part of the workshop focused on two basic issues:

    1. Research Design/Methodology and

    2. Research Grant Writing.

    Accordingly, the first training workshop sessions on the title “Research Design/Methodology” that was organized for academic staffs and postgraduate students in particular, and has been given by Prof. Hirpha Lemu.

    The second part of the training was conducted under the title “Research Grant Writing” by Prof.Hirpha Lemu. The training was an extended part of the training that had been held previously on August 01, 2022 on the same topic by Prof. Hirpha.

    Trainees actively participated in the training and came up with their own idea for research grant writing. They have organized their idea as per the knowledge they have got from the training and prepared a professional presentation on the title they have selected by themselves. They have also presented their idea for research grant writing and it was reviewed by trainers and participants.

    After the training, participants exchanged ideas on the training and expressed their views in what way such training will help them in their academic work.

    At the end of the training, Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, delivered the closing speech by owing thanks to the college and those involved in organizing such training programs, and highlighted the great significance of such training for successful Grant Research Writing.

    Finally, the training program was concluded with the closing speech Dr. Diriba Diba, Vice President for Research, Community Service & Industry Linkage Office at Wallaga University, He highlighted the significance of such training by showing professional concern for the organizers and trainers.

    Article Count:
  • Milkaa'inaan xumurameera!

    Milkaa'inaan xumurameera!

    Guyyoottan lamaan (27 fi 28/07/2015) darban Konfiraansii Qorannoo biyyaaleessaa dhimma qulqullina barnootaafi Kufaatii barattootaa qormaata biyyooleessaa kutaa 12ffaa bara 2014 irraatti qorannoo gaggeeffame dhiyaachaa ture, guyyaa har'aa kaayyoo yaadameef galmaan ga'uun milkaa'inaan xumurameera.

    Guyyaa lammafaan waraqaaleen qorannoo dhiibbaan amalli barattootaa qulqullinaa baranoitaarratti geessisaa jiru, dhiheessii yookiin galtee barnootaa, adeemsa baruufi barsiisuu, akkasumas qorannoo bu'aa qormaataa godinaaleen Wallaggaa sadan dhiyaatanii marii bal'aan bu'aa qorannoolee kanneen irratti gaggeeffameera.

    Yaadalee Qorannoo Konfiraansichaa walitti qabuuf marii waliigalaafi sirna cufinsaarratti qorattoonni waraqaalee qorannoo dhiheessan, keessummaa kabajaa, qorataafi hayyuu barnootaa kan ta'an Pirofeeser Dirribsaa Dhufeeraa, wajjirri itti aanaa piresidaantii Qorannoo, Tajaajila Hawwaasaafi Walta'insa Industrii, kolleejjiin Barumsaafi Saayinsii Amalaa, akkasumas Piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Kabajamoo Dr Hasan Yusuf, gaaffilee fi yaadolee hirmaattota irra ka'aniif ibsaa, yaada waliigalaa fi maaltu osoo ta'ee kufaatii qulqullina barnootaa numudate keessaa baana kan jedhan irratti gorsaafi yaada furmaataa kennaniiru.

    Kabajamoo Dr. Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa gama isaaniin Kufaatiin qulqullina barnootaa yeroo dheeraaf akka ture, bu'aan qormaata kutaa 12ffaa mul'istu tokko akka ta'e, dhiibbaan hanqina qulqullina barnootaa seektaroota hundumaa keessatti akka mul'atu, hawwaas-dinagdee, nageenya, duudhaafi safuu hanqisuun akka calaqqisu dubbataniiru. Dhiibban hanqina qulqullina barnootaa hunda galeessa, dhaloota mancaasaa, biyya diiga, jechuun gama hundaan kufaatii akka fiduus eeraniiiru.

    Barsiisaa gahumsa qabu, kabaja itti horuun, utubuufi jajjabeessuun akka barbaachisus himanii barsiisota gahoomsuun abba dhimmaa duraa taasisuun nibarbaachisaa jedhan, Dr. Hasan. Ammaaf barattoonni, qabiyyee barnootaa (Kitaaba barattootaa) fi barsiisota walitti qindeessuun hojiitti seenuun akka barbaachisu, Maaliif barattoonni kufan kan jedhu irratti barattota, maatii, barsiisota, hoggansi sadarkaan jiru mariisisuunis ni barbaachisaa jedhan. Naamusa barattootaa ilaalchisee rakkoo maatii qofaatti dhiibuu osoo hintaane manneen barnootaa giddu gala barattoonni naamusa itti baratan ta'uu qaba jechujn hoggansi seektara barnootaa qajeelfama Naamusaa qabaachuu akka qabu; akkasumas itti gaafatamummaa kufaatii barnootaa sirreessuuf ''Education Act'' yookiin ''seera barnootaa'' akka biyyaatti qabaachuun akka barbaachisu gorsaniiru.

    Hayyuun barnootaafi keessummaan kabajaa Konfiraansii qoranichaa kan ta'an Profeseer Dirribsaa Dhufeeraa gama isaaniin rakkoolee amma qulqullina barnootaarratti mul'atan mara hundumtuu akka itti gaafatamummaa isaafi qooda keenyaatti hoj-manee fudhachuun akka barbaachisu himaniiru.

    Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa qooda isaa ba'eeraa jedhan, Prof Dirribsaa. Dhimma Qulqullina Barnotaa fi kufaatii qormaataa ilaalchisee Konfiraansii Qorannoo qopheessuun, qooda fudhattoota akkasitti walitti fiduun akkamitti rakkoo kana keessaa baana jennee akka mari'annuu waltajjii nuu mijeessuun itti gaafatamummaa isaa ba'eera jedhan. Bu'aan qorannoofi mariin waliin gaggeeffame kun barattoota bira gahuu akka qabu, rakkoolee kufaatii barataa itti dhiphachaa jirru kun abbaan dhimmaa kan ta'an barattoonni beekuu akka qabanis gorsaniiru.

    Bu'aaleen qorannoo kufaatii qormaataa kutaa 12ffaa kun godinaalee Oromiyaarraa walitti qindaa'ee bakka tokkotti korri akka Naannoo Mootummaa Oromiyaatti gaggeeffamuu akka qabu yaada kennaniiru

    Barsiisonni Yuunivarsiitii manneen barnootaa sadarkaalee 2ffaa qooddachuun irratti bobba'un gosoota barnootaa addaa addaarratti barsiisuu fi deggersa barbaachisu kennuu akka qabanis himaniiru.

    Manneen barnootaa yeroo baayyee irra deddeebiin barattoota dabarsan hoggansa tasgabbaa'aa fi yeroo dheeraa hogganiin ta'uu qorannoon akaa mul'isu himanii yeroodhaa yerootti hoggansa manneen barnootaa jijijjiruun manneen barnootaa tasgabbiifi kallattii waan dhabsiisuuf osoo itti yaadamee jedhaniiru.

    Dr. Dirribaa Dhibbaa, itti aanaa Piresidaantii Qorannoo, Tajaajila Hawwaasaafi Walta'insa Industrii gama isaaniin Yuunivarsiitiin mata duree qorannoo kanaa yeroo bocu, rakkoo dhalootaa fi biyyaa kan ta'e dhimmi qulqullina barnootaa Ijoo waan ta'eef kaka'umsa kana fudhannee jedhani. Itti dabaluunis, akkuma bu'aa qorannoon agarsiiseefi kufaatii/firii qormaataa kutaa 12ffaa irratti mari'anne, qooda-fudhattoonni hundi hoj-manee keenya hojjenne walitti deebi'uun duub-deebii hoj-manee keenyammoo Konfiraansii Qorannoo kan biraatiin walitti deebinee mari'anna jedhaniiru.

    Diiniin Kooleejjii Barumsaa fi Saainsii Amalaa kan ta'an Dr Olaanaa Dabal, barataan, barsiisaan, maatii fi hoggansi seektara barnotaa waliigalaan yoo qooda isaa bahe kufaatii amma akka naannoo fi biyyaatti keessa galle keessaa bahuun akka dandaa'amu himuun naamusi barataa xiyteeffannaa guddaa akka barbaadu, bu'aa yookiin firii qormaata kutaa 12ffaa bara 2014 hordofee yeroo ammaa haala kenninsa barnootaa, hordoffii hoggansaa, amala qayyabannaa barattootaa irratti jijjiiramni akka jirus himuun rakkooleen gama galtee barnootaa yoo mul'atanis gama kitaabileefi wabiilee barnootaatiin waan hedduun Interneetii irraa argachuun akka dandaa'amu dubbatanii kanaafis dandeettii ijoollee gama teeknoloojii cimsuun akka barbaachisu himaniiru.

    Dhumarrattis, kabajamoo, Dr. Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa waamichaafi affeeraa isinii ta'e hordoftanii keessummoonni fi waraqaa qorannoolee kan dhiheessitan marti galatoomaa jedhaniiru. Akkasumas waajjirri itti aanaa Piresidaantii Qorannoo, Tajaajila Hawwaasaafi Walta'insa Industrii Kooleejjii Barumsaa fi Saainsii Amalaa waliin qindaa'uun mata duree wayitaawwaa akkasiirratti konfiraansii qorannoo qopheessuu keessaniif galatooma jedhan. Keessummoota keenyaafis imala gaarii hawwaniiru.

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  • April2023

     Zoom meeting held for project collaboration

    342200290 245044721346937 1896880073216923225 nWallaga University held zoom meeting with African Population and Health Research Ceter (APHRC), based in Nairobi Kenya.Wallaga University's top managemet and members of Institutes of Health Science (IHS, WU) held zoom meeting following Dr. Hasan's letter of request and commitment to collaborate with African Population and Health Research Ceter (APHRC), based in Nairobi Kenya, in a project_ Gates Catalyze Impact Project in Research and related Capacity Strengthening funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

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    Manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu galateeffate

    Manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu galateeffate.7Profeseer Hirphaa Lamuu hayyuu,Injinara Mekaanikaalii beekamaa fi barsiisaa, qorataa Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar, biyya Noorweey keessa hojjechaa jirudha. Hayyuun, qorataa fi barsiisaa beekamaa kun pirojeejtii INDMET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training) jedhamuu bocuun walta'insa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa, Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Stavangar waliin ta'uun carraa barnootaa digirii 2ffaa fi 3ffaa barsiisuu, akkasumas, muuxannoo fi daawwannaaf barsiisotaafi barattoota waljijjiiruu, leenjii dandeettii cimsuu addaa addaa kennuu, barattoota shamarraanii sadarkaa 2ffaa barnoota Saayinsiifi Injinaringiitti jajjabeessuu, kan kana fakkaatan hojjetaa akka jiru yaadachiiseera. 

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    CET Workshop Successfully Completed

    CET Workshop Successfully Completed1The “Research Training and Curriculum Review” workshop, which was organized by the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) at Wallaga University in collaboration with the Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) Project Office that has been conducted for two weeks, from April 03 - 11, 2023 was successfully completed today. As per the plan of INDMET project and stated on the workshop opening program, the training part of the workshop focused on two basic issues: 

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    Milkaa'inaan xumurameera!

