wu research conference 2022
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- Category: wu research conference 2022
- Published on Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:44
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 913
Wollega University Annual National Research Conference has kicked-off today at WU main Campus, Nekemte. The conference is being taking place for two days. Distinguished scientists, scholars, practitioners from all over Ethiopia are participating on the conference- using either lateral or virtual options.
The distinguished scholars and practitioners in the fields of agricultural sciences, Dr Amsalu Ayana and Dr Abera Deressa, and the Distingushed professor of health sciences, Professor Sultan Suleiman have made an excellent key note speeches on the opening section of the conference.
This year WU research conference has thematically focused on empirical research, technology, innovation, practical development and resilience under changing environments. Several research and innovation outputs in the fields of STEM, agriculture, health, Afan Oromo and applied linguistics, education, applied life sciences are being presented, and discussed by the participants.
This research conference has organized with clear objective of strengthening new scientific knowledge, technologies and innovations communications among the scientists, scholars and development practitioners- and also to bring together researchers from all corners of the country and create a platform for networking among them for feature collaborative works.
Lastly, not the least, my thanks and appreciation go to all distinguished key note speeches, honorable guests, paper presenters, chairpersons, rapporteurs, conference organizing committees and all participants for their real commitments in making this significant event to happen under the existing uncertainties in our areas.