Infrastructure & Services Unit

This unit is lead by a team leader, is responsible for the over all current and future university’s LAN/WAN and communication infrastructure and services planning, assimilation and implementation duties.

This team is including different ICT professionals who are responsible to Network and system administration duties and responsibilities.

Roles and responsibilities

·Create and manage the physical layer connectivity of new and existing campuses, buildings, classrooms, offices and laboratories

·  Create and manage the IP layer connectivity

·  Plan, implement and manage the Internet connectivity

·Creating acceptable use policy for the network and Internet

·Secure the network from Internal and external threats

·Monitor real time status of the physical and logical connections

· Log and audit network access

· Create and manage application-ready local cloud infrastructure

·Update and patch the operating systems and middleware in data centers

· Plan, implement and manage internal communication and collaboration platforms (email, portal, unified communications, etc.)

· Plan, implement and manage online and offline backup

· Plan, implement and manage patch management and end point malware protection for campus users and staff workstations

·Plan, implement and manage central Identity management solution for existing and new systems to be implemented

The Team is composed of:

                                                         ·   System Administrators

                                                          ·   Network Administrators

Networking and System Administration team is responsible for deploying, configuring, maintaining and monitoring active network Devices, Servers and services.

Click here to see the full staff profile of the unit

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