    Milkaainaan xumurameera1Guyyoottan lamaan (27 fi 28/07/2015) darban Konfiraansii Qorannoo biyyaaleessaa dhimma qulqullina barnootaafi Kufaatii barattootaa qormaata biyyooleessaa kutaa 12ffaa  bara 2014 irraatti qorannoo gaggeeffame dhiyaachaa ture, guyyaa har'aa kaayyoo yaadameef galmaan ga'uun milkaa'inaan xumurameera. Guyyaa lammafaan waraqaaleen qorannoo dhiibbaan amalli barattootaa qulqullinaa baranoitaarratti geessisaa jiru, dhiheessii yookiin galtee barnootaa, adeemsa baruufi barsiisuu, akkasumas qorannoo bu'aa qormaataa godinaaleen Wallaggaa sadan dhiyaatanii marii bal'aan bu'aa qorannoolee kanneen irratti gaggeeffameera. 

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    Article Count:
  • የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን አይ ሲ ቲ (ICT) ዳይሬክቶሬት በ2015 ዓ/ም የመውጫ ፈተና ለሚወስዱ ተማሪዎች የዲጂታል ሊትሬሲ ስልጠና መስጠት ጀመረ።
    የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን አይ ሲ ቲ (ICT) ዳይሬክቶሬት በ2015 ዓ/ም የመውጫ ፈተና ለሚወስዱ ተማሪዎች የዲጂታል ሊትሬሲ ስልጠና መስጠት ጀመረ።
    ከ2015 የትምህርት ዘመን ጀምሮ ሁሉም የአንደኛ ዲግሪ ተመራቂዎች የመውጫ ፈተና እንደሚወስዱ በትምህርት ሚኒስተር መገለጹ ተከትሎ ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ተመራቂ ተማሪዎችን ለመዉጫ ፈተና ለማዘጋጀት የተግባር መረሃ-ግብር በማዉጣት እየሠራ ይገኛል። ስለ መውጫ ፈተና ምንነትና አስፈላጊነት የውይይት መድረኮችን በማዘጋጀት ግንዛቤ ከመፍጠር ጀምሮ የተለያዩ በመውጫ ፈተና አስፈላጊነት፣ በሞጁሎች ዝግጅት፣ ቱቶሪያል መስጠት እና በመሳሰለለት ዙሪያ ሰፊ ሥራ ሲሠራ ቆይቷል።
    የተግባር መርሃ-ግብሩ አካል ከሆነው አንዱ ተማሪዎቹ የመውጫ ፈተናው በኦን ላይን ያለምንም ችግር ወስደው ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ ለማድረግ እንዲቻል የዲጂታል ሊትሬሲ ሥልጠና መስጠት ነው። በዚሁ መሠረት በ2015 ከሁሉም ኮሌጆች እና በሦስት ካምፓሶች ለሚመረቁ ከ2700 በላይ ለሚሆኑ ተማሪዎች የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን አይ ሲቲ (ICT) ዳይሬክቶሬት ሥልጠና እየሰጠ ይገኛል።
    እያንዳንዱ ተማሪ በራሱ በተከፈተለት ''username እና ''password'' በICT በተዘጋጀው ፕላመትፎርም (SYSTEM) ላይ Demo Exam (demonstration exam) በሚባል መለማመጃ ለአገር አቀፉ የመውጫ ፈተና ዝግጅት ያደርጋሉ። ተመሳሳይ ሥልጠናዎች በጊምቢና ሻምቡ ካምፓሶች እንደሚቀጥሉ የICT ዳይሬክቶሬት ዳይሬክተር የሆኑ አቶ ቀላቸዉ አብዲሳ ገልጸዋል።
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  • Wollega University Health Science Institute conducted a one day curriculum review

    Wollega University Health Science Institute conducted a one day curriculum review.

    Wollega University Health Science Institute has conducted a one day curriculum review with stakeholders from universities, federal, regional, zone, hospitals and experts from the institute.

    After Dr. Temesgen Tilahun, the executive director of Wollega University Health Science Institute, welcomed the participants of the workshop, the government has come up with a health policy and various prevention strategies to produce a healthy society, productive and developmental force to prevent diseases and control it quickly. Thank God. The role of higher education institutions in implementing the policies and strategies that are being implemented at the national level is not good.

    Henceforth, Wollega University has been reminded that it is the University of Applied Sciences and the center of knowledge is one of the areas of focus and knowledge is health science education. Accordingly, the University Institute of Health Sciences has reviewed the existing curriculum and the new health systems (from first degree to third degree) with professionals and stakeholders, it has reached the today's national review workshop.

    Besides learning and teaching, to protect the health of the community, the University Referral and Teaching Hospital is also providing medical services to Ayale parts of the community. He also added that he is working on introducing "CT scan" and "MRI" machines to provide services for those who seek better and higher medical treatment and for those who are exposed to different costs due to referral.

    Dr. Melka Hika, Vice President of Academic Affairs of Wollega University, has welcomed the participants of the workshop and said that Wollega University is starting from its mission to provide quality education for first and second degree programs, following the existing curriculum and creating new programs. In all this effort, I call on health sector professionals and stakeholders to play their part in practical education and to develop your professional opinion in today's curriculum review.

    He added that health science education is focused like Wollega University so the university is working hard to produce professionals who are qualified in practical education and ethically trained.

    Mr. Eba Abdisa, the dean of the Health Science Institute, presented the history and future plan of the institute to the participants.

    In this review of the curriculum, six means:

    1. BSc in Medical Radiology Technology

    2. BSc in Psychiatry

    3. BSc in Optometry

    4. MSc in Clinical Midwifery

    5. MSc in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing

    6. MPH in Human Nutrition has been stated.

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  • june2023

    Wollega University Health Science Institute conducted a one day curriculum review

    1Wollega University Health Science Institute has conducted a one day curriculum review with stakeholders from universities, federal, regional, zone, hospitals and experts from the institute.After Dr. Temesgen Tilahun, the executive director of Wollega University Health Science Institute, welcomed the participants of the workshop, the government has come up with a health policy and various prevention strategies to produce a healthy society, productive and developmental force to prevent diseases and control it quickly. Thank God. The role of higher education institutions in implementing the policies and strategies that are being implemented at the national level is not good.

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  • Half-day training was given on Scholarly Journal Publishing, Editing, and Peer Review

    Half-day training was given on Scholarly Journal Publishing, Editing, and Peer Review

    Following Wallaga University' STAR Journal online publication resumption and other five WGU online and open access Journal commencement, the President office and Research, Community Service and Industry Linkage vice president's offices are continuously holding technical and professional discussions aiming at technical and ethical problems evaluations of the University's experience of STAR Journal so as to smoothly run both earlier and the newly commenced Journals.

    Today (2 June, 2023) half-day training was given to academic administrators, chief editors, accessed reviewers, associate research and post graduate deans on a title '' Wallaga University Journals: Codes of Best Practices in Scholarly Journal Publishing, Editing, and Peer Review'' by Dr. Hasan Yusuf, President of the University. Fundamental principles of research publishing were highlighted by the presenter and discussions have been held following rising of questions and comments as to the administration and the University's earlier practice.

    When explaining why the training was organized, the president told the trainees that branding the University's Journals is necessary by following publication principles, both national and international research guidelines, by maintaining ethics and quality we have to strive for international Standards, he told the trainees. Besides, the training has also aimed at capacitating chief editors, peer reviewers, and academic and research administrators to strengthen internal administration of WGU Journals.

    The University has already bought Plagiarism checker software and the training of both academic and research staff will start very soon. The University will develop its own plagiarism policy that will be annexed to research articles when they are given/sent to reviewers.

    Editorial process, editorial policy, roles of editors and reviewers, issues related to editorial boards/governance of Journals , role of editorial board, and peer review process were among the top titles entertained during the training.

    The president has also assured the participants that series of capacity building training will be held in collaboration with academic and research wings.

    The office Publication and Dissemination Directorate is mandated to draft guidelines and policy which govern authors, editors, and reviewers by seeking and referring to both national and international documents and policies related to research and journals' publications.

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  • Wallaga University signed MOU with AYIRA GENERAL HOSPITAL

    Wallaga University signed MOU with AYIRA GENERAL HOSPITAL

    Wallaga University's Office fo Research, Community Service, and Industry Linkage vice president signed MOU with AYIRA GENERAL HOSPIRAL

    The health teaching institutions require adequate and standardized clinical practice opportunities for their students in these facilities. In this regard, Wallaga Univedsity's Institute of Health Sciences is committed to producing competent health care providers who are going to be deployed and serves in health sector. To do so, our trainees should be able to pass through outcome-based curricula and licensure exams. Hence, on top of classroom and skill-lab learning, the institute is always searching for institutions, partners, and stakeholders to give its students opportunities for clinical practice to make the students competent in their fields of study.

    Following a series of meetings with and a visit to Ayira General Hospital, an agreement is reached to provide a mechanism where the University and the Hospital may continue to collaborate in efforts to accomplish their common goals.

    The strategic goals of Wallaga University are excellence in education, practical work and research, innovation and technology transfer. Since Wallaga University is differentiated as University of Applied Science, the University's leadership is working on ways of guiding and supporting its students through the development of new Science and applied/professional degree programs. To integrate practical teaching and learning, competence test into all study programs and equip its students with the knowledge and skills to compete in the local and global labor market, the university has set various strategies to achieve its goals.

    Working with employers, industries, professional body’s alumni, and other stakeholders are among strategies to ensure the set goals. To this end, a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which has been signed with Ayira General Hospital will have a huge importance for our institute's students to hands-on kearning and care development.

    Health Science education is one among the University's top priorities and excellence area, as University of Applied Science.

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  • Wollega University graduated 1347 students today (July 13/2015)

    Wollega University graduated 1347 students today (July 13/2015)

    The 18th round student’s graduation ceremony that was held in our university was held in Nekmte campus.

    Today (July 13/2015 E/C) the graduation ceremony that took place in the pre-graduation and post-graduation programs have been witnessed that they have successfully completed their education time and also they have obtained passing points in the nationwide exit exam.

    The graduates have attended their education in 80 different programs, including 1st to 3rd degree (PhD) level. Out of 1347 students 1076 are boys and 271 are girls Dr. Melka Hika vice president of academic affairs has stated. Among the graduates, 976 are graduating from first degree, 350 are graduating from second degree and 21 are graduating from third degree.

    The Honorable Dr. Hasan Yusuf, the president of Wollega University, has sent a congratulatory message. He said that what makes this year's pre-graduation program different is that they graduated under the new education policy. Therefore, various strategies for improving the quality of education are being implemented (for example, the duration of a year was improved from three years to four years to four years and extended to five years); the entrance examination of graduates has been implemented to ensure their overall knowledge and work readiness, and a new examination administration has been implemented by coming out of the usual examination schedule. They have mentioned that they have passed (taking exam using internet).

    Especially as a university, they have passed through many challenges and national instabilities and passed the exit exam and qualified for graduation, they said it means a lot as a university.

    They have expressed their gratitude to the university community, especially the teachers, noting that the recorded results are expected and close to the results of the model exams.

    Furthermore, the guest of honor of the day respected Mr. Waqgari Negera, the administration of the Muh/Wollega zone and the vice chairman of the university's work management board has sent a message to the graduates.

    Mr. Waqgari who said in his message is the improvement of higher education and education delivery/quality education is the importance of education. It creates a society that is filled with knowledge; it connects with many countries and parts of the world; it helps us to produce citizens that will take over the country continuously; he said it helps narrow the gap between urban and rural, majority and few. Therefore, after the higher education system of our country, there has been a lot of efforts being made to increase leadership and low quality and broadcasting standards. They added that they are confident that there is a lot of attention being done by the government and the society to expand education fairly and increase its coverage. However, as the effort is there, they said that they know that they need to do many challenging things to reach the desired quality level.

