Research thematic and priority setting is a vital activity in research undertaking since it greatly assists in identifying and implementing research programs that address critical problems of both science and society, and that are attractive to those who fund and support research. In order to focus and give direction to the range of research activities undertaken within the University community, Office of Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer identified 44 key research thematic areas through analysis of problems with key stakeholders of the University and supported by the national development agenda of the country that seek to address the needs of our society.


Priority Research Themes

Agriculture and Natural Resources

 Theme 1: Crop Production ,  Protection , Productivity  and food security Theme 2:Animal Production, health,  Productivity and food security

Theme 3: Food Sciences and Nutrition 

Theme 4: Agricultural Economics and value additions

Theme 5: Natural Resources Use and Management

Business, Economics and Management

Theme 1: Commerce

Theme 2: Finance, Banking and management

Theme 3: Economics

Theme 4: Cooperative development

Theme 5: Procurement, logistics and supplies chain management

Theme 6: Hotel and Tourism management

Theme 7: Administrative services and Technology system

Theme 8: Public Administration and Development management

Educational and Behavioral Research

Theme 1.Quality Education

Theme 2. Psychosocial Issues and Mental Health



Information Technology Research

Theme 1: Construction and Infrastructure

Theme 2: Hydraulic Structure and Water Resources

Theme 3: Urban Planning and Geospatial Technology

Theme 4: Communication and Information Technology

Theme 5: Nanotechnology

Theme 6: Electro-Mechanical and Industrial Materials

Theme 7: Sustainable Energies and Applied Thermal Engineering

Theme 8: Sugar Technology

Environment and Climate Change

Theme 1: Environmental Issues

Theme 2: Climate Change and Global Warming

Human Health



 Theme 1: Tropical and Infectious Diseases

Theme 2: Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health

Theme 3: Nutrition and Nutrition Related Issues

Theme 4: Control of Non Communicable Diseases

Theme 5: Environmental and Occupational Health

Theme 6: Accessibility, Equitability, and Quality of Health Care

Humanity, Gender and Governance Researches

Theme 1: Socio-cultural development and trends

Theme 2: Economic, social and political empowerment

Theme 3:Gender and economic development

Theme 4: Governance and law related research

Language, Art and Culture Research

Theme 1: Language Development

Theme 2: Oromo Art and Culture Development

Theme 3: Language Teacher Professional Development

Theme 4: Communication, Media and Development

Natural and Computational Sciences Research

   Theme 1: Natural Sciences     

   Theme 2: Computational sciences

Water, Mineral and Energy Resources Research

Theme 1:  Energy

Theme 2: Water Resources

Theme 3: Mineral Exploration

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