    Especially by strengthening the enthusiasm and interest of students for education and behavior, and strategic work that focuses on improving their acceptance of education and performance, they said it is necessary to focus on it. Therefore, they have stated that different strategies are being implemented under the new education policy.

    Finally, students who scored high results in their studies have received medals and trophies prepared by the guests of honor and higher university officials. The graduation ceremony was held without any security problem.

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  • Affeerraa_keessummootakutaa12ffaa


    Manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa guyyaa har'aa (22/11/2015) keessuummoota qormaata Biyyooleessaa kutaa 12ffaa raawwachiisuufi qoruuf ramadamaniif affeerraa laaqanaa taasisef.

    Barsiisonni marsaa duraa qoraa turani gara naannoo dhufanitti deebu'aniif karaa nagaa isinii haata'u jechuuf kanneen marsaa duraa qoruuf dhufaniinis baga nagaan dhuftan jechuuf manajimantiin Yuunivarsiitichaa keessummoota laaqana (nyaata aadaa cumboo, ancootee) affeereera.

    Affeerraa laaqanaa kanareatti haasaa gabaabaa kan taasisan kabajamoo Dr Hasan Yusuf, piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa keessummootaan baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun nyaata Aadaa Wallaggaa ''CUMBOO'' keessummaa kabajaniifi jaallataniif dhiyaatu Uummanni Wallaggaa kabajaafi jaalalaa isiniif qabuu kunoo akkasitti bakka bu'oota hawwaasaa magaalaa Naqamtee waliin isin affeerra jedhan.

    Carraa haala kenninsa qormaata kutaa 12ffaa hordofee hayyoonni fiixee biyyaa garaagaraa irra jiran bahaa-lixatti, kaabaa-kibbatti, naannoo keessa jiraatanii fi garaa baannolee biraa imaluun haala jireenya, aadaa, amantaa, duudhaalee, afaanota, uffannaa, kkf hawwaasa addaa addaa waliin wal baruuf carraa uumuu isaati jedhan.

    Rakkoolee waliis baruuf gargaareeraa kan jedhan, Dr. Hasan haala qabatamaa bakka garaagaraa jiru, akka miidiyaa hawwaasaa irratti afuufamuu fi ololamu osoo hintaane, akkaataan jireenyaa, nageenyaa, rakkooleen hawwaasaa, sababa addaa addaatiin buqqaatiin bakka mara akka jiru kaasan. Hayyoonni immoo madaallii dhugaa qabachuun hariiroo hawwaasaa cimsu qabu, biyya kana ijaaruu keessatti gahee keessan bahuu qabdu jedhan.

    Kaayyoo dhufaatii keessummota kanneenii yeroo ibsanis adeemsa kenninsa qormaataa hannaafi cabinsa naamusaarraa bilisa gochuun qoruun waan barbaachiseefi jedhan. Hundarraa caalaammoo Wal-keessaa deemuu hayyootaa naannoolee addaa addaa eegaluun dhugaa lafarra jiruufi hawwaasi akkamittiin akka wal wajjiin jiraachaa jiruu mirkaneeffachuun hangam sobiifi ololli qilleensa miidiyaalee hawwaasaa qabatee jiru haqarraa kan fagaate ta'uu hubachuuuf gargaaraa jedhan.

    Hawwaasi naannoo/godinaalee Wallaggaa akkuma hawwaasa godinaalee naannolee biroo gawwaasa nagaa jaallatu, aadaa offi isaa qabu dabalataan aadaalee hawwaasita biro akka jiru, muuziqaaleen afaanota hedduu bakka itti dhaggeeffataman, hawwaasa keessummaaf siree isaa gad lakkisee lafa bulu, sababa gogiinsaan hawwaasota naannolee biraa irraa dhufanif mana ijaaree, lafa isaa kutee kenneefi dhala isaa waliin barsiisee hawwaasa sadarkaa guddaan gaheedha jedhan.

    Wallaggi magariisa, rooba ji'oottan jahaaf argata, biyya warqee, biyya loonii, biyya bunaa, biyya albuudaa, biyya oomishaa, biyya qonnaati kan jedhan Dr. Hasan, badhaadhina biyta kanaafuu wabii guddaa kan ta'eefi gahee leencaa taphachuu kan danda'udhaa jedhan. Itti dabaluunis,Wallaggi biyya hayyootati, biyya kan bulchan, heera mootummaa kan baasan, walumaagalatti, ijaarsa biyyaa kana keessatti gahee olaanaa kan qabaniifi ammas ba'achaa jiranidha jedhan. Kanaafuu, rakkoolee yeroo mumul'ataniin osoo hindanqamiin, obsaan dabarree hariiroo uummataa cimsuun biyyaa badhaatuu haa mirkaneessinuu jechuun waamicha taasisan.

    Keessummootaanis nageenyaaf jaalalaa hawwaasa magaalaa Naqamtee dinqisiifatanii turtii isaanii guyyoottan muraasaa keessattis simannaa, kabaja, nageenya, akka waliigalaatti naamusa hawwaasa keessa juru ajaa'ibsifachuun dubbatan.

    Yaadolee keessummootaatti ni deebina.

    Dhumarrattis, piresidaantii Yuunivarsiitii keenya waliin Godaanbaa yookiin Muuziyeemii Wallaggaa daawaataniiru.

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  • Examination center task force" consultation was held

    Examination center task force" consultation was held.

    Our university's president "Examination center task force" has held a summary of preparation and coordination discussion regarding the nationwide 12th grade exam that will be held in 2015 (19-30/11/2015).

    The president of our university is the honorable Dr. Hasan Yusuf who led the discussion. Remember that the organizations that are listed on university level responsibilities and actions have been created. Logistics and services led by the president of administrative council; Examination team led by the academic council president and federal police exam team. The center's task force that evaluated the preparation of the task force has confirmed that the preparations are completed. The president has given instructions that different committees should cooperate, coordinate and cooperate. It has been explained that the various committees and stakeholders that organize the 12th grade examinations at the city and zone level will help to provide immediate solutions to small gaps.

    Dr. Hasan has mentioned that the main function of the Federal Police Examination Task Force is to enforce the examination, search and protect. He has also explained their details. Commander Melaku, who leads the test force of the federal police, has said that they have completed their preparations and are working with the city and zone level committees.

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  • July,2023

    July 2023

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  • STEM Center students completed trainings and received different awards

    STEM Center students completed trainings and received different awards

    22 students who represented Wallagga University STEM Center and who had won competitions to attend national and international level trainings under the coordination of various nongovernmental organizations two months back, have successfully completed their trainings and received awards, and donated with equipments for innovations.

    Wallaga University STEM center, WU SPECIAL BOARDING SECONDARY SCHOOL students and of course including some outstanding students from the University's catchment area is yielding results (topping all contestants to win the chances for national and international competitions, wining higher level trainings, donation of equipments for innovation, etc) though started teaching three years ago only.

    Following reaching of collaboration agreement with the University, three non-governmental organizations such as THINK YOUNG AFRICA, ADDIS CODER and BRIGHTER GENERATION, have been training students during Ethiopian Summer (for a month and two weeks).

    Among the 22 students one student (Amanuel Wakbulcho) from the University's Special Boarding Secondary school has been attending special training at Ethiopian Aviation University, Bole under the facilitation of THINK YOUNG AFRICA nongovernmental organization. 20 students have been receiving different Trainings and Educations through the facilitation of BRIGHTER GENERATION while 1 student was following his training under ADDIS CODER organization.

    At the end of the trainings, two organizations (THINK YOUNG AFRICA and ADDIS CODER) have awarded the students with certificate and donated them various equipments for innovations. Mr. Gemechu Bekana director for Wallaga University's STEM Center thanked all the facilitating organizations, the trainees, and nearby schools.

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  • Jiilli dawwaannaa biyya Jarmanitti gaggeesse muuxannoo qoode

    Jiilli dawwaannaa biyya Jarmanitti gaggeesse muuxannoo qoode

    Garee hoggansaa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa muuxannoo daawwannaa Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaa Applaayidi, Warshaalee fi Industrii biyya Jarmaniitti taasise ilaalchisee manajimantiif, muummeewwaniifi koolleejjotaaf muuxannoo qoode.

    Qoqqodamiinsa Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo biyyaa kanaa hordofuun Yuunivarsiitiin keenya akka Yuunivarsiitii Applaayid Saayinsiitti qoidamuun isaa niyaadatama. Yuunivarsiitii waligalaarraa gara Yuunivarsiitii Appilaayidiiti Ce'uuf qophiilee addaa addaa taasisaa tureera. Hojiilee hubannoo uumuu, sirna barnootaa jiran seecca'uu fi haaraa bocuu, karoora waggaa 10 bocuu kan kana fakkaatan hojjetamuu yaadachiifameera.

    Yuunivarsiitiin Wallaggaa akka giddu gala qulqullinaati:

    1. Barnoota qonnaa, Agrii bizinesii fi galtee warshaa

    2. Barnoota Injinaringii fi Teeknoloojii

    3. Barnootaa Fayyaa

    4. Qorannoo fi Injinaringii Albuudaa adda baafachuun hojiitti galuuf qophiilee meeshaalee guuttachuu, laabiraatoorii gurmeessuu, dhaabbilee qorannoo, industrii, warshaalee, qooda-fudhattoota biyya keessaa fi alaa waliin hariiroo uummachuuf sochii bal'aa taasisaa jira.

    Qaama sochii qophii taasisuu keessa tokko daawwaannaa dhaabbilee barnoota Appilaayidii ta'an taasisuudha. Bu'uuruma kanaan Piresidaantii (kabajamoo Dr. Hasan Yusuf) fi itti aanaa Piresidaantii Dhimmootaa Akkaadaamii (Dr. Malkaa Hiikaa) Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kanneen biroo waliin dhaabbilee barnootaa olaanoo biyya Jarmanii keessatti argaman daawwachuun (7th-19th May, 2023) deebi'aniiru.

    Daawwaannaa kanaanis hubannoo isaan adeemsa baruu barsiisuu Yuunivarsiitota Appilaayidii, caaseffame isaanii (gurmaa'inaafi walitti hidhamiinsa muummeewwan barnootaa addaa addaa) sirna barnootaa, hariiroo isaani Industroota waliin qaban, aadaa hojii fi tarsiimoo ittin gaggeefdaman, dhimmoota qorannoo wal qabatan, kalaqa teeknoloojii, fi kanneen biroo irratti muuxannoo fi hubannoo argatan Dr Hasan Yusuf fi Dr Malkaan hirmaattota marii kanaaf qoodaniiru.

    Gosi barnootaa ogummaa cimsuuf oolan waliin qindaa'uu akka qaban, irra deebiin muummeewwan akka Yuunivarsiitii Appilaayidiitti itti fufuu danda'an cimsuuf kanneen hinjirre bocuun mirkaneessisuu, carraalee misoomaa jiran qorachuu, giddu-gala kalaqaa, guddinaafi misoomaa hundeessuufi gurmeessuu, humna namaa oomishuu, fi kan kana fakkaatan ka'anii kallattii haaraa, ilaacha haaraa, adeemsa baruu barsiisuu gocha irratti hundaa'e, qorannoo rakkoo hiiku bocuufi hojiitti hiikuu, fi kana fakkaatan hubannoo guutuu fi xiyyeeffannaa itti kennuun akka barbaachisu himameera.

    Daawwaannaan fi muuxannoo qooddachuu dhaabbilee barnootaa biyya Jarmanii kun haala qabatamaa biyya keenyaafi Yuunivarsiitii keenyaatti wantoota fayyadan irraa fudhachhuun yaad-rimee dhuma Yuunivarsiitii Applaayid Saayinsii kanarratti hubannoo walfakkaatu qabaachuufi karoora fi pirojeektii qopheessuun hojiitti galuu akka ta'e, kabajamoo piresidaantii Yuunivarsiitii keenya Dr. Hasan Yusuf ibsaniiru.

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  • CNC Milling Machine and 3D Printing Training Completed

    CNC Milling Machine and 3D Printing Training Completed

    As part of short term training INDMET Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project office in collaboration with College of Engineering and Technology (CET) organized and successfully completed practical-based lab training. It was conducted for five consecutive days from August 8, 2023 to August 12, 2023.

    The training was held on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling Machine and 3D printing with a series of practical exercises aimed at promoting innovation and creativity skills of the staff.

    The training program was opened by Endalkachew Mosisa (PhD), Dean of CET and INDMET project coordinator of Wallaga University. In his opening speech, he delivered a message to the trainees saying that the training was one of the efforts being made to transform the college from general/comprehensive to applied science mode of teaching and researching. He emphasized hands-on trainings, activities, and teachings have to be introduced and implemented in all departments of the college. All departments and instructors have to reconsider their ways of teaching, delivering community services, and conducting researches that fit to University of Applied Science, he underscored.

    The trainers, namely Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa (Wallaga University), Dr. Moera Gutu from Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU), and Mr. Misganu Mekuria from Ethio-China Polytechnic University have successfully delivered the training which mainly focused on CNC Programming, Machine Setup and Practical Exercise, CNC Part Program Loading and Simulation, Machine Operation and Practical Exercise and Concept of Additive Manufacturing, Malfunction and Maintenance.

    The trainees were made to be familiar with the fundamental concept of CNC programming with exercise on facing, pocket tapping and drilling; CNC Machine setup with practical exercises; CNC part program loading and simulation; CNC Machine Operation; and 3D printing setup (loading and unloading materials) and introduced Ultimate Cure used with 3D printer. On the final day of the training, Endalkachew Mosisa (PhD) summarized the training comparing the two popular and recent prototyping technologies namely subtractive rapid prototyping (SRP) and rapid prototyping (RP). Moreover, he mentioned the importance of such practical training in the transformation process to Applied Science University. All the sessions were accompanied by hands-on (practical) exercises.

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  • August,2023

     news blinkSTEM Center students completed trainings and received different awards

    STEM Center students completed trainings and received different awards1222 students who represented Wallagga University STEM Center and who had won competitions to attend national and international level trainings under the coordination of various nongovernmental organizations two months back, have successfully completed their trainings and received awards, and donated with equipments for innovations.

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    news blinkJiilli dawwaannaa biyya Jarmanitti gaggeesse muuxannoo qoode


    Garee hoggansaa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa muuxannoo daawwannaa Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanaa Applaayidi, Warshaalee fi Industrii biyya Jarmaniitti taasise ilaalchisee manajimantiif, muummeewwaniifi koolleejjotaaf muuxannoo qoode. Qoqqodamiinsa Dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo biyyaa kanaa hordofuun Yuunivarsiitiin keenya akka Yuunivarsiitii Applaayid Saayinsiitti qoidamuun isaa niyaadatama. Yuunivarsiitii waligalaarraa gara Yuunivarsiitii Appilaayidiiti Ce'uuf qophiilee addaa addaa taasisaa tureera. Hojiilee hubannoo uumuu, sirna barnootaa jiran seecca'uu fi haaraa bocuu, karoora waggaa 10 bocuu kan kana fakkaatan hojjetamuu yaadachiifameera.

    read more

    news blinkCNC Milling Machine and 3D Printing Training Completed

    engineer2As part of short term training INDMET Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training) project office in collaboration with College of Engineering and Technology (CET) organized and successfully completed practical-based lab training. It was conducted for five consecutive days from August 8, 2023 to August 12, 2023. The training was held on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling Machine and 3D printing with a series of practical exercises aimed at promoting innovation and creativity skills of the staff.

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  • Training Workshop is Underway at CET, WU

    Training Workshop is Underway at CET, WU

    A training workshop organized by College of Engineering and Technology (CET) in collaboration with Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) has began today (August 29,2023) on a title “Additive and Subtractive Prototyping: 3 D Modelling, 3 D printing and CNC” which is to be held for five days (August 29-September 02/2023).

    The training Workshop is organized for the target groups from TVET College teachers and Industry Engineers as per the objectives of the INDMET Project office for training and Education. The training title was set based on preliminary survey made involving the target groups, and the members of the participants are given based on Quota to existing surrounding TVET Colleges and Industries:

    $1·         Arjo Sugar Industry

    $1·         Arjo TVET College

    $1·         Bako Agricultural Mechanization

    $1·         ERA Nekemte District

    $1·         Nekemte TVET

    $1·         Najo TVET

    $1·         Fincha Sugar Factory

    $1·         Shambu TVET College

    $1·         Ambo TVET C

    $1·         ollege

    $1·         Dambi Dollo TVET College

    $1·         Bila TVET College and Sire TVET college

    Following a brief introduction about the program and the schedule by Mr. Wakgari Dibaba, a welcome address has been made by Mr. Zelalem Dessalegn, University-Industry Linkage Directorate Director. Mr. Zelalem has noted the key importance of such training program to strengthen the linkage between the university, industries and relevant stakeholders.

    The training program was officially opened with an opening speech made by Dr. Diriba Diba, Research, Community Engagement and Industry Linkage V/President, and delegate of the University President. Dr. Diriba has expressed his sincere appreciation and gratitude to the CET and the workshop organizing team. He has also thanked CET Dean (Dr. Endalkachew for the continued effort to organize such training program during these break times that are an essential part of preparations for future career of the coming academic year.

    Moreover, Dr. Diriba has highlighted the great implication of such training program as the title of the training is in line with the key focus areas given by MOE to Applied Science Universities, and as it is among areas for center of excellence identified by our University as well. “Hence this is well planned, timely and highly essential training program which all the participants need to attend with full engagement from beginning to the end”, remarked by Dr. Driba.

    The training workshop on product development was delivered by Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, Dean of CET and INDMET Project Coordinator at WU followed by an intensive discussion with the participants.

    The training workshop is supposed to continue for the next five days covering the essential topics such as Product Development, CAD Laboratory, Rapid Prototyping, CNC Programming and Operation, CNC Milling and 3D printing all of which would involve lab demonstrations for the l practical skills.

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  • 2016 fiscal year is the time we will continue with the reforms of higher education

    "2016 fiscal year is the time we will continue with the reforms of higher education" Dr. Samuel Kifle - Minister of Education Data

    August 20/2015 M (Ministry of Education) in the Ministry of Education higher education development sector 2015 school year performance evaluation and 2016 budget year plan introduction program has been completed.

    According to the Minister of Education, the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Samuel Kifle, the key problem in the education sector is the issue of quality and relevance of education in the past five years. Mmm so many reforms have been implemented.

    Based on the education and training map, increasing the starting time of the university from three to four years, differentiate universities with focus and mission, adjusting the quality of entrance exam to the university, implementing university exit exam, developing a system to make universities independent and approving the declaration and focusing on the quality of related reform works and They have pointed out that improving internal resources is one of the steps taken.

    Minister Dataw Aklewum has announced the reforms that started in 2016 school year, making culture and eradicating, identifying universities and allowing students to audit programs only in a different program, allowing them to be tested and correcting the deficiencies in the quality of graduation education, giving better exit exam to re-takers and regular students, making universities independent. They have suggested that they will work on ensuring that educational infrastructure and resources are complete and to get them to work.

    At the end of the program, Arbaminch University research results exhibition and Chamo Lake’s tight area development work has been visited.

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  • the management council of the university has continued its discussion on different agenda

    The management council of the university has continued its discussion on different agendas.

    My law on 2/2015

    Based on the guidelines given by the management, one of the university's graduates has conducted analysis and research findings. Dr. Hasan Yusuf, the president of our university, has explained that the problem of quality of education we are in as a country is reflected on the results of the exit exam.

    The ministry of education has also indicated that the new education policy has been working with education stakeholders to solve the problem of quality of education at every level. Dr. Hassan.

    Higher education institutions will focus on the field of focus, online/computer based exit exams, changes in the 12th grade national exam administration and giving, improvements in 2015 8th grade ministry, starting 6th grade ministry in probation level, and other measures have been noted.

    It is also mentioned that the university has given entrance exam to students who graduated in 2015. 41.02% of the students who were tested have passed results. Regarding the result of the exit exam, it has been explained that it is similar to the average (40%) of the overall exit exam result. In the past four years, the university has evaluated that the result is expected based on the study and teaching crisis (silence, Covid effect, student allocation, suspicion that some students won't be working until the last minute exit exam and keeping a stand and so on) In addition, the council has evaluated that they have been making an action plan since it was announced that there will be an exit exam.

    But what does the exit test show? What is the interaction between CGPA and model results in classrooms, college, regular, night, distance and weekend schedules, gender, academic performance (CGPA) ምን? Based on the direction given by the management, the main registrar of the university (Dr. Feyalew Waqtole and associate registrar Mr. Melkamu Wolde) has presented it.

    According to the standard set by the minister of education, the exam was conducted with great care and responsibility in order to improve the quality of education. The findings of the study was not any cheating and cheating of the exam, the students worked on their own, the result recorded in the exit exam was recorded in the classroom.

    Honorable Dr. Hasan Yusuf has stated that the result that was given for the first time as a country will serve as a source (baseline data) and said that the result recorded will be a great job as a university. All classes should consult with teachers and students after taking the study results; advise and teach students to change attitude and behavior; syllabus (teaching sessions) should be implemented as soon as they are out; monitoring and monitoring work should be continued strongly; test giving and administration should be free from cheating and theft; mid-semester exams. Members of the Management Council have given work directives to the Administrative and Academic leaders at each level to focus on quality education assurance.

    The management of the university has responded and explained the comments and questions raised by the management council members. How did the results of the entrance exam of other higher education institutions appear? Is the purpose and importance of entrance exam the same in all universities? Hasn't it been noticed that efforts are being made to get competition and cheap acceptance among universities? Why didn't the minister of education appoint supervisors? Are we still falling into the cycle of problem with quality of education? Judge, observers and spectators, how will the minister of education evaluate the unnecessary face building effort by saying that they have passed this hundredth time? Whether a national study is needed on the way the results are recorded, and other questions have been raised from council members.

    The Honorable Dr. Hasan Yusuf (President) and Dr. Melka Hika (Academic Affairs Counselor) stated that they have discussed and discussed all the concerns raised on the platform prepared by the Ministry of Education. They have said let us free ourselves from outside pressure and pressure and do our job professionally and responsibly.

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  • September, 2023

    The management council of the university has continued its discussion on different agendas

    HasanBased on the guidelines given by the management, one of the university's graduates has conducted analysis and research findings. Dr. Hasan Yusuf, the president of our university, has explained that the problem of quality of education we are in as a country is reflected on the results of the exit exam. The ministry of education has also indicated that the new education policy has been working with education stakeholders to solve the problem of quality of education at every level. Dr. Hassan.

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  • ELIC_Training


    ELIC conducted training on “Instructional English and Assessment” for the academic staff

    Taking into consideration of the current status of quality of education and the role of English language in a classroom instruction in Ethiopian context, Wallaga University, Institute of Languages Study and Journalism (ILSJ), English Language Improvement Center (ELIC) organized a four days (April 09-12.2024) training on “Instructional English and Assessment” for the academic staff of the institute. In the training, four departments participated and twenty (20) trainee/ instructors from the respective departments participated in the training. The training mainly focused on the use of English language for classroom instruction and proper classroom assessment as part of professional development endeavors. The dynamism in the globe, the current status of novice instructors and students’ level of English language competence necessitated the training said the Center coordinator, Ebissa Bekele (PhD). The center has also planned to give similar and continuous training for academic staff in different colleges, institutes and schools in all the campuses of the university.

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  • Boordiin Bulchiinsaa Hospitaala Kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalaayizdii

    Boordiin Bulchiinsaa Hospitaala Kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalaayizdii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Raawwii Karoora kurmaana 3ffaa Gamaggame

    1 6Guyyaa har'aa (03/08/2016) bulchiinsi Boordii Hospitaala Kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalaayizdii Yuunivarsiitii Wallagga Raawwii Hojii kurmaana_3ffaa bara 2016 fi Dhimmoota garaa garaa irratti mari’ate.

    Walitti-qabaa boordichaa kan ta'aniif I/A/piresidaantii Qorannoo, Tajaajila hawwaasaafi walta'insa Induustirii, Dr. Dirriibaa Dhiibbaa, gama isaaniin miseensoota boordichaan baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun ajandaa marii beeksiisaniiru. Qaboo walgahii kumaana 2ffaa qoratanii mirkaneessaniiru.

    Adeemsa fi ulaagaalee gamaggama biiroolee Fayyaa Oromiyaafi Federaalaa Hospitaalicha gara Kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalaayizdii guddisuuf deemamee miseensota boordichaaf ibsaniiru, Dr Tamasgeen Xilaahun, hojii gaggeessaan Olaanaa Institiyuutii Saayinsii Fayyaa Yuunivarsiitichaa. Gamaaggama keessoofi gamaaggama qaamolee alaan marsaa lamaaf gaggeessameen qabxii waliigala %80.5 argachuun ramaddii magariisaan gara Kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalaayizdiitti guddachuu isaa ibsaniiru. Miseensonni boordichaas bu'aa argameef manajimantii olaanaa Yuunivarsiiitii fi Hospitaalichaa galateeffataniiru.

    Itti aansuunis Dr. Tamasgeen Xilaahun gabaasa raawwii karoora 2016 keessaa kan kurmaana 3ffaa dhiheessan. Gabaasa isaanii keessattis hospitaalichi galma kudha tokkoon karooraafi raawwi isaanii walcina qabuun dhiyyeessaniiru.

    Yeroo ammaa kana walumaagalatti barattoota 1408 barsiisaa jiraachuu, hojjettoota (akkaadaamikiifi, tajaajila kilinikaafi bulchiinsaa) 1065 qabaachuus ibsameera.

    1 7Kurmaana 3ffaa kanatti itti quufiinsa maamiltootaa %91 galmaa'uu, sababoota meeshaalee fayyaa ammayyaawaa hojii eegalsiisuufi inshuraansii fayyaa maamiltoonni yaalaman karooraa ol ta'uus eerameera. Yaalii atattamaafi Kunuunsa yaalii cimaanis (ICU) raawwiin karoora ol ta'us gabaasichi ni mul'isa. Yeroo dhiyoo asitti yaalii Kaanserii daa'immanii eegalame dabalatee, yaliin kaanserrii akka waliigalaatti karoorarra %164n akka raawwates himameera.

    Yaalii olaanaaf dhukkubsatoota gara hospitaalota gurguddootti dabarsuun yoo hir'isellee sababa hanqina gosoota/bu'aa dhiigaa (blood products) gara biraatti ergamaa akka jiranis ibsameera. Hojjettoonni hospitaalichaa sagantaa arjooma dhiigaan yuuniitii 119 arjoomuu isaaniis himameera.

    Faarmaasonni Hospitaalichaa qoricha ga'aa akka qabaniifi garuu sababoota nageenyaan Faarmaasora Moodalaa Gimbiifi Shaambuuf qoricha galchuun akka hindandaa'amne ibsameera.

    1 8Hojjettoonni/ogeeyyiin 36 eeyama ogummaa akka dhiyeeffatanif hojjettoonni 53 immoo raawwii olaanaan adda baafamuu isaaniis himameera. Akkaataa caasaa haaraa hojjettoota Mootummaatiin hojjettoota akkaadaamiikiifi hojjettoita tajaajila Kiliniikaa kennan walitti makuuf piroppoozaaliin qophaa'ee akka jiru, kanneen akkaadaamii yookiin barsiisuurraa dhufan shaakallii hojiirraa ji'oota sadiif akka taasisan akkasumas hojjettoonni tajaajila kiliniikaa kennaa turanif immoo carraan sadarkaa barnoota isaanii guddifachuu qophaa'ee akka jiru ibsameera.

    Miseensonni boordiis gaaffileefi yaada qaban gaggeessaa olaanaa hospitaalichaa kan ta'aniif dhiyyeessanii ibsi bal'aan kennameeraaf. Dhimmoonni ogeessa suphaa meshaalee fayyaa leenjisuufi hospitaalicha keessatti gurmeessuu karoorfamee akka irratti hojjetamu, barumsi fayyaa cimee akka itti fufu, maxxansi bu'aa qorannoo qulqullinaan akka gaggeeffamu, deggersifi qormaanni qaamolee alaan barattoota fayyaaf kennamaa jirus haala gaariin madaalameera.

    Dhumarrattis, hojiileen kutaalee garaa garaa daash boordiidhaan guyyaa guyyaan hordofama jirus daawwatameera. Ijaaarsi isaanii xumuramaa kan jiru appartimantii gamoo waliin jireenyaa Dooktaroota 

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  • Simannaafi Orenteeshinii Barattoota Ispeeshaliistii Marsaa Afuraffaaf taasifame

    Simannaafi Orenteeshinii Barattoota Ispeeshaliistii Marsaa Afuraffaaf taasifame

    1 12Hospitaala kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalayizdii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaatti Inistiitiyuutii Saayinsii Fayyaa Barattoota ispeeshaliistii muummee 'General surgery', 'pediatrics' & 'child Health', 'Gynecology & obstrics fi internal medicine' jedhamanitti barattoota 31 ta'aaniif guyyaa har'aa simannaa Taasise; haala adeemsa baruu-barsiisuufi dhimmoota akkadaamikii waliigalaa ilaalchisee orinteeshinii kenne.

    Inistiitiyuuti saayiinsi fayyaatti Daarikterri Barnootaa Meedikaalaa fi Tajaajila waldhaansaa yuunivarsiitii wallaggaa kan ta'an Dr, Asaffaa Nagariin barattoota barumsa ispeeshaliistii barachuu dhufan baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun haasaa taasisaniin Yeroo ammaa kanatti resideenttoota 67, barattoota Meedikaalaa 287 fi barattoonni 61 anesthesia, walumaa galatti barattoonni 415 ta’aaniif barumsi kennamaa jira jedhan.

    Bara barnootaa 2016/2024 kana keessatti residenttoota 31 kutaalee adda addaa afur keessatti galmaa’uun lakkoofsi Residenttootaa keenyaa yeroo ammaa 98tti yoo guddatuu, akkasumas lakkoofsi barattootaa waliigalaa gara 446tti ol guddateera jedhan.

    1 13Hoji Geggeessan Inistiitiyuutii Saayinsii Fayyaa Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kan ta'aan Dr, Tamasgeen Xilaahun barattoota barumsa ispeeshaliistii barachuu dhufan baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun Hospitaalli kompireensiivii Ispeeshaalayizdii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa baruuf barsiisuuf haala mijata waan ta'eef carraa kanatti fayyadamuun turtii qabdan kana keessatti miira gareen hojjechuu fi qindoomuun galma ka’amee bira gahuu akka danda’amuu ibsaniiru.

    Dabalataan ogeessonni fayyaa baayyina hawwaasa keenyan yeroo madaalamuu muraasa ta’uu himuun ogeessota fayyaa gahumsuu fi dorggomaa ta’ee horachuu akka qaban ibsaniiru. Kana malees Yuunivarsiitiin wallaggaa Apilaayiidiitti jjijjiramee keessaa barnoonni fayyaa isa tokko dha jedhan kanaafuu mummeewwan qabnuun tajaajila baruuf barsiisuu kennaa jirru daran foyyeessun itti fufsiisuun akka qabaniifi hospitaalota fi qamolee garaagaraa waliin walitti dhufeenya keenya cimsuun tajaajila yaalii fayyaa kenninuu cinatti tajaajila baruuf barsiisuu kan itti fufu ta’uu dubbatniiru.

    1 14Kana malees jedhan kaayyoon keenyi inni jalqabaa ogeessota fayyaa dorgomaa ta'ee fi bu'aa uummata isaaf buusu horachuu dha jedhan.

    Hoggana I/A pireezidaantii Dhimmoota Akkadamii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa kan ta'aan Dr Malkaa Hiikaa akka jedhaniiti hospitaalli Riferaalaa gara Hospitaala Kompireensiivii Ispeeshalayidiitti guddachuu isaatin barattootni yeroo ammaa gara hospitaala keenyatti barumsaaf dhuftan carraa gaarii akka isaaniif ta’ee himun qaamolee galma gahiinsa kanaaf hojjetan hunda kan galateeffataniifi, wantoota guutamuu qaban mara waliin ta'uun guutuu kan danda'amu ta'uu ibsaniiru.

    Sirna simannaa kanarratti Hoggana I/A Pireezidaantii Bulchiinsa fi misoomaa Yunivarsiitii wallaggaaa kan ta'an Dr. Olaanaa Dabal, geggeessitoonni, Daayrikteeroonni Akkaadamikii fi Kilinikaalaa yuunivarsiitii wallaggaa fi hospitaala kompireensiivii ispeeshaalayizdii simannaafi oriinteeshinii kanarratti argamuun haala adeemsa baruuf barsiisuu itti demamuu qabu fi muuxannoo isaanii qoodaniiru.

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  • Capacity building training on the Nature UASs offered

    Capacity building training on the Nature UASs offered

    1 11Wallaga University, in collaboration with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and the Ethiopian Academy of Science, has provided a capacity-building five-day training (March 25–29, 2024) about the nature and characteristics of universities of applied sciences (UASs) for its middle level academic leaders. The main focus of the training is to produce principled, mission and institutional values oriented strategic academic or higher professional education leadership team for a re-missioned and re-focused university in line with a new attention and focus based Ethiopian higher education institutions differentiation strategy and transformation goal.

    Participants are likely to learn about applied sciences university strategic leadership principles, key issues and major characteristics of the UASs, stakeholders’ management, university-industry linkage, practice oriented teaching and learning, applied research& innovation, collaboration and internationalization, quality enhancements and assurance mechanisms, digitalization, fostering students' career development, growth & development centers/centers of excellences, startups, innovative and entrepreneurial applied sciences university, and sustainability, among others. These issues and skills are crucial for navigating complex challenges and driving positive change within educational institutions within a new reform framework. This training initiative reflects a proactive and forward-thinking approach by Wallaga University and its partners to equip academic leaders at all levels with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of contemporary higher education and also to drive positive change within the institution.

    1 10With the aim of seeing the potential of Wallaga university as a university of applied sciences, capacity building of its leadership and academic staff through delivering of several trainings on essential topics such as change management or change academic or higher professional education leadership in applied sciences universities; academic or higher professional education leadership and governance in applied science universities; applied sciences and higher professional programs curriculum standards framework; innovative hands on or practice oriented teaching and learning methodologies/pedagogies for applied science university; applied sciences university’s academics/professionals, research and innovation staff development and promotion standard framework; applied research, innovations, startups, entrepreneurship development standard framework or guideline; WU's three years transitional time special strategic plan and etc..., will continue in the coming three months.

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  • Wallaga University HUM Collaboration in Action

    Wallaga University HUM Collaboration in Action

    Wallaga University delegates warmly received at Hubei University of Medicine (HUM). HUM invited Wallaga University to attend 2024 International Summer School organized under the title: ''A Journey to Science and Health.'' Wallaga University-HUM Collaboration is the most successful and shortly translated into action following MoU signing, back 23 December, 2023.

    While staff and students exchange, short training, and experience exchange is currently underway, the University has also arranged IHS free scholarship to 14 IHS Staff.

    Since, Wallega University was designated as one of the fifteen (15) Universities categorized under Applied Sciences Universities of Ethiopia, it has set four focus areas (Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Mining and Geosciences) and exerting a lot of energy to collaborating with both national and international organizations and stakeholders for the realization of its mission and vision and its transformation processes into fully-fledged UAS.

    Today (18 August, 2024) HUM organized a presidential welcome dinner ceremony to Wallaga University delegates travelled to Hubei Province Hubei University of Medicine (HUM)

    for 7 days visit and training.

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  • INDMET Project Summer Workshop

    INDMET Project Summer Workshop

    Wallaga University, College of Engineering and Technology INDMET Project Office Summer Workshop Update

    The workshop, which runs from August 8 to 16, 2024, is a comprehensive program designed to address various aspects of engineering education and industry collaboration.

    TVET Teachers and Industry Engineers Summer Training

    The workshop, organized and supported by the INDMET Project Office, is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College teachers and industry engineers. This initiative aligns with the objectives of the INDMET Project, which aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of partners in the south to improve the quality of engineering education, as well as technical and vocational training.

    The workshop commenced with a brief introduction by Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa, the INDMET Project leader at Wollega University. The program focuses on cutting-edge topics essential for modern engineering practices, including 3D Modelling and Product Development, CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping and Fundamentals of CNC Programming and Operation, as well as hands-on laboratory work in CAD, CNC Milling, and 3D Printing.

    Mr. Zelalem Desalegn, Director of the University-Industry Linkage Directorate, welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of such training programs in strengthening the connection between the university, industries, and other relevant stakeholders.

    The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Diriba Diba, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer. In his opening speech, Dr. Diriba expressed his sincere appreciation to the organizing team for their efforts in putting together such a crucial program. He noted the alignment of the workshop’s focus with the Ministry of Education’s directives for Applied Science Universities and the university's identified areas of excellence. Dr. Diriba highlighted that this well-planned and timely training program is vital for the participants' future careers in industry and manufacturing, encouraging full engagement throughout the workshop.

    The first training session, titled "3D Modeling and Product Development," was led by Prof. Hirpha Lemu from the University of Stavanger. This session set the tone for a series of expert-led workshops designed to equip participants with advanced skills in modern engineering techniques.

    Joint PhD Teaching Progress Evaluation (WU and UiS)

    Another significant aspect of the summer workshop is the Joint PhD Teaching Progress Evaluation, conducted in collaboration between Wollega University (WU) and the University of Stavanger (UiS). This segment of the workshop provides a platform for evaluating the progress of PhD candidates, ensuring they are on track with their research goals and academic requirements. This initiative reflects the strong academic partnership between WU and UiS, fostering an environment of rigorous academic standards and continuous improvement.

    PhD Candidates Proposal Défense (2nd Round Admission)

    The workshop also includes a critical stage for PhD candidates from the 2nd round of admissions—a proposal defence session. This process allows candidates to present their research proposals to a panel of experts, receiving valuable feedback and guidance to refine their research trajectories. This is a crucial step in ensuring that the research being conducted is of high quality and relevance.

    PhD Candidates Progress Evaluation (1st Round Admission)

    For PhD candidates from the 1st round of admissions, the workshop provides an opportunity for a detailed progress evaluation. This evaluation helps to assess the candidates' advancement in their research and academic work, identifying areas for improvement and recognizing milestones achieved. It is an essential part of the PhD journey, ensuring that students are progressing effectively towards the completion of their degrees.

    Synopsis Presentation of 3rd Round PhD Applicants

    The workshop also includes a synopsis presentation for 3rd round PhD applicants. This session allows prospective candidates to present their research ideas and receive initial feedback from faculty members. This process is crucial in shaping the research directions and objectives of new PhD students, aligning them with the university's academic goals and research priorities.

    Notably, one PhD scholarship position is available starting from September 2024, offering a valuable opportunity for a deserving candidate to pursue advanced research under the guidance of experienced faculty.

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  • Wallaga University as Ambassador of our Country Ethiopia

    Wallaga University as Ambassador of our Country Ethiopia

    Wallaga University Institute of Health sciences Leadership team along with the University’s top management members have paid visit to Hubei University of Medicine (HUM) and attended to short term Summer Courses, 18-25 August, 2024.

    On the onset of the visit and training, each delegate from three countries (China, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan) have presented their countries’ Brief background of history and culture.

    Introduction to China and Chinese culture By Professor Zhang Xinjun. The Country, China covers Land Area of 9.6 million and 1.4 billion Population size and has 56 ethnic groups. Regarding its Administrative Divisions it has 23 provinces; 5 autonomous regions; 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government; 2 SAR such as Hong Kong and Macao.

    Historically, China’s history is divided into four parts: Prehistoric China (Up to About 1600 BC), Ancient China (c. 1600–221 BC), Imperial China (221 BC – 1912 AD), and The Republic of China (1912–1949) or The People's Republic of China (1949–Now). Chinese civilization began along the Yellow River in the Shang era, and spread from there when bronze age culture reached its peak. Then traditional Chinese philosophies, such as Confucianism and Daoism developed in the feudal Zhou era as China expanded in territory and population. Professor Zhang Xinjun has also presented us since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has entered a Communist era of stability, with the Reform and Opening Up policy of 1978 bringing in China's phenomenal economic growth.

    Scenic spots on the banknotes all represent Chinese People and provinces: their heritages, Mounts, Gorges, Landscapes, etc. China is also known by different Symbols: Tiananmen (The Gate of Heavenly Pea, Chinese Dragon (symbolizing the emperor), Dragon dance, etc. These are uniquely representing Chinese around the globe. We were also presented with Chinese Pastimes, food and manners, known and celebrated National festivals, arts and Crafts, and also three distinguishing features of Shiyan City as Mount Wudang, The Han River, and Motor City.

    Wallaga University delegates and as Ambassadors of the Country, the University has presented brief background of the country under the title: “ETHIOPIA: GEOGRAPHY, SOCIETY AND HISTORY.” Tesfaye Tolesa (PhD) and Alima Jibril (PhD) have beautifully presented Ethiopia’s Geography, Natural Resources, Societies, Cultures, History and Educational Tracks. Ethiopia’s located in the East of Africa specifically located in the Horn and lies between Equator and the Tropic of Cancer (between the 30 N and 150N Latitude or 330 E and 480 E Longitude, with land mass of approximately 1,127,127 square kilometres, stated Dr. Tesfaye. Regarding its drainage system, Ethiopia has five draining systems: such as:

    1. Nile River System: (drains Tekeze, Jama, anger, Dhidhessa, Dabus and Baro Rivers) flow to the North.

    2. Gibe–Omo River System: flow to the Lake Rudolf in Northen Kenya.

    3. Genale-Shebel River System: flow to Somalia in the Southeast border

    4. The Awash River System: entirely confined to Ethiopia and links the cool rich highlands of Central Ethiopia with the hot, dry lowlands of the Danakil Depression.

    5. Rift Valley Lake systems: extended from central Ethiopia to Turkana on the Ethio Kenyan border.

    The scholar has also made clear that Ethiopia is rich in mineral, animals and forest resources Minerals are found in abundance throughout its huge and diverse land mass, such as: gemstones, energy minerals, Cement raw minerals, precious and other metals, endemic wild animals, he added.

    As the Society, Ethiopia is home to ethnically and linguistically diverse peoples and it is a mosaic of about 100 languages that can be classified into four groups of which the vast majority of languages belong to Cushitic, Sematic, Omotic and Nilo-Sahara families respectively, Dr Tesfaye described. Ethiopia is also known as a cradle to human evolution that accounts only a fraction of history of the globe and Biological and cultural evidences (Homo Habilis, Homo Erects and early Homo Sapiens) have been discovered in the Lower Omo and Middle Awash River valleys, he underscored.

    Before the country was unified the various local kings had states of mainly monarchical and egalitarian. He has also highlighted the government system Ethiopia had gone through. Before 1991 followed unitary form of administration, Feudal system before 1974 and Socialist system from 1974 to1991. Since 1991, Ethiopia followed federal structure of administration with twelve regional states and two chartered cities under the central government. Oromia Regional State is the largest where Wallaga University is located in the western part of the country. The present government follows Liberal Democracy oriented Political ideology. Educational tracks, food culture, national festivals: such as Meskel celebrated On September 27, Irrecha in September, Timket in January, and Fiche Chambalala (registered as UNESCO’s heritage).

    As International Community, all members of the delegates from each country have able to embrace the spirit of learning, sharing experiences, get to know each country’s traditional cultures, and able to gain new insights and perceptions.

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  • Acting President of Wallaga University.

    Acting President of Wallaga University.

    A two-days (20 & 21 February, 2025) Annual International Research Conference hosted by Wallaga University under the theme: ''Getting Research into Practice and Policy (#GRIPP): Innovations and Technologies in Fostering a Health System'' successfully completed.

    His Excellency, Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, Wallaga University's Acting President, has officially opened the Conference and moderated discussion on the Keynote papers presented by two distinguished professors and a higher Government Official, Dr. Dereje Duguma, (a State Minister, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia). In his opening remark, the president extended his gratitude and appreciation to the invited participants for coming, and whished all successful deliberations during the conference and enjoyable stay at Nekemte.

    The conference participants have raised questions related to prevalence of malaria and shortages of drugs and medical equipment’s, particularly in rural areas, the effect climate change on health, loosening of regulatory works on privately owned drug stores and clinics, and medication fees patients are being asked for services, transferring a number of patients for higher treatment elsewhere, the level of commitment and availability of specialists on duty, issues related to expiry of and/or drug efficacy/resistance, embracing traditional healers/medicine into the health care system, less collaboration efforts between and among stakeholders, multidisciplinary approach and female researchers participation in healthcare research, were the core questions and comments asked and reflected by the participants.

    Dr. Tesfaye thanked all the keynote speakers for addressing critical issues and sharing their valuable experiences and the way forward. In line with the theme of the conference, everyone attended the conference, and the community of academia and researchers, have to do researches that solve the real problems of industries, and generate convincing, valid, and evidence-based to support and inform policy decision and practitioners to implement policy change in order to transform our health care system and improve our health services. That is the clear meaning of Applied University research when it comes to research. The same applies to our education system, he added.

    In line with #GRIPP, individually, or as an institution, we have to engage stakeholders, in a research process, even including designing the research approach and methodology from the very beginning, engaging in validating/pilot-testing the result, so that the output can be institutionalized, commercialized and used at scale, that is what it means by #GRIPP, the president underscored. In order to generate such research result, we have to change our tradition, and encourage multidisciplinary and even trans disciplinary research, he proposed. A good example can be a health research, which is not the headache of health practitioners only. Social Scientists and those who trained in Agricultural research can and should contribute in solving health problem, providing evidences of such researches from literature, and own practical experience.

    We have to able use emerging technolgies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, in our research and to improve our health care system, as indicated by keynote presenters, particularly, by His Excellency, Dr. Dereje Duguma, State Minister, MoH, the president stressed. As Applied Science University we have to seriously consider and think in that line and revise our structure, process, and our working culture to meet the current demand for research and renovation. Unless we organize ourselves differently by developing different kinds of process and developing different kinds mindset, we cannot deliver nor have a product relevant to policy makers, practioners, our community and our industry, he pinpointed.

    Finally, the president reminded one more time, particularly for Wallaga University, the theme of the research is timely, in our effort to transform ourselves from Conventional University to real Applied Science University in all mandates (teaching and learning, research, and community service activities).

    Before winding up the two-day international scientific research conference, all the research papers presented at parallel sessions were summarized by rapporteurs to the entire participants. Finally, paper presenters, keynote speakers, the organizers of the research conference have replied to comments and questions rose by the participants.

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  • Building Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication play key roles in GRIPP

    Building Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication play key roles in GRIPP

    A two-days (20 & 21 February, 2025) Annual International Research Conference hosted by Wallaga University under the theme: ''Getting Research into Practice and Policy (GRIPP): Innovations and Technologies in Fostering a Health System'' successfully completed. The conference was organized by Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer Office, WU, in Collaboration with Institute of Health Sciences (IHS), WU, and attended by invited guests from Federal, Regional State, Universities, Zonal, and District levels working on Health related matters, the University management, WUCSH and HIS staffs and students.

    Prof. Zeleke Mekonnen addressed a keynote speech on a Topic: ''Bridging the Gap: Translating Research into Policy and Practice for Impact” in which he spoke about how to connect the health system actors (the researchers, practitioners and the policy makers). Researchers generate knowledge through systematic inquiry, Policymakers utilize this knowledge to develop regulations & guidelines, and Practitioners implement these policies in real-world settings but navigating this landscape requires understanding the priorities, constraints, & communication styles of each stakeholder group, he underscored. According Professor Zeleke, the Research-Policy-Practice divide often stems from differing priorities such as research focuses on discovery and rigor/novelty whereas Policy and practice prioritize immediate solutions, and this misalignment creates a significant gap. Hence, He noted that each of these key stakeholders (researchers, policymakers, and practitioners) play a critical role in translating research policy and policy into practice when researchers provide evidence and data, policymakers create frameworks and laws, and practitioners implement real-world solutions.

    Lack of communication between researchers and policymakers, conflicting priorities, and a shortage of resources for knowledge translation activities impede the effective translation of research into policy& practice, hence, overcoming these challenges requires a concerted effort to foster collaboration, build trust, and develop communication strategies tailored to diverse audiences.

    The key is to tailor messages to resonate with diverse audiences, including policymakers, practitioners, & the general public, researchers must move beyond academic jargon & present their findings in a clear, concise, & accessible manner (for instance, Visual aids, Storytelling), for policymakers, it is crucial to provide concise summaries of key findings, along with policy recommendations that are feasible & aligned with their priorities, and for practitioners, it is important to provide practical guidance on how to implement research-based interventions & to address potential barriers to adoption. Building trust & establishing strong relationships with key influencers can also facilitate the dissemination & uptake of research findings, he emphasized as a solution to connect gaps/disconnects the key stakeholders discussed.

    Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, Acting President of Wallaga University has thanked Professor Zeleke Mekonnen for presenting excellent keynote paper and sharing his experience and wisdom with us on a very important and timely theme (making research relevant to policy and Practice). He appreciated and thanked Professor Zeleke for working with Wallaga University, specifically, IHS, to strengthen the Institution. Many individuals and groups have contributed towards the success of such excellent, scientific event, So, I would like to thank both the organizing and technical committee, as well as the leaders: Dr. Diriba Diba, (VPRTT, WU), Dr. Temesgen Tilahun (ECD, WUCSH), Dr. Tesfaye Shibiru, Dr. Dereje Chala, Dr. Meseret Belete, and all others who have been working for several weeks he said.

    The president has also extended his gratitude to Prof. Vanessa (from Newcastle University, Australia) for presenting a keynote paper on a practical aspect of GRIPP, all paper presenters (both in person, & virtually) for making a significant contribution towards the success of the international conference. Stakeholders such as Oromia National Regional State Bureau of

    Health, AHRI, EFDR_MOH, Zonal and District level Health Offices, community elders who have been presenting the local communities' concerns on the levels and quality of treatment they are receiving and commenting on the service delivery of health centers at all levels, without your active engagement and contribution the University cannot have such successful conference.

    Thank You All!

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  • VDI Project Inaugurated

    VDI Project Inaugurated

    The VDI Project has been inaugurated at the presence of His Excellency honorable Dr.Nagari Lencho, EFDR, Meber of Parliament, Chairperson of a Standing Committee for Human Resource Development,, Employment, and Technoligy Transfer Affairs.

    The implementation of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) project at Wollega University marks a significant milestone in the institution's strategic mission to advance digitalization and enhance the efficiency of teaching, learning, research, and administrative activities. This ambitious project, scheduled for execution from 2024 to 2025, is designed to provide a robust, scalable, and reliable ICT infrastructure that aligns with the university's broader goals of digital transformation. During the inauguration of the project it was stated that the purpose of the initiative was to transforming learning through technology with high level infrastructure set up and cloud desktop delivery turnkey project.

    The major component of the new ICT infrastructure, called Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offer students unprecedented accessibility. It will empower students with flexible learning options which reduce barriers and promote inclusivity. It enables students access applications from any location under reliable internet connection. The ICT Director of the University, Mr. Belachew Abdissa told the audience during the inauguration that the infrastructure, VDI, works on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops are supported making resources available around the clock (24/7), which will facilitate self-paced learning by students.

    The VDI solutions can be used in E-Learning, Digital Library, Digital Literacy Training, and Online Exam cases, easily with large number of students at a time.

    It is hoped that having such state-of-the art teaching and learning ICT infrastructure benefit the University by achieving improved digital learning experience, scalability for future growth, minimizing maintenance Costs and finally enhanced teaching & research capabilities. According to Mr. Belachew Abdissa, the scope of the project include: 12 cloud servers (HCI-based), 510 thin clients & teacher computers, 510 Terminal management, 510 Multimedia teaching software, full power distribution System, fully redundant network system, and 510 table and chair furniture.

    Since the University was differentiated as University of Applied Science by Ministry of Education, the University has developed a road map for transitioning to a real applied Science University. Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, acting President of Wallaga University, told during the project inauguration that the University is making strategic investment in infrastructural development, one of which is the VDI project being inaugurated today, and facilities required for the digitalization of teaching, research, and service delivery and aggressively working on human resource development.

    The inauguration of IDI project will create a huge institutional capacity for other planned activities ahead, he added. By implementing this advanced ICT infrastructure, Wallega University is contributing to the broader national digitalization strategy, and technological advancement in education.

    In conclusion, The VDI project at Wollega University represents a transformative step toward achieving the institution's digitalization goals. By providing a state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure, the university is not only enhancing the quality of education and research but also setting a benchmark for other institutions in the country. The successful implementation of this project will undoubtedly bring long-term benefits, empowering students, faculty, and staff with the tools they need to thrive in a digital world.

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  • INDMET Project held Short Training and Award Program for Female Wollega University Model School Students

    INDMET Project held Short Training and Award Program for Female Wollega University Model School Students

    The Institutional Network for Design & Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) Project successfully organized a Short Training and Award Program for female students at Wallega University Model School. The event, designed to empower young female students, focused on providing essential life skills and effective study techniques while also recognizing outstanding academic performance.

    The program commenced with a welcome speech by Mr. Melese, Director of Wollega University Model School. In his remarks, he emphasized the significance of such training programs in enhancing students' personal and academic development. He expressed his appreciation for the INDMET Project’s commitment to supporting young learners, particularly female students, and encouraged participants to actively engage in the training sessions.

    Following the welcome address, Dr. Endalkachew Mosisa delivered the opening speech, in which he highlighted the importance of equipping students with essential life and study skills. He underscored that academic success is not solely dependent on subject knowledge but also on the ability to manage time effectively, develop disciplined study habits, and build confidence. He further commended the INDMET Project for its initiative in providing such valuable training opportunities to students.

    The first training session was conducted by Dr. Alima Jibril, who delivered an insightful session on life skills development. She discussed the fundamental skills that students need to navigate academic challenges, build self-esteem, and develop a growth mindset. She highlighted the importance of resilience, emotional intelligence, and effective communication in both academic and personal life. Her session encouraged students to embrace lifelong learning and self-improvement.

    Next, Birtukan Asefa provided detailed training on developing good study habits. She elaborated on key techniques that students can adopt to improve their learning process, including setting clear academic goals, maintaining a consistent study schedule, and using active learning strategies. She also addressed common challenges students face, such as procrastination and lack of motivation, and provided practical solutions to overcome them.

    The third training session, led by Mskerem Derese, focused on time management and study skills. She emphasized the importance of planning and prioritization in achieving academic success. Her session provided students with effective time management strategies, such as breaking tasks into manageable parts, setting deadlines, and balancing study with personal activities. She also discussed the significance of maintaining focus and minimizing distractions during study time.

    The event concluded with an award ceremony, recognizing the top three female students from grades 11 and 12 for their outstanding academic achievements. These students were honored with cash prizes as an encouragement to continue excelling in their studies. The award ceremony served as an inspiration for all participants, reinforcing the idea that dedication and hard work lead to success.

    Overall, the Short Training and Award Program was a highly impactful event, providing female students with practical knowledge and motivation to enhance their academic performance. The initiative reflects the INDMET Project’s dedication to promoting educational excellence and empowering young women with the skills and confidence needed for a successful future.

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  • February-2025

    news blinkActing President of Wallaga University

    Acting President of Wallaga University

    A two-days (20 & 21 February, 2025) Annual International Research Conference hosted by Wallaga University under the theme: ''Getting Research into Practice and Policy (#GRIPP): Innovations and Technologies in Fostering a Health System'' successfully completed.

    His Excellency, Dr. Tesfaye Lemma, Wallaga University's Acting President, has officially opened the Conference and moderated discussion on the Keynote papers presented by two distinguished professors and a higher Government Official, Dr. Dereje Duguma, (a State Minister, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia). In his opening remark, the president extended his gratitude and appreciation to the invited participants for coming, and whished all successful deliberations during the conference and enjoyable stay at Nekemte.

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     news blinkBuilding Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication play key roles in GRIPP

    Building Collaborative Partnerships and Effective Communication play key roles in GRIPP

    A two-days (20 & 21 February, 2025) Annual International Research Conference hosted by Wallaga University under the theme: ''Getting Research into Practice and Policy (GRIPP): Innovations and Technologies in Fostering a Health System'' successfully completed. The conference was organized by Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer Office, WU, in Collaboration with Institute of Health Sciences (IHS), WU, and attended by invited guests from Federal, Regional State, Universities, Zonal, and District levels working on Health related matters, the University management, WUCSH and HIS staffs and students.

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    news blinkVDI Project Inaugurated


    The VDI Project has been inaugurated at the presence of His Excellency honorable Dr.Nagari Lencho, EFDR, Meber of Parliament, Chairperson of a Standing Committee for Human Resource Development,, Employment, and Technoligy Transfer Affairs. The implementation of the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) project at Wollega University marks a significant milestone in the institution's strategic mission to advance digitalization and enhance the efficiency of teaching, learning, research, and administrative activities. This ambitious project, scheduled for execution from 2024 to 2025, is designed to provide a robust, scalable, and reliable  

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    news blinkINDMET Project held Short Training and Award Program for Female Wollega University Model School Students


    The Institutional Network for Design & Manufacturing Education and Training (INDMET) Project successfully organized a Short Training and Award Program for female students at Wallega University Model School. The event, designed to empower young female students, focused on providing essential life skills and effective study techniques while also recognizing outstanding academic performance. The program commenced with a welcome speech by Mr. Melese, Director of Wollega University Model School.

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  • Respected Professor Birhanu Nega E. Federal Minister of Education Minister and senior officials of the minister had a discussion with the community of Wollega University

    Respected Professor Birhanu Nega E. Federal Minister of Education Minister and senior officials of the minister had a discussion with the community of Wollega University.

    The Caretaker President of Wollega University Dr. Tesfaye Lemma welcomed all the guests to Wollega University especially the honorable minister and his colleagues to see the current situation, activities and future direction of our university. We are very happy that you are among us to discuss with the university staff, administrators and advisory council members from all three campuses. Thank you. They have said it.

    After a long time, visiting Wollega University at this level, the situation on the ground is clearly understood by the university in achieving its national mission and the challenges it has encountered in addition to reports, it is very important to provide proper and effective support, monitoring and accountability. Brief about the university's teaching, research and community service, infrastructure developments and challenges. They have given an explanation.

    Wollega University has said that in order to achieve its national mission in the expected amount and quality, by studying and improving our thinking, planning, and procedures, we should utilize our capacity and create more capacity. We should work broadly and quality by focusing on the areas of excellence that we have identified, namely agriculture and agro-processing, mining development, health and manufacturing. According to this, federal And they thanked the regional governments for their support, they called for more support from the ministry of education to succeed in the future projects of the university.

    የኢ. The Federal Ministry of Education Minister Prof. Berhanu Nega stated that the main purpose of the visit is to identify the problems in the university and discuss with the university community and bring about change. In this regard, in the supervision report made by the minister's office regarding the university and the federal audit report, the strengths and weaknesses of Dr. Solomon Abraha, the minister's administration and infrastructure development leader. An executive has been presented. There was a wide discussion on the presented report and other related issues. In addition, an explanation was given based on the questions and ideas of the participants.

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  • Training: for farmers and Agricultural professionals conducted

    Training: for farmers and Agricultural professionals conducted

    wujuTraining Organized by Wallaga and Jimma Universities, in collaboration with Jimma University's College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, conducted training session for farmers and agricultural professionals at Wallaga University.

    The training is supported by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education through Water and Development Partnership Programme as part of ABCDryBASIN Project. In this training, the trainees get important information on vermicompost, including properties of vermicompost, life cycle of earthworm, optimal conditions for and classification and contribution of earthworms in improving soil fertility. In addition, methods, site selection and materials required (and ratio) for vermicompost preparation are presented to the trainees. During the training, role of vermicompost producers, vermicomposting process as well as layers to layers, harvesting, sieving packaging, loading packed, storage techniques, application of vermicompost in agricultural fields, and use of vermicompost are presented and the trainees were shown its practical aspect.

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  • A discussion was held with academic and research staff

    A discussion was held with academic and research staff.

    A discussion was held with academic and research staff.4On 28/06/2017 the newly appointed caretaker president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma had a meeting with teachers, research and technical support staff. It is believed that in order to achieve the vision and mission of the organization, the higher management of the organization, they need to discuss the situation of the organization's employees, their thoughts, their views about the organization and how to work to make the organization go beyond it.

    With this idea, they have been discussing with the leaders starting from high management and discussing their ideas and listening to their ideas. They have been busy with the implementation of exit exams, preparation of student graduation programs and preparing international research conference. Dr. Tesfaye expressed that he is happy to have a meeting in person today, he said that he will have such discussions every time in the future.

    Dr. Melka Hika, the president of the association who initiated the program, welcomed the participants and asked the participants to give their ideas on what is the purpose of the discussion and to raise the issues that need attention and what should be done in the future.

    A discussion was held with academic and research staff.1The waiting president of the university Dr. Tesfaye has met with the staff and gave them the right and effective leadership. We should all work together and ask ourselves what we have done in order to achieve the university's goal by learning, teaching, research and community service. Dr. Tesfaye who said that we should not sit together until everything is convenient for you have explained that teachers should plan individually, departmental and college level and work together to organize projects and organize our laboratories with research materials.

    The agreement that the university signed with the ministry of education (key action indicators_KPI) has stated that the ministry of education will not allocate budgets and students just because there is a university.

    A discussion was held with academic and research staff.3Since the reform/change in an institution will take a long time, we should all work responsibly and responsibly, they have advised that individual or group needs should not be greater than the needs of an institution. Instead of pushing them to others, we should accept the challenges we faced and find solutions together.

    He also stated that every employee should play his/her role to achieve the mission and vision of Wollega University. The management will help teachers to use their knowledge and skills by creating a conducive environment and strengthening the relationship between university and industry by working on specific areas of focus and making the society benefit.

    Finally, a wide discussion was held on the questions and comments raised by the teachers. The discussion ended with the intention that others will be taken as an example.

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  • A discussion was held with Wollega University administration and support staff.

    A discussion was held with Wollega University administration and support staff.

    A discussion was held with  1The stage was set up to hold introductory discussion with the newly appointed president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma with the administration and support staff. Noting that different discussions were being held with the heads of each department, expressing that it was not convenient to discuss support staff as planned and as the questions of the discussion were being asked from the staff, today's introductory program was held; They have expressed their happiness to meet the staff in person and face to face.

    Earlier, they have stated that they have been discussing with various directorates such as general service, property management, student service center, campus security and academic, research and community service department and gave direction to work.

    Today, by getting acquainted with the staff, identifying the gaps and problems in the institution, strengthening our strength and how to improve our service delivery, the staff at every level said that the discussion is necessary to work responsibly and diligently in order to achieve the vision of the university.

    2Dr. Olana Debel, Vice President of Administration and Development of Wollega University, explained the main objective of the discussion that there is a bad work culture and lack of service delivery. He stated that some employees work hard to accomplish the mission of the university by keeping their working hours but most of the employees do not work as expected. For example: the evaluation of employee’s performance based on plan and implementation results. By saying that it is not based on the law, the officials of the work department are evaluated by randomness and not according to the law, so it is very difficult to distinguish hardworking workers. After this, they said that every worker will be judged by the work and the result given and after the structure that is being built, the workers will be trained to move to their assigned places.

    A discussion was held with  2Employees have also raised the problems that were on their part and gave an idea on what should be done in the future. Participants pointed out that the implementation of the new staff structure has been delayed and when the president of the university Dr. Tesfaye Lemma answered that the reason for the withdrawal is because there are many complaints.

    From the overall discussion, he said that there should be a discussion at every stage, that it is important to solve the problems of employees at every stage, and that there is a need for a fair and honest work evaluation, that it is necessary to see ourselves as what our work looks like instead of pointing fingers at others, that it is a must to do the work we are given properly and to accept accountability. In what we do, in ethics, in practice, in action, in reason, in truth. He said we should be a good example in the society by working with knowledge. Dr. Tesfaye said that the work of leadership is not to make everyone happy but to focus on the law, practice, document, truth, work and results. By giving employers jobs, the result of the work done, the result of getting more acquainted with employees.

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  • March,2025

    news blinkRespected Professor Birhanu Nega

    Birhanu 2

    The Caretaker President of Wollega University Dr. Tesfaye Lemma welcomed all the guests to Wollega University especially the honorable minister and his colleagues to see the current situation, activities and future direction of our university.  We are very happy that you are among us to discuss with the university staff, administrators and advisory council members from all three campuses. Thank you. 

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     news blinkTraining: for farmers and Agricultural professionals conducted


    Training Organized by Wallaga and Jimma Universities, in collaboration with Jimma University's College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, conducted training session for farmers and agricultural professionals at Wallaga University. The training is supported by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education through Water and Development Partnership Programme as part of ABCDryBASIN Project. In this training, the trainees get important information on vermicompost, including properties of vermicompost, life cycle of earthworm, optimal conditions for and classification and contribution of earthworms in improving soil fertility. 

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    news blinkA discussion was held with academic and research staff.

    A discussion was held with academic and research staff.3On 28/06/2017 the newly appointed caretaker president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma had a meeting with teachers, research and technical support staff. It is believed that in order to achieve the vision and mission of the organization, the higher management of the organization, they need to discuss the situation of the organization's employees, their thoughts, their views about the organization and how to work to make the organization go beyond it.

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    news blinkA discussion was held with Wollega University administration and support staff

    A discussion was held with  3

    The stage was set up to hold introductory discussion with the newly appointed president Dr. Tesfaye Lemma with the administration and support staff. Noting that different discussions were being held with the heads of each department, expressing that it was not convenient to discuss support staff as planned and as the questions of the discussion were being asked from the staff, today's introductory program was held; They have expressed their happiness to meet the staff in person and face to face.

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  • Rescue Generation Ethiopia donated books to WollegaUniversity

    Rescue Generation Ethiopia donated books to WollegaUniversity

    It is known that books play a crucial role in advancing education, research, and intellectual development. In recognition of this, Books Aid International, through the implementation of Rescue Generation Ethiopia (RGE), has generously donated a collection of valuable books to Wollega University (WU). The donation, consisting of up-to-date materials in medicine, research, management, and various social sciences, is expected to significantly enhance the academic resources available at WU. The donation process was facilitated by Rescue Generation Ethiopia (RGE), a humanitarian organization committed to transforming the lives of disadvantaged communities through resource mobilization and volunteer engagement. The books provided are highly relevant to contemporary academic and professional fields, ensuring that students and faculty members have access to the latest knowledge and research materials.

    Upon the official handover of the books to WU, Mr. Gemechis Itana, the Founder and General Manager of RGE, stated that the organization had received the books from Books Aid International. He further explained that RGE has been distributing such educational resources to various universities and schools across Oromia as part of its broader mission to support learning and educational development in Ethiopia. During the book handover ceremony, Mr. Gemechis Itana emphasized RGE’s vision of fostering a transformed generation through compassionate sharing. He highlighted that the organization actively works to reach disadvantaged families and communities across Ethiopia by mobilizing volunteers and donors. In addition to providing books, RGE engages in various philanthropic activities, including the provision of food, school materials, and financial sponsorship to support those in need.

    Dr. Melka Hika, Academic Affairs Vice President of WU, received the donation on behalf of the university. In his remarks, he expressed profound gratitude to Books Aid International and RGE for their generous contribution. He underscored the significance of the donated books in improving the quality of education at WU, particularly in enhancing students’ and researchers’ access to up-to-date academic resources. Dr. Melka Hika also noted that such donations play a pivotal role in bridging resource gaps in higher education institutions in Ethiopia. Moving forward, Wollega University looks forward to continued collaboration with organizations like RGE and Books Aid International. Strengthening such partnerships will ensure the sustainability of similar support initiatives and further enhance the university’s academic and research capabilities.

    In general, the donation of books by Books Aid International through Rescue Generation Ethiopia marks a significant contribution to Wollega University’s academic growth. The generosity of these organizations reflects a strong commitment to educational development and community service. WU appreciates and acknowledges this vital support and remains dedicated to utilizing the donated resources to foster a better learning environment for its students and faculty.

    Reported by WU Library Director